Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Throw out a paging class with relatively high functionality (for PHP5.x)_PHP tutorial
Throw out a paging class with relatively high functionality (for PHP5.x)
I am afraid that my level is not high, so I never let go of any code. I have been using this class for a long time, and recently rewritten it using object-oriented methods, which is suitable for PHP5.
This class is suitable for paging with database queries and array paging. Here's how to use it.
* Name: Pagination class
* Introduction: Suitable for array paging and paging with sql query
* Author: idlion || Moonfly ([email=id_lion@hotmail.com]id_lion@hotmail.com[/email])
* Creation time: 20060218
* Last modified: 20070524
class PageBreak {
private $mTotalRowsNum = 0; //Total number of information rows
private $mCurPageNumber = 1; // Current page
private $mTotalPagesNum = 1; //Total number of pages
private $mQueryString; // Data passed by the page (string after url?)
private $mPageRowsNum = 20; //Number of rows displayed per page
private $mIndexBarLength = 5; // Number of pages of index bar
private $mIndexBar = ''; // Page index bar
private $mPageInfo = ''; // paging information
//Page index bar style
private $mNextButton = "8";
private $mPreButton = "7";
private $mFirstButton = "9";
private $mLastButton = ":";
private $mCssIndexBarCurPage = "fontweight:bold;color:#FF0000";
private $mCssIndexBarPage = '';
// Pagination information style
private $mCssPageInfoNumFont = 'color:#FF0000';
private $mCssPageInfoFont = '';
//Construction method
public function __construct(&$rSqlQuery, $userPageRowsNum='') {
if( !is_array($rSqlQuery) ) {
$this>SetDbPageBreak($rSqlQuery, $userPageRowsNum);
else {
$this>SetArrayPageBreak($rSqlQuery, $userPageRowsNum);
//Set database type paging
private function SetDbPageBreak(&$rSqlQuery, $userPageRowsNum='') {
if( $this>mTotalPagesNum > 1 ) {
//Set array type paging
private function SetArrayPageBreak(&$rArray, $userPageRowsNum='', $userTotalRowsNum='') {
$this>SetArrayTotalRowsNum($rArray, $userTotalRowsNum);
if( $this>mTotalPagesNum > 1 ) {
// Database type calculation of total number of rows
private function SetDbTotalRowsNum($rSqlQuery) {
$this>mTotalRowsNum = mysql_num_rows( mysql_query($rSqlQuery) );
//Array type calculation total number of rows
private function SetArrayTotalRowsNum($array) {
$this>mTotalRowsNum = count($array);
// Calculate the total number of pages
private function SetTotalPagesNum($userPageRowsNum='') {
if( $userPageRowsNum ) {
$this>mPageRowsNum = $userPageRowsNum;
$this>mTotalPagesNum = (int)( floor( ($this>mTotalRowsNum1)/$this>mPageRowsNum )+1 );
// Calculate the current page number
private function SetCurPageNumber() {
if( $_GET['cur_page'] ) {
$this>mCurPageNumber = $_GET['cur_page'];
// Modify Sql interception statement
private function SetSqlQuery(&$rSqlQuery) {
$start_number = ($this>mCurPageNumber1)*$this>mPageRowsNum;
$rSqlQuery .= " LIMIT ".$start_number.",".$this>mPageRowsNum;
// Correct the intercepted Array
private function SetArray(&$rArray) {
$start_number = ($this>mCurPageNumber1)*$this>mPageRowsNum;
$rArray = array_slice($rArray, $start_number, $this>mPageRowsNum);
// Fix $_GET passing data
private function SetQueryString() {
$query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
if ( $query_string == '' ) {
$this>mQueryString = "?cur_page=";
else {
$this>mQueryString = preg_replace("/&?cur_page=d+/", '', $query_string);
$this>mQueryString = "?".$this>mQueryString."&cur_page=";
// 设置页码索引条
private function GetPageIndex() {
if( $this>mTotalPagesNum mIndexBarLength ) {
$first_number = 1;
$last_number = $this>mTotalPagesNum;
else {
$offset = (int)floor($this>mIndexBarLength/2);
if( ($this>mCurPageNumber$offset)
$first_number = 1;
elseif( ($this>mCurPageNumber+$offset) > $this>mTotalPagesNum ) {
$first_number = $this>mTotalPagesNum$this>mIndexBarLength+1;
else {
$first_number = $this>mCurPageNumber$offset;
$last_number = $first_number+$this>mIndexBarLength1;
for( $i=$first_number; $i
if( $this>mCurPageNumber == $i ) {
$page_index .= "".$i." ";
else {
$page_index .= "mQueryString.$i."' style='".$this>mCssIndexBarPage."'>".$i." ";
return $page_index;
// 设置页码索引条
private function SetIndexBar() {
$this>mIndexBar = $this>GetNavFirstButton();
$this>mIndexBar .= $this>GetNavPreButton();
$this>mIndexBar .= $this>GetPageIndex();
$this>mIndexBar .= $this>GetNavNextButton();
