Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >An example of php mysql template paging class_PHP tutorial
* 模板分页类,源于easp教程的数据库教程分页方法,算是easp分页的的php独立版
* 支持动态和静态分页方式
* easp官网http://easp.lengshi.com/
* 作者:钟晶晶
* 日期:2010-11-3
* 邮箱:zhongjingjing@gmail.com
* 博客:http://blog.zaimer.com
* page([总记录数=1],[分页大小=20],[当前页=1],[显示页数=6],[分页参数='page'],[分页链接=当前页面],[是否静态=false])
* 动态:
* 简单用法:
* $page = new page(50);
* $page->setpager('zjj','共有{recordcount} 个商品 当前第 {pageindex} 页 / 共 {pagecount} 页 分页: {first}{prev} {list} {next}{last} 转到 {jump} 页',array("listlong"=>"6","first"=>"首页","last"=>"尾页","prev"=>"上一页","next"=>"下一页","list"=>"第*页","jump"=>"select"));
* echo $page->getpager('zjj');
* 全参数用法:
* $page = new page(50,20,1,6,'page','prrr.php',false);
* $page->setpager('zjj','共有{recordcount} 个商品 当前第 {pageindex} 页 / 共 {pagecount} 页 分页: {first}{prev} {list} {next}{last} 转到 {jump} 页',array("listlong"=>"6","first"=>"首页","last"=>"尾页","prev"=>"上一页","next"=>"下一页","list"=>"第*页","jump"=>"select"));
* echo $page->getpager('zjj');
* 静态:
* $page = new page(50,20,1,6,'page','prrr{page}.html',true);
* $page->setpager('zjj','共有{recordcount} 个商品 当前第 {pageindex} 页 / 共 {pagecount} 页 分页: {first}{prev} {list} {next}{last} 转到 {jump} 页',array("listlong"=>"6","first"=>"首页","last"=>"尾页","prev"=>"上一页","next"=>"下一页","list"=>"第*页","jump"=>"select"));
* echo $page->getpager('zjj');
class page {
private $page_size; //每页显示的条目数
private $total_size; //总条目数
private $current_page; //当前被选中的页
private $sub_pages; //每次显示的页数
private $total_pages; //总页数
private $page_tpl = array (); // 分页模板
private $pageparam;
private $pagelink;
private $static;
function __construct($total_size = 1, $page_size = 20, $current_page = 1, $sub_pages = 6, $pageparam = 'page', $pagelink = '', $static = false) {
$this->page_size = intval ( $page_size );
$this->total_size = intval ( $total_size );
if (! $current_page) {
$this->current_page = 1;
} else {
$this->current_page = intval ( $current_page );
$this->total_pages = ceil ( $total_size / $page_size );
$this->sub_pages = intval ( $sub_pages );
$this->pageparam = $pageparam;
$this->pagelink = (empty ( $pagelink ) ? $_server ["php_self"] : $pagelink);
$this->static = $static;
$this->page_tpl ['default'] = array ('tpl' => '{first}{prev}{liststart}{list}{listend}{next}{last} 跳转到{jump}页', 'config' => array () );
public function __set($param, $value) {
$this->$param = $value;
public function __get($param) {
Return $this->$param;
