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sqlite database connection class * The sqlite database connection class uses php and sqlite to perform connection operations.
SQLite database tutorial connection class
* The sqlite database connection class uses the php tutorial to connect to sqlite.
class db_class {
var $conn=null;
var $querynum = 0;/**
* Database connection, returns the database connection identifier
* @param string $ Database server host
* @param string $ Database server account
* @param string $ Database server password
* @param string $ database name
* @param bool $ Whether to maintain a persistent connection, 1 is a persistent connection, 0 is a non-persistent connection
* @return link_identifier $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname,
function connect($dbhost, $pconnect = 0) {
$error = '';
$func = $pconnect == 1 ? 'sqlite_popen' : 'sqlite_open';
if (!$this -> conn = $func($dbhost, 0666, $error)) {
$this -> halt($error);
}return $this -> conn;
* Execute sql statement
* @param string $ sql statement
* @param string $ Default is empty, optional value is cache unbuffered
* @param int $ cache life cycle in seconds
* @return resource
function query($sql, $type = '', $expires = 3600, $dbname = '') {
$error = '';
$func = $type == 'unbuffered' ? 'sqlite_unbuffered_query' : 'sqlite_query';
if (preg_match("/^s*select/i", $sql)) {
$query = $func($this -> conn, $sql, sqlite_assoc, $error);
} else {
$query = sqlite_exec($this -> conn, $sql, $error);
if ($error) {
$this -> halt($error, $sql);
}$this -> querynum++;
return $query;
*@param string $ table名
*@param string $ where条件
*@param string $ colum名
*@param string $ limit数量
function getlist($table , $wheres = "1=1", $colums = '*' ,$limits = '3000',$orderbys="id desc") {
$query = $this -> query("select ".$colums." from ".$table." where ".$wheres." order by ".$orderbys." limit ".$limits, $type, $expires, $dbname);
while($rs = $this -> fetch_array($query)){
//print_r("select ".$colums." from ".$table." where ".$wheres." limit ".$limits);
$this -> free_result($query);
return $datas ;
function add_one($table , $colums ,$data ) {
//die("insert into ".$table." (".$colums.") values(".$data.")");
$query = $this -> query("insert into ".$table." (".$colums.") values(".$data.")", $type, $expires, $dbname);
//return $this->insert_id();
return $query;
function delist($table , $idarray,$wheres="no") {
$query = $this -> query("delete from ".$table." where id in(".$idarray.")", $type, $expires, $dbname);
$query = $this -> query("delete from ".$table." where ".$wheres, $type, $expires, $dbname);
return $query;
function updatelist($table , $updatedata,$idarray) {
$query = $this -> query("update ".$table." set ". $updatedata." where id in(".$idarray.")", $type, $expires, $dbname);
return $query;
//update max_vote set maxtitle='$title',maxban='$ban',
* Execute the sql statement and get only one record
* @param string $ sql statement
* @param string $ Default is empty, optional value is cache unbuffered
* @param int $ cache life cycle in seconds
* @return array
function get_one($sql, $type = '', $expires = 3600, $dbname = '') {
$query = $this -> query($sql, $type, $expires, $dbname);
$rs = $this -> fetch_array($query);
$this -> free_result($query);
return $rs ;
* Get a row from the result set as an associative array
* @param resource $ Database query result resource
* @param string $ defines return type
* @return array
function fetch_array($query, $result_type = sqlite_assoc) {
return sqlite_fetch_array($query, $result_type);
* Get the number of record rows affected by the previous sqlite operation
* @return int
function affected_rows() {
return sqlite_changes($this -> conn);
* Get the number of rows in the result set
* @return int
function num_rows($query) {
return sqlite_num_rows($query);
* Return the number of fields in the result set
* @return int
function num_fields($query) {
return sqlite_num_fields($query);
* @return array Reserved, generally not used.
function result($query, $row) {
return @sqlite_fetch_all($query, sqlite_assoc);
* There is no corresponding function in sqlite
function free_result($query) {
return ;
* Get the id
generated by the previous insert operation *
* @return int
function insert_id() {
return sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this -> connid);
* @return array only gets the numeric index
function fetch_row($query) {
return sqlite_fetch_array($query, sqlite_num);
function fetch_assoc($query) {
return $this -> fetch_array($query, sqlite_assoc);
* @return string
* @return string
* @return string* @return int
return sqlite_libversion();
function version() {}
* Display mysql tutorial error message
function close() {
return sqlite_close($this -> conn);
/*** * @return string */
return sqlite_last_error($this -> conn);
function error() {
return sqlite_error_string($this -> errno);
/*** * @return int */
function errno() {}
/*** 显示mysql教程错误信息*/
function halt($message = '', $sql = '') {
sqliteerror:" . $this -> error() . "
sqliteerrno:" . $this -> errno() . "