$this>mIndexBar .= $this>GetNavLastButton();
// 得到页码索引条 首页按钮
private function GetNavFirstButton() {
return "mQueryString."1'>".$this>mFirstButton." ";
// 得到页码索引条 上一页按钮
private function GetNavPreButton() {
if( $this>mCurPageNumber>1 ) {
$pre_number = $this>mCurPageNumber1;
else {
$pre_number = 1;
return "mQueryString.$pre_number."'>".$this>mPreButton." ";
// 得到页码索引条 下一页按钮
private function GetNavNextButton() {
if( $this>mCurPageNumbermTotalPagesNum ) {
$next_number = $this>mCurPageNumber+1;
else {
$next_number = $this>mTotalPagesNum;
return "mQueryString.$next_number."'>".$this>mNextButton." ";
// 得到页码索引条 末页按钮
private function GetNavLastButton() {
return "mQueryString.$this>mTotalPagesNum."'>".$this>mLastButton." ";
// 设置分页信息
private function SetPageInfo() {
$this>mPageInfo ="";
$this>mPageInfo .= "共 ".$this>mTotalRowsNum." 条信息 | ";
$this>mPageInfo .= "".$this>mPageRowsNum." 条/页 | ";
$this>mPageInfo .= "共 ".$this>mTotalPagesNum." 页 | ";
$this>mPageInfo .= "第 ".$this>mCurPageNumber." 页";
$this>mPageInfo .= "";
// 取出页码索引条
public function GetIndexBar() {
return $this>mIndexBar;
// 取出分页信息
public function GetPageInfo() {
return $this>mPageInfo;
复制代码用法1: 配合数据库使用(例子中配合的是我自己的数据库操作类和模版类) // 这是一个sql查询语句,我们来对它的查询结果作出分页
$sql = "select * from member";
// 读取分页类
// 分页初始化
// $sql就是上面的查询语句
// 20是每页显示的数量
// Through the initialization of the paging class, this query statement is added with "limit..."
$pagebreak = new PageBreak($sql, 20);
// Generate paging index navigation bar
$navbar = $pagebreak>GetPageInfo().$pagebreak>GetIndexBar();
// Query results (I use my own class here, no more details)
$result = $db>GetFieldsArray($sql)
// Output query results
// Output paging index navigation bar
echo $navbar;
Copy code usage 2: Match the array to be output // This is a sql query statement and get the query results
$sql = "select * from member";
$result = $db>GetFieldsArray($sql);
//Read paging class
//Paging initialization
// $result is the result obtained after the above query
// 20 is the number displayed on each page
// Through the initialization of the paging class, this result array is automatically intercepted into the information content of the corresponding page
$pagebreak = new PageBreak($result, 20);
// Generate paging index navigation bar
$navbar = $pagebreak>GetPageInfo().$pagebreak>GetIndexBar();
// Output query results
// Output paging index navigation bar
echo $navbar;
Copy the code and below is the output style,
The first half of the information bar is $pagebreak>GetPageInfo()
The second half of the paging index navigation is $pagebreak>GetIndexBar()
The output content and style can be easily adjusted in the class. It is very simple. If you are interested, you can study it
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D8888D’s reply content
Great stuff, why don’t you pack it into a package for easy study:$
D8888D’s reply content
This is similar to news list paging. It is not news content paging... This is [url=http://www.phpchina.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=12999] link tag http://www .phpchina.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=12999[/url] is the paging of the content..
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D8888D’s reply content
[img]http://www.phpchina.com/bbs/images/smilies/default/victory.gif[/img] [img]http://www.phpchina.com/bbs/images/smilies/default/victory .gif[/img][img]http://www.phpchina.com/bbs/images/smilies/default/victory.gif[/img]
D8888D’s reply content
Very good
There is code
There is annotation
There are application examples
I very much hope that everyone will use this form to send codes
D8888D’s reply content
:) :) :) :)
D8888D’s reply content
I have a question, it’s like this ordy by...where is it written?
If you don’t understand, ask 1
D8888D’s reply content
Why can’t the page navigation be output? Can you please introduce it in detail! I’m a newbie!
D8888D’s reply content
Why are there so many? :(
D8888D’s reply content
The original post was posted by orclord at 200761 09:43 [url=http://www.phpchina.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=201879&ptid=26485]Link tag [img]http://www.phpchina. com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I have a question, it’s like this ordy by...where is it written?
If you don’t understand, ask me
Except for the limit....information, everything else is in $sql.
The SetSqlQuery method can automatically add limit.... content to the $sql statement.