Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP memcache class sharing (memcache queue)_PHP tutorial
const MAXNUM = 20000; //最大队列数,建议上限10K
const HEAD_KEY = '_lkkQueueHead_'; //队列首kye
const TAIL_KEY = '_lkkQueueTail_'; //队列尾key
const VALU_KEY = '_lkkQueueValu_'; //队列值key
const LOCK_KEY = '_lkkQueueLock_'; //队列锁key
* Constructor
* @param string $queueName Queue name
* @param int $expire Expiration time
* @param array $config memcache configuration
* @return < ;type>
public function __construct($queueName ='',$expire=0,$config =''){
self::$client = memcache_pconnect('',11211);
}elseif(is_array($config)){//array('host'=>'','port' =>'11211')
self::$client = memcache_pconnect($config['host'],$config['port']);
}elseif(is_string($config)){// ""
$tmp = explode(':',$config);
$conf['host'] = isset($tmp[0]) ? $tmp[0] : '';
$conf['port'] = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : '11211';
self::$client = memcache_pconnect($conf[' host'],$conf['port']);
if(!self::$client) return false;
ignore_user_abort(true);//When the client disconnects ,Allow execution to continue
set_time_limit(0);//Cancel the upper limit of script execution delay
$this->access = false;
$this->sleepTime = 1000;
$expire = empty($expire) ? 3600 : intval($expire)+1;
$this->expire = $expire;
$this->queueName = $queueName;
$this ->retryNum = 1000;
$this->head_key = $this->queueName . self::HEAD_KEY;
$this->tail_key = $this->queueName . self ::TAIL_KEY;
$this->lock_key = $this->queueName . self::LOCK_KEY;
* Initialize the queue head and tail values
private function _initSetHeadNTail(){
//The value of the current queue head
$this->currentHead = memcache_get(self::$client, $this-> ;head_key);
if($this->currentHead === false) $this->currentHead =0;
//The value at the end of the current queue
$this-> currentTail = memcache_get(self::$client, $this->tail_key);
if($this->currentTail === false) $this->currentTail =0;
* When taking out an element, change the value at the head of the queue
* @param int $step step value
private function _changeHead($step=1){
$this->currentHead += $step;
memcache_set(self::$client, $ this->head_key,$this->currentHead,false,$this->expire);
* When adding elements, change the value at the end of the queue
* @param int $step step value
* @param bool $reverse Whether to reverse
* @return null
private function _changeTail($step =1, $reverse =false){
$this->currentTail += $step;
$this->currentTail -= $step;
memcache_set(self::$client, $this->tail_key,$this->currentTail,false,$this->expire);
* Whether the queue is empty
* @return bool
private function _isEmpty(){
return (bool)($this->currentHead === $this->currentTail);
* Whether the queue is full
* @return bool
private function _isFull(){
$len = $this->currentTail - $this->currentHead;
return (bool )($len === self::MAXNUM);
* Queue lock
private function _getLock(){
if($this-> access === false){
while(!memcache_add(self::$client, $this->lock_key, 1, false, $this->expire) ){
usleep($this-> ;sleepTime);
if($i > $this->retryNum){//Try to wait N times
return false;
return $this->access = true;
return $this->access;
* Queue Unlocked
private function _unLock(){
memcache_delete(self::$client, $this->lock_key, 0);
$this->access = false;
* Get the length of the current queue
* This length is the theoretical length, some elements are lost due to expiration, the real length
* @return int
public function getQueueLength(){
return intval($this->currentTail - $this->currentHead);
* Add queue data
* @param void $data The data to be added
* @return bool
public function add($data){
if(!$this->_getLock()) return false;
return false;
$value_key = $this->queueName . self::VALU_KEY . strval($this->currentTail +1);
$result = memcache_set(self::$client, $value_key, $data, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $this->expire);
return $result;
* Read queue data
* @param int $length The length to be read (use negative numbers for reverse reading)
* @return array
public function read($length=0){
if(!is_numeric($length)) return false;
return false;
if(empty($length)) $length = self::MAXNUM;//默认所有
$keyArr = array();
if($length >0){//正向读取(从队列首向队列尾)
$tmpMin = $this->currentHead;
$tmpMax = $tmpMin + $length;
for($i= $tmpMin; $i<=$tmpMax; $i++){
$keyArr[] = $this->queueName . self::VALU_KEY . $i;
$tmpMax = $this->currentTail;
$tmpMin = $tmpMax + $length;
for($i= $tmpMax; $i >$tmpMin; $i--){
$keyArr[] = $this->queueName . self::VALU_KEY . $i;
$result = @memcache_get(self::$client, $keyArr);
return $result;
* Take out the queue data
* @param int $length The length to be taken out (use negative numbers for reverse reading)
* @return array
public function get($length=0){
if(!is_numeric($length)) return false;
if(!$this->_getLock()) return false;
return false;
if(empty($length)) $length = self::MAXNUM;//默认所有
$length = intval($length);
$keyArr = array();
if($length >0){//正向读取(从队列首向队列尾)
$tmpMin = $this->currentHead;
$tmpMax = $tmpMin + $length;
for($i= $tmpMin; $i<=$tmpMax; $i++){
$keyArr[] = $this->queueName . self::VALU_KEY . $i;
$tmpMax = $this->currentTail;
$tmpMin = $tmpMax + $length;
for($i= $tmpMax; $i >$tmpMin; $i--){
$keyArr[] = $this->queueName . self::VALU_KEY . $i;
$this->_changeTail(abs($length), true);
$result = @memcache_get(self::$client, $keyArr);
foreach($keyArr as $v){//取出之后删除
@memcache_delete(self::$client, $v, 0);
return $result;
* Clear the queue
public function clear(){
if(!$this->_getLock()) return false;
return false;
$tmpMin = $this->currentHead--;
$tmpMax = $this->currentTail++;
for($i= $tmpMin; $i<=$tmpMax; $i++){
$tmpKey = $this->queueName . self::VALU_KEY . $i;
@memcache_delete(self::$client, $tmpKey, 0);
$this->currentTail = $this->currentHead = 0;
memcache_set(self::$client, $this->head_key,$this->currentHead,false,$this->expire);
memcache_set(self::$client, $this->tail_key,$this->currentTail,false,$this->expire);
* 清除所有memcache缓存数据
public function memFlush(){
}//end class