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After uploading the image in the php tutorial, it will be automatically cropped into a thumbnail, with no limit on width and height
// $Id: image.php 1937 2009-01-05 19:09:40Z dualface $
* 定义 Helper_Image 类和 Helper_ImageGD 类
* @link http://qeephp.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Qeeyuan Inc. {@link http://www.qeeyuan.com}
* @license New BSD License {@link http://qeephp.com/license/}
* @version $Id: image.php 1937 2009-01-05 19:09:40Z dualface $
* @package helper
* The Helper_Image class encapsulates operations on images
* Developers cannot construct instances of this class directly, but should use Helper_Image::createFromFile()
* Static method creates an instance of the Image class.
* When operating large images, please ensure that php can allocate enough memory.
* @author YuLei Liao
* @version $Id: image.php 1937 2009-01-05 19:09:40Z dualface $
* @package helper
abstract class Helper_Image
* Create a Helper_ImageGD object from the specified file
* Usage:
* @code php
* $image = Helper_Image::createFromFile('1.jpg');
* $image->resize($width, $height);
* $image->saveAsJpeg('2.jpg');
* @endcode
* For uploaded files, the temporary file name does not include the extension.
* Therefore, the following method needs to be used to create the Image object:
* @code php
* $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['postfile']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
* $image = Image::createFromFile($_FILES['postfile']['tmp_name'], $ext);
* @endcode
* @param string $filename The full path of the image file
* @param string $fileext specifies the extension
* @return Helper_ImageGD Helper_ImageGD object created from file
* @throw Q_NotImplementedException
static function createFromFile($filename, $fileext)
$fileext = trim(strtolower($fileext), '.');
$ext2functions = array(
'jpg' => 'imagecreatefromjpeg',
'jpeg' => 'imagecreatefromjpeg',
'png' => 'imagecreatefrompng',
'gif' => 'imagecreatefromgif'
if (!isset($ext2functions[$fileext]))
throw new Q_NotImplementedException(__('imagecreateform' . $fileext));
$handle = call_user_func($ext2functions[$fileext], $filename);
return new Helper_ImageGD($handle);
* Convert hexadecimal color value to rgb value
* Usage:
* @code php
* $color = '#369';
* list($r, $g, $b) = Helper_Image::hex2rgb($color);
* echo "red: {$r}, green: {$g}, blue: {$b}";
* @endcode
* @param string $color color value
* @param string $default The default color returned when invalid color values are used
* @return array An array composed of RGB three colors
static function hex2rgb($color, $default = 'ffffff')
$hex = trim($color, '#&Hh');
$len = strlen($hex);
if ($len == 3)
$hex = "{$hex[0]}{$hex[0]}{$hex[1]}{$hex[1]}{$hex[2]}{$hex[2]}";
elseif ($len < 6)
$hex = $default;
$dec = hexdec($hex);
return array(($dec >> 16) & 0xff, ($dec >> 8) & 0xff, $dec & 0xff);
* The Helper_ImageGD class encapsulates a gd handle for operating on images
* @author YuLei Liao
* @version $Id: image.php 1937 2009-01-05 19:09:40Z dualface $
* @package helper
class Helper_ImageGD
* GD resource handle
* @var resource
protected $_handle = null;
* Constructor
* @param resource $handle GD resource handle
function __construct($handle)
$this->_handle = $handle;
* Destructor
function __destruct()
* Quickly scale the image to the specified size (poor quality)
* @param int $width new width
* @param int $height new height
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function resize($width, $height)
if (is_null($this->_handle)) return $this;
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagecopyresized($dest, $this->_handle, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$width, $height,
imagesx($this->_handle), imagesy($this->_handle));
$this->_handle = $dest;
return $this;
* Scale the image to the specified size (better quality, slower than resize())
* @param int $width new width
* @param int $height new height
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function resampled($width, $height)
if (is_null($this->_handle)) return $this;
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagecopyresampled($dest, $this->_handle, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$width, $height,
imagesx($this->_handle), imagesy($this->_handle));
$this->_handle = $dest;
return $this;
* Resize the image without zooming
* Usage:
* @code php
* $image->resizeCanvas($width, $height, 'top-left');
* @endcode
* The $pos parameter specifies the position at which the image content is aligned when the image is resized.
* The available values for the $pos parameter are:
* - left: left aligned
* - right: Align right
* - center: center alignment
* - top: top alignment
* - bottom: Bottom alignment
* - top-left, left-top: Align upper left corner
* - top-right, right-top: Align the upper right corner
* - bottom-left, left-bottom: Align the lower left corner
* - bottom-right, right-bottom: Align the lower right corner
* If an invalid $pos parameter is specified, it is equivalent to specifying center.
* @param int $width new height
* @param int $height new width
* @param string $pos The change in image position during adjustment
* @param string $bgcolor The default color of the blank part
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function resizeCanvas($width, $height, $pos = 'center', $bgcolor = '0xffffff')
if (is_null($this->_handle)) return $this;
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$sx = imagesx($this->_handle);
$sy = imagesy($this->_handle);
// Determine how to position the original image based on the pos attribute
switch (strtolower($pos))
case 'left':
$ox = 0;
$oy = ($height - $sy) / 2;
case 'right':
$ox = $width - $sx;
$oy = ($height - $sy) / 2;
case 'top':
$ox = ($width - $sx) / 2;
$oy = 0;
case 'bottom':
$ox = ($width - $sx) / 2;
$oy = $height - $sy;
case 'top-left':
case 'left-top':
$ox = $oy = 0;
case 'top-right':
case 'right-top':
$ox = $width - $sx;
$oy = 0;
case 'bottom-left':
case 'left-bottom':
$ox = 0;
$oy = $height - $sy;
case 'bottom-right':
case 'right-bottom':
$ox = $width - $sx;
$oy = $height - $sy;
$ox = ($width - $sx) / 2;
$oy = ($height - $sy) / 2;
list ($r, $g, $b) = Helper_Image::hex2rgb($bgcolor, '0xffffff');
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($dest, $r, $g, $b);
imagefilledrectangle($dest, 0, 0, $width, $height, $bgcolor);
Imagecolordeallocate($dest, $bgcolor);
imagecopy($dest, $this->_handle, $ox, $oy, 0, 0, $sx, $sy);
$this->_handle = $dest;
return $this;
* Crop the image to the specified size while maintaining the image aspect ratio
* crop() can maintain the aspect ratio of the image when scaling the image, thereby ensuring that the image will not be stretched or squashed.
