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Let Hostmonster's website program also send emails_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:34:101134browse


许多ISP屏蔽了端口25的使用,而该端口是用来发送邮件的。他们这样做是为了减少垃圾邮件的发送量。所有通过Internet发送的 e-mail 都要通过端口25, 该通道用来进行e-mail 客户端和 e-mail服务器之间的通信。

虽然端口25屏蔽很可能成为一个工业标准,但是过滤器会给 e-mail服务器带来麻烦,导致正常的邮件被当成垃圾邮件处理。




我们先到 CPanel -> Email Accounts,创建一个邮件账户。

然后到 CPanel -> webmail -> Configure Mail Client,可以得到下面配置信息:

Manual Settings

Mail Server Username: bkjia+bkjia.com
Incoming Mail Server: mail.bkjia.com
Incoming Mail Server: (SSL) host.hostmonster.com
Outgoing Mail Server: mail.bkjia.com (server requires authentication) port 26
Outgoing Mail Server: (SSL) host.hostmonster.com  (server requires authentication) port 465
Supported Incoming Mail Protocols: POP3, POP3S (SSL/TLS), IMAP, IMAPS (SSL/TLS)
Supported Outgoing Mail Protocols: SMTP, SMTPS (SSL/TLS)

提示:smtp服务器是 mail.yourdomain.com,端口是26,帐号是你的邮箱的完整地址 xxxx@xxx.com,密码就是你的邮箱密码。按照提示设置好,就可以使用hostmonster主机提供的SMTP服务了。


function mailto($nickname, $address)
	$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php "mail()"
	$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
	$mail->Host       = "mail.bkjia.com"; // SMTP server
	$mail->SMTPDebug  = 1;                     // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
											   // 1 = errors and messages
											   // 2 = messages only
	$mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                  // enable SMTP authentication
	$mail->Host       = "mail.bkjia.com"; // sets the SMTP server
	$mail->Port       = 26;                    // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
	$mail->Username   = "bkjia@bkjia.com"; // SMTP account username
	$mail->Password   = "********";        // SMTP account password
	//$body = file_get_contents('application/views/nmra/register.html');
	//$body = preg_replace('/\\\\/','', $body); //Strip backslashes
	$body = '<body style="margin: 10px;">';
	$body .= '<div style="width: 640px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; ">';
	//$body .= '<div align="center"><img src="images/phpmailer.gif" style="height: 90px; width: 340px"></div>';
	$body .= '<p>'.$nickname.',您好。</p>';
	$body .= '请点击以下链接验证您的邮箱,请注意域名为bkjia.com:<a href="'.base_url().'accounts/activation/" target="_blank">'.base_url().'accounts/activation/</a>';
	$body .= '<p>顺祝工作学习愉快,生活舒心。</p>';
	$body .= '</div></body>';
	//echo $body;

	$mail->SetFrom('bkjia@163.com', 'Gonn');
	$mail->AddAddress($address, $nickname);
	$subject = "收到来自帮客之家的邮件";
	$mail->Subject = "=?UTF-8?B?".base64_encode($subject)."?=";
	// optional, comment out and test
	$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; 
	//$mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer.gif");      // attachment
	//$mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer_mini.gif"); // attachment
	if(!$mail->Send()) {
		//echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
	else {
		//echo "Message sent!";


www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/752343.htmlTechArticleHostMonster网站程序一般无法发送邮件,因为端口25阻塞了。 许多ISP屏蔽了端口25的使用,而该端口是用来发送邮件的。他们这样做是为了减少...
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