Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Things to note when writing JavaScript text box scripts_javascript tips
In HTML, there are two ways to represent text boxes:
One is a single line of text using input elements, and the other is a multi-line text box using textarea.
To use the input method, type must be added and set to "text".
The initial value of textarea must be placed within the start and end tags.
In addition, you cannot specify the maximum number of characters for textarea in HTML;
1. Select text
Both of the above text boxes are supported
1. select() method
The following code will select all text as long as the text box gets focus:
var textBox = document.getElementById("myForm").elements["firstName"]; //设置默认值 textBox.value = "input your firstName"; //设置事件 textBox.addEventListener("focus", function () { event.target.select(); });
2. select event
When this event is triggered:
For example:
var textBox = document.getElementById("myForm").elements["firstName"]; //设置默认值 textBox.value = "input your firstName"; //设置事件 textBox.addEventListener("select", function () { console.log("selected"); });
3. Get the selected text
Use of two attributes:
These two attributes store 0-based values, indicating the range (offset) of the selected text. Therefore, to get the text in the text box selected by the user, you can use the following code:
var textBox = document.getElementById("myForm").elements["firstName"]; //设置默认值 textBox.value = "input your firstName"; //设置事件 textBox.addEventListener("select", function () { var selected = textBox.value.substring(textBox.selectionStart,textBox.selectionEnd); console.log(selected); });
In addition, you can also use this attribute to set the default all-selected state when focus is obtained:
textBox.addEventListener("focus", function () { textBox.selectionStart = "0"; textBox.selectionEnd = textBox.value.length; });
textBox.addEventListener("focus", function () { textBox.blur(); });
However, when using the selectionStart/End attributes, IE8 does not support it, but supports another one named
Get the compatible version of the selected text:
function getSelectedText (textbox) { if (typeof textbox.selectionStart == "number") { return textbox.value.substring(textbox.selectionStart,textbox.selectionEnd); }else if (document.selection) { return document.selection.createRange().text; } }
2. Select part of the text
The method to select part of the text is:
setSelectionRange() method . Receives two parameters: the index of the first character to be selected and the index of the last character.
To block user selection:
textBox.addEventListener("focus", function () { textBox.setSelectionRange(0,0); }); textBox.addEventListener("select", function () { textBox.setSelectionRange(0,0); });
To set focus to the text box immediately before or after calling setSelectionRange(). The method used in IE is the scope of application to solve text problems:
var range = textBox.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); //范围折叠到开头 range.moveStart("Character",0); range.moveEnd("Character",textBox.value.length); range.select();
Compatible version: more commonly used
function selectText(textbox, startIndex, stopIndex) { if (textbox.setSelectionRange) { textbox.setSelectionRange(startIndex, stopIndex); } else if (textbox.createTextRange()) { var range = textbox.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); //范围折叠到开头 range.moveStart("Character", startIndex); range.moveEnd("Character", stopIndex); range.select(); }; }
3. Filter input
1. Block characters
The following code only allows entering numbers:
var textBox = document.getElementById("myForm").elements["firstName"]; textBox.autofocus = true; textBox.addEventListener("keypress", function () { if (!/\d/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.charCode))) { //仅输入数字 event.preventDefault(); }; });
However, some browsers will trigger keypress events for the up, down, and backspace keys, so you need to unban these commonly used operation keys, as long as you do not block those keys whose character encoding is less than 10:
textBox.addEventListener("keypress", function () { if (!/\d/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.charCode)) && event.charCode > 9 && !event.ctrlKey) { //仅输入数字 event.preventDefault(); }; });
//拷贝之前提示禁止拷贝 textBox.addEventListener("beforecopy", function() { textBox.value = "do not copy"; }); //拷贝时禁止拷贝 textBox.addEventListener("copy", function() { event.preventDefault(); });
function getClipboardText(event) { var clipboardData = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData); return clipboardData.getData("text"); } function setClipboardText(event, value) { if (event.clipboardData) { return event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", value); } else if (window.clipboardData) { return window.clipboardData.setData("text", value); } }
<form action=""> <input type="text" name="tel11" id="txtTel1" maxLength="3"> <input type="text" name="tel12" id="txtTel2" maxLength="3"> <input type="text" name="tel13" id="txtTel3" maxLength="4"> <input type="submit" name="btn" id="btn" value="submit"> </form>
var textbox1 = document.getElementById("txtTel1"); var textbox2 = document.getElementById("txtTel2"); var textbox3 = document.getElementById("txtTel3"); textbox1.addEventListener("keyup", tabForward); textbox2.addEventListener("keyup", tabForward); textbox3.addEventListener("keyup", tabForward); function tabForward() { var target = event.target; //当value长度等于最大值的时候 if (target.value.length == target.maxLength) { var form = target.form; //遍历所在的form表单中的元素 for (var i = 0, len = form.elements.length; i < len; i++) { //如果该元素是目标元素 if (form.elements[i] == target) { //并且该元素的下一个元素为true 其他条件 if ((form.elements[i + 1]) && (form.elements[i + 1].nodeType == 1) && (form.elements[i + 1].tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") && (form.elements[i + 1].type == "text")) { //则下个元素获得焦点 form.elements[i + 1].focus(); } } }; } }
var isRequiredSupported="required" in document.createElement("input");
var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "email"; var isEmailSupported = (input.type == "email");
<form action=""> <input type="range" name="tel14" id="txtTel4" required min="10" max="20" step="1"> <input type="button" value="up" id="up"> <input type="text" id="output"> <input type="submit" name="btn" id="btn" value="submit"> </form>
var input = document.getElementById("txtTel4"); var up = document.getElementById("up"); input.addEventListener("mousemove", function () { var output = document.getElementById("output"); output.value = input.value; }); up.addEventListener("click", function () { //点击value值以2为单位增加 input.stepUp(2); var output = document.getElementById("output"); output.value = input.value; });
<input type="text" id="number" pattern="\d{3}"> var num = document.getElementById("number"); console.log(num.pattern); //\d{3}
var isPatternSupported="pattern" in document.createElement("input");
<form action=""> <input type="text" pattern="w" id="name" required> <input type="number" max="10" id="num" required> <input type="button" id="check" value="check"> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="submit" disabled> </form> var form = document.forms[0]; var name = document.getElementById("name"); var number = document.getElementById("num"); var check = document.getElementById("check"); var submit = document.getElementById("submit"); check.addEventListener("click", function () { console.log(form.checkValidity()); //检测整个表单是否正确 if (form.checkValidity()) { submit.removeAttribute("disabled"); check.disabled = true; }else{ alert("请检查表单"); } });
var inputName = document.getElementById("inputName"); inputName.onblur = function() { if (inputName.checkValidity()) { inputName.style.color = "white"; inputName.style.backgroundColor = "green"; } else { inputName.style.color = "white"; inputName.style.backgroundColor = "red"; if (inputName.validity.patternMismatch) { inputName.value = "请填写正确的格式"; } } }; inputName.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () { inputName.focus(); inputName.select(); });
Validity mainly includes the following attributes:
5. Disable verification
By setting the novalidate attribute of the form, the form can not be verified. After obtaining the form using js, setting its novalidate attribute to true will disable form validation.
Adding the formnovalidate attribute to the submit button will not validate the submitted form. After using js to get the submit button, set its formnovalidata attribute to true, which will disable form validation and submit it.
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.