First we need to understand the SQL statements for querying MySQL database/table related information:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
SHOW TABLES [FROM db_name] //List database data tables.
SHOW TABLE STATUS [FROM db_