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PHP mobile folder and file program code_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:44:101165browse

We use copy to move and copy files in PHP. Let’s look at a simple example below, which realizes the movement of directories and directory files. I hope this article will be helpful to everyone.

Method 1, copy+unlink method

My idea is: move = new + delete. Before moving, create a new folder in the target directory, then copy the files and directories there, and finally delete them.

The code is as follows Copy code
 代码如下 复制代码

 * @parammoveDir  剪切文件和目录
 * @param string $to 目标文件路径
 * @param string $from 源文件路径
function moveDir($from,$to){
  return false;

 $from = rtrim(str_replace(‘//’,'/’,$from), ‘/’);//为了在linux上兼容,我们把/符号全部转换成/因为windows下面2个符号都可以的.
 $files = scandir($from);//列出源文件目录的文件和文件夹,并且以数组的形式存入 $files。



Array ( [0] => . [1] => .. [2] => a [3] => b [4] => c [5] => dir [6] => dir.php [7] => dir2 [8] => dir2.php [9] => function_file.php [10] => homework.php )
可以看到scandir这个函数会输出2个多余的值: [0] => . [1] => ..在这对我们木有用.写一个if干掉他们。
 foreach($files as $file){//对 $files数组进行遍历,方便对数组里面的文件夹和文件进行复制和删除.
  if(in_array($file, array(‘.’,’..’))){// array(‘.’,’..’)新建了一个只有.和..的数组,并且查找$file里面知否有.和..这2个值
  $subFrom = $from.’/’.$file;//把遍历后的文件夹或者文件名变成一个新的路径
     $subTo = $to.’/’.$file;

   moveDir($subFrom, $subTo);//递归执行新建目录。
   copy($subFrom, $subTo);
 return true;

* @parammoveDir Cut files and directories
* @param string $to target file path
* @param string $from source file path
function moveDir($from,$to){
if(!is_dir($from)){//Determine whether the $from source file directory exists
return false;

$from = rtrim(str_replace('//','/',$from), '/');//For compatibility on Linux, we convert all / symbols into / because there are two symbols under windows All is OK.
$files = scandir($from);//List the files and folders in the source file directory and store them in $files in the form of an array.


Output of $files:

Array ( [0] => . [1] => .. [2] => a [3] => b [4] => c [5] => dir [6 ] => dir.php [7] => dir2 [8] => dir2.php [9] => function_file.php [10] => homework.php )
You can see that the scandir function will output two redundant values: [0] => . [1] => .. It is not useful to us here. Write an if to kill them.
foreach($files as $file){//Traverse the $files array to facilitate copying and deleting folders and files in the array.
if(in_array($file, array('.','..'))){// array('.','..') creates a new array with only . and .., and searches in $file Do you know if there are two values ​​of . and .
$subFrom = $from.’/’.$file;//Convert the traversed folder or file name into a new path
$subTo = $to.’/’.$file;

@mkdir($subTo);//Determine whether $subFrom is a directory. If it is a directory, create a new directory under the target directory
moveDir($subFrom, $subTo);//Recursively create a new directory.
}else{//If it is not a directory, copy the file directly. Delete the file after copying.
copy($subFrom, $subTo);
unlink($subFrom);//Delete all files
@rmdir($subFrom);//Delete all directories
return true;
moveDir(‘C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/0704′,’e:’);//Pass the address of the file or directory you want to move here
 代码如下 复制代码


Method 2, rename 1. For files, rename can move between different drive letters. 2. For empty folders, rename can also move between different drive letters. However, the parent directory of the target folder must exist. 3. For non-empty folders, they can only be moved under the same drive letter. However, 1 and 3 should be able to handle almost all application situations.
The code is as follows Copy code


For a 40M file, the copy+unlink method takes 7.6249899864197 seconds, while the rename method only takes 0.024738788604736, which is 300 times faster.


The code is as follows
 代码如下 复制代码

$file = "html/cache.txt";
$rename = "html/renameCache.txt";
echo "重命名文件成功!";
echo "重命名文件失败!";

Copy code
//Define a variable to save the file name
$file = "html/cache.txt";
$rename = "html/renameCache.txt";
//Use the rename() function to rename a file
echo "Renamed file successfully!";
echo "Failed to rename file!";
//Use the rename() function to move the file and rename it
//Use the rename() function to rename the directory
//Use the rename() function to move the directory to the target directory

http: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/633122.html
We use copy to move and copy files in php. Let’s take a look at a simple example that implements directories and directory files. Mobile, I hope this article is helpful to everyone. Method one, copy+unl...
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