__destruct destructor is called when the class is no longer in use. This function is used to release resources.
function __destruct() {
unset ($page_size); //Number of items displayed on each page
unset ($total_size); //Total number of entries
unset ($current_page); //The currently selected page
unset ( $sub_pages ); //The number of pages displayed each time
unset ( $total_pages ); //Total number of pages
unset ( $page_tpl ); // paging template
unset ($pageparam); //Paging parameters, default page
unset ( $pagelink );
unset ( $static );
private function urlparameters($url = array()) {
foreach ( $url as $key => $val ) {
if ($key != $this->pageparam)
$arg [] = $key . '=' . $val;
$arg [] = $this->pageparam . '=*';
if ($this->static)
Return str_replace ( '{page}', '*', $this->pagelink );
Return $this->pagelink . '?' . implode ( '&', $arg );
public function setpager($tpl_name = 'default', $tpl = '', $config = array()) {
if (empty ( $tpl ))
$tpl = $this->page_tpl ['default'] ['tpl'];
if (empty ( $config ))
$config = $this->page_tpl ['default'] ['config'];
$this->page_tpl [$tpl_name] = array ('tpl' => $tpl, 'config' => $config );
public function getpager($tpl_name = 'default') {
$this->getcurrentpage ();
Return $this->pager ( $this->page_tpl [$tpl_name] );
public function getcurrentpage() {
$this->current_page = ($_get [$this->pageparam] <= intval ( $this->total_pages ) ? ($_get [$this->pageparam] < 1 ? 1 : $_get [$this->pageparam]) : intval ( $this->total_pages ));
public function pager($page_tpl = '') {
if (empty ( $page_tpl ))
$page_tpl = $this->page_tpl ['default'];
$cfg = array ('recordcount' => intval ( $this->total_size ), 'pageindex' => intval ( $this->current_page ), 'pagecount' => intval ( $this-> total_pages ), 'pagesize' => intval ( $this->page_size ), 'listlong' => intval ( $this->sub_pages ), 'listsidelong' => 2, 'list' => ' *', 'currentclass' => 'current', 'link' => $this->urlparameters ( $_get ), 'first' => '«', 'prev' => ' 8249;', 'next' => '›', 'last' => '»', 'more' => '...', 'disabledclass' => 'disabled', 'jump' => 'input', 'jumpplus' => '', 'jumpaction' => '', 'jumplong' => 50 );
if (! empty ( $page_tpl ['config'] )) {
foreach ( $page_tpl ['config'] as $key => $val ) {
If (array_key_exists ( $key, $cfg ))
$cfg [$key] = $val;
$tmps tutorial tr = $page_tpl ['tpl'];
$pstart = $cfg ['pageindex'] - (($cfg ['listlong'] / 2) + ($cfg ['listlong'] % 2)) + 1;
$pend = $cfg ['pageindex'] + $cfg ['listlong'] / 2;
if ($pstart < 1) {
$pstart = 1;
$pend = $cfg ['listlong'];
if ($pend > $cfg ['pagecount']) {
$pstart = $cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['listlong'] + 1;
$pend = $cfg ['pagecount'];
if ($pstart < 1)
$pstart = 1;
for($i = $pstart; $i <= $pend; $i ++) {
If ($i == $cfg ['pageindex'])
$plist .= '' . str_replace ( '*', $i, $cfg ['list'] ) . ' else
$plist .= ' ' . str_replace ( '*', $i, $cfg [' list'] ) . ' ';
if ($cfg ['listsidelong'] > 0) {
if ($cfg ['listsidelong'] < $pstart) {
for($i = 1; $i <= $cfg ['listsidelong']; $i ++) {
$pliststart .= '' . str_replace ( '*', $i, $cfg ['list'] ) . ' ';
$pliststart .= ($cfg ['listsidelong'] + 1) == $pstart ? '' : $cfg ['more'] . ' ';
} else {
if ($cfg ['listsidelong'] >= $pstart && $pstart > 1) {
