Get all link content and addresses
function getAllURL($code){
preg_match_all('/"' ]+)["|']?s*[^>]*>([^>]+) /i',$code,$arr);
return array('name'=>$arr[2],'url'=>$arr[1]);
Get all image addresses
function getImgSrc($code){
$reg = "/]*src="(http://(.+)/(.+).(jpg|gif|bmp|bnp|png))"/isU";
preg_match_all($reg, $code, $img_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
return $img_array[1];
Current script URL
function getSelfURL(){
$scriptName = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$nowurl = $scriptName;
$scriptName = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
if(empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) $nowurl = $scriptName;
else $nowurl = $scriptName."?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
return $nowurl;
Convert full-width numbers to half-width numbers
function getAlabNum($fnum){
$nums = array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9");
$fnums = "0123456789";
for($i=0;$i<=9;$i++) $fnum = str_replace($nums[$i],$fnums[$i],$fnum);
$fnum = ereg_replace("[^0-9.]|^0{1,}","",$fnum);
if($fnum=="") $fnum=0;
return $fnum;
Remove HTML tags
function text2Html($txt){
$txt = str_replace(" "," ",$txt);
$txt = str_replace("<","<",$txt);
$txt = str_replace(">",">",$txt);
$txt = preg_replace("/[rn]{1,}/isU"," rn",$txt);
return $txt;
Clear HTML tags
function clearHtml($str){
$str = str_replace('<','<',$str);
$str = str_replace('>','>',$str);
return $str;
Convert relative path to absolute path
function relative2Absolute($content, $feed_url) {
preg_match('/(http|https|ftp):///', $feed_url, $protocol);
$server_url = preg_replace("/(http|https|ftp|news):///", "", $feed_url);
$server_url = preg_replace("//.*/", "", $server_url);
if ($server_url == '') {
return $content;
if (isset($protocol[0])) {
$new_content = preg_replace('/href="//', 'href="'.$protocol[0].$server_url.'/', $content);
$new_content = preg_replace('/src="//', 'src="'.$protocol[0].$server_url.'/', $new_content);
} else {
$new_content = $content;
return $new_content;
Get the content in the specified tag
function getTagData($str, $start, $end){
if ( $start == '' || $end == '' ){
$str = explode($start, $str);
$str = explode($end, $str[1]);
return $str[0];
Convert each row of the HTML table to a CSV format array
function getTrArray($table) {
$table = preg_replace("' | ]*?>'si",'"',$table);
$table = str_replace(" | ",'",',$table);
$table = str_replace("
","{tr}",$table);Convert each row and column of the HTML table into an array and collect table data
function getTdArray($table) {
$table = preg_replace("'