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Simple minesweeper game developed in php_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:38:38995browse

I think you can use PHP+JS to design a very cool two-dimensional web game. Of course, the interaction of background data of network-based web games can use Java for data processing.

= 0 && $j - 1 >= 0 && $data["data".($i - 1)."_".($j - 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//upper left               if($i - 1 >= 0 && $data["data".($i - 1)."_".$j] == 100)$cnt++;//left               if($i - 1 >= 0 && $j + 1 < $cols && $data["data".($i - 1)."_".($j + 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//lower left               if($j - 1 >= 0 && $data["data".$i."_".($j - 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//upper               if($j + 1 < $cols && $data["data".$i."_".($j + 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//lower               if($i + 1 < $rows && $j - 1 >= 0 && $data["data".($i + 1)."_".($j - 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//upper right               if($i + 1 < $rows && $data["data".($i + 1)."_".$j] == 100)$cnt++;//right               if($i + 1 < $rows && $j + 1 < $cols && $data["data".($i + 1)."_".($j + 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//lower right               $data["data".$i."_".$j] = $cnt;//set number           }       }   }else{       $data = $_POST;//get data       if($data["data".$clickvalue] == 100){//check the value of users click           $checkflag = 2;//if click on a mine,gameover           for($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++){//all the rows               for($j=0;$j<$cols;$j++){//all the cols                   $data["open".$i."_".$j] = 1;//set all nodes to open               }           }       }else{           $node = explode("_", $clickvalue);//get the node of click           openNode($node[0],$node[1]);//set nodes to open           for($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++){//all the rows               for($j=0;$j<$cols;$j++){//all the cols                    if($data["open".$i."_".$j] == 1)$click_count++;//get the number of opennode                }           }           if($rows*$cols - $click_count == $num)$checkflag = 1;//if all the node is open,game clear        }   }   if($checkflag == 0 && $click_count == 1){//if game is start ,time start       $starttime = date("H:i:s");   }   if($starttime){//Computing time and display       $now = date("H:i:s");       $nowlist = explode(":",$now);       $starttimelist = explode(":",$starttime);       $time_count = $nowlist[0]*3600+$nowlist[1]*60 + $nowlist[2] - ($starttimelist[0]*3600+$starttimelist[1]*60 + $starttimelist[2]);       $min = floor($time_count / 60);       $sec = $time_count % 60;       $timeshow = ($min>9?$min:"0".$min).":".($sec>9?$sec:"0".$sec);   }else{       $timeshow = "00:00";//if game is stop , time stop   }   function openNode($i,$j){//set nodes to open,if it is can open       global $rows;//get the rows       global $cols;//get the cols       global $data;//get the data       if($i < 0 || $i >= $rows || $j < 0 || $j >= $cols || $data["open".$i."_".$j])return;//it is not a node,or it has been opened       $data["open".$i."_".$j] = 1;//open the node       if($data["data".$i."_".$j] > 0)return;//need to continue?       openNode($i - 1,$j - 1);       openNode($i - 1,$j);       openNode($i - 1,$j + 1);       openNode($i,$j - 1);       openNode($i,$j + 1);       openNode($i + 1,$j - 1);       openNode($i + 1,$j);       openNode($i + 1,$j + 1);   }  ?>         扫雷游戏 php100.com      

  ";       else if($checkflag == 2)echo "太挫了,又被雷炸死了
";   ?>        
          " value="">           " value="">                                                 ')"  style="width:20px;height:20px;">                    

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/735069.htmlTechArticle我觉得用PHP+JS可以设计出挺牛逼的二维网页游戏,当然网络型的网页游戏后台数据的交互可以使用java来做数据处理。 ?php $init = $_POST[init];...
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