for($i = 1; $i <= ($pstart - 1); $i ++) {
$pliststart .= '' . str_replace ( '*', $i, $cfg ['list'] ) . ' ';
if (($cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['listsidelong']) > $pend) {
$plistend = ' ' . $cfg ['more'] . $plistend;
for($i = (($cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['listsidelong']) + 1); $i <= $cfg ['pagecount']; $i ++) {
$plistend .= ' ' . str_replace ( '*', $i, $cfg ['list'] ) . ' ';
} else {
if (($cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['listsidelong']) <= $pend && $pend < $cfg ['pagecount']) {
for($i = ($pend + 1); $i <= $cfg ['pagecount']; $i ++) {
$plistend .= ' ' . str_replace ( '*', $i, $cfg ['list'] ) . ' ';
if ($cfg ['pageindex'] > 1) {
$pfirst = ' ' . $cfg ['first'] . ' ';
$pprev = ' ' . $cfg ['prev'] . ' ';
} else {
$pfirst = ' ' . $cfg ['first'] . ' ';
$pprev = ' ' . $cfg ['prev'] . ' ';
if ($cfg ['pageindex'] < $cfg ['pagecount']) {
$plast = ' ' . $cfg ['last'] . ' ';
$pnext = ' ' . $cfg ['next'] . ' ';
} else {
$plast = ' ' . $cfg ['last'] . ' ';
$pnext = ' ' . $cfg ['next'] . ' ';
switch (strtolower ( $cfg ['jump'] )) {
case 'input' :
$pjumpvalue = 'this.value';
$pjump = ' $pjump .= ' onkeydown="网页特效:if(event.charcode==13||event.keycode==13){if(!isnan(' . $pjumpvalue . ')){';
$pjump .= ($cfg ['jumpaction'] == '' ? ((strtolower ( substr ( $cfg ['link'], 0, 11 ) ) == 'javascript:') ? str_replace ( '*', $pjumpvalue, substr ( $cfg ['link'], 12 ) ) : " document.location.href='" . str_replace ( '*', ''+' . $pjumpvalue . '+'', $cfg ['link'] ) . '';') : str_replace ( "*", $pjumpvalue, $cfg ['jumpaction'] ));
$pjump .= '}return false;}" />';
case 'select' :
$pjumpvalue = "this.options[this.selectedindex].value";
$pjump = ' $pjump .= '" title="请选择要跳转到的页数"> ';
if ($cfg ['jumplong'] == 0) {
for($i = 0; $i <= $cfg ['pagecount']; $i ++) {
$pjump .= ' ';
} else {
$pjumplong = intval ( $cfg ['jumplong'] / 2 );
$pjumpstart = ((($cfg ['pageindex'] - $pjumplong) < 1) ? 1 : ($cfg ['pageindex'] - $pjumplong));
$pjumpstart = ((($cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['pageindex']) < $pjumplong) ? ($pjumpstart - ($pjumplong - ($cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['pageindex'])) + 1) : $pjumpstart);
$pjumpstart = (($pjumpstart < 1) ? 1 : $pjumpstart);
$j = 1;
for($i = $pjumpstart; $i <= $cfg ['pageindex']; $i ++, $j ++) {
$pjump .= ' ';
$pjumplong = $cfg ['pagecount'] - $cfg ['pageindex'] < $pjumplong ? $pjumplong : $pjumplong + ($pjumplong - $j) + 1;
$pjumpend = $cfg ['pageindex'] + $pjumplong > $cfg ['pagecount'] ? $cfg ['pagecount'] : $cfg ['pageindex'] + $pjumplong;
for($i = $cfg ['pageindex'] + 1; $i <= $pjumpend; $i ++) {
$pjump .= ' ';
$pjump .= '';
$patterns = array ('/{recordcount}/', '/{pagecount}/', '/{pageindex}/', '/{pagesize}/', '/{list}/', '/{liststart}/', '/{listend}/', '/{first}/', '/{prev}/', '/{next}/', '/{last}/', '/{jump}/' );
$replace = array ($cfg ['recordcount'], $cfg ['pagecount'], $cfg ['pageindex'], $cfg ['pagesize'], $plist, $pliststart, $plistend, $pfirst, $pprev, $pnext, $plast, $pjump );
$tmpstr = chr ( 13 ) . chr ( 10 ) . preg_replace ( $patterns, $replace, $tmpstr ) . chr ( 13 ) . chr ( 10 );
unset ( $cfg );
return $tmpstr;