* * crop() will calculate the maximum scaling ratio according to the $width and $height parameters by default,
* Keep the cropped image to fill the picture to the greatest extent.
* For example, the size of the source image is 800 x 600, and the specified $width and $height are 200 and 100.
* * Then the source image will first be reduced to 200 x 150 size, and then the excess 50 pixel height will be cropped.
* Usage:
* @code php
* $image->crop($width, $height);
* @endcode
* If you want the final generated image to always contain the complete image content, you should specify the $options parameter.
* * Available values for this parameter are:
* - fullimage: Whether to keep the full image
* - pos: Alignment when zooming
* - bgcolor: The background color of the excess part when scaling
* - enlarge: Whether to allow enlargement
* - reduce: whether to allow reduction
* * Among them, the available values of the $options['pos'] parameter are:
* - left: left aligned
* - right: Align right
* - center: center alignment
* - top: top alignment
* - bottom: Bottom alignment
* - top-left, left-top: Align upper left corner
* - top-right, right-top: Align the upper right corner
* - bottom-left, left-bottom: Align the lower left corner
* - bottom-right, right-bottom: Align the lower right corner
* If an invalid $pos parameter is specified, it is equivalent to specifying center.
* Each option in $options can be specified individually, such as placing the image in the lower right corner of the new image while allowing cropping.
* @code php
* $image->crop($width, $height, array('pos' => 'right-bottom'));
* @endcode
* @param int $width new width
* @param int $height new height
* @param array $options Cutting options
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function crop($width, $height, $options = array())
if (is_null($this->_handle)) return $this;
$default_options = array(
'fullimage' => false,
'pos' => 'center',
'bgcolor' => '0xfff',
'enlarge' => false,
'reduce' => true,
$options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
// Create target image
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// Fill background color
list ($r, $g, $b) = Helper_Image::hex2rgb($options['bgcolor'], '0xffffff');
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($dest, $r, $g, $b);
imagefilledrectangle($dest, 0, 0, $width, $height, $bgcolor);
Imagecolordeallocate($dest, $bgcolor);
// Calculate the aspect ratio based on the source image
$full_w = imagesx($this->_handle);
$full_h = imagesy($this->_handle);
$ratio_w = doubleval($width) / doubleval($full_w);
$ratio_h = doubleval($height) / doubleval($full_h);
if ($options['fullimage'])
// If you want to keep the full image, choose the smallest ratio
$ratio = $ratio_w < $ratio_h ? $ratio_w : $ratio_h;
// Otherwise, choose the maximum ratio
$ratio = $ratio_w > $ratio_h ? $ratio_w : $ratio_h;
if (!$options['enlarge'] && $ratio > 1) $ratio = 1;
If (!$options['reduce'] && $ratio < 1) $ratio = 1;
// Calculate the width, height and position of the target area
$dst_w = $full_w * $ratio;
$dst_h = $full_h * $ratio;
// 根据 pos 属性来决定如何定位
switch (strtolower($options['pos']))
case 'left':
$dst_x = 0;
$dst_y = ($height - $dst_h) / 2;
case 'right':
$dst_x = $width - $dst_w;
$dst_y = ($height - $dst_h) / 2;
case 'top':
$dst_x = ($width - $dst_w) / 2;
$dst_y = 0;
case 'bottom':
$dst_x = ($width - $dst_w) / 2;
$dst_y = $height - $dst_h;
case 'top-left':
case 'left-top':
$dst_x = $dst_y = 0;
case 'top-right':
case 'right-top':
$dst_x = $width - $dst_w;
$dst_y = 0;
case 'bottom-left':
case 'left-bottom':
$dst_x = 0;
$dst_y = $height - $dst_h;
case 'bottom-right':
case 'right-bottom':
$dst_x = $width - $dst_w;
$dst_y = $height - $dst_h;
case 'center':
$dst_x = ($width - $dst_w) / 2;
$dst_y = ($height - $dst_h) / 2;
imagecopyresampled($dest, $this->_handle, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $full_w, $full_h);
$this->_handle = $dest;
return $this;
* Save as JPEG file
* @param string $filename Save file name
* @param int $quality quality parameter, default is 80
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function saveAsJpeg($filename, $quality = 80)
imagejpeg($this->_handle, $filename, $quality);
* Save as PNG file
* @param string $filename Save file name
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function saveAsPng($filename)
imagepng($this->_handle, $filename);
* Save as GIF file
* @param string $filename Save file name
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function saveAsGif($filename)
imagegif($this->_handle, $filename);
* Destroy the image in memory
* @return Helper_ImageGD Returns the Helper_ImageGD object itself, implementing a coherent interface
function destroy()
if (!$this->_handle)
$this->_handle = null;
return $this;
$image = Helper_Image::createFromFile('c:a.jpg','jpg');
$image->resampled(100, 100); //缩放到100px * 100PX
$image->saveAsJpeg('c:a_output.jpg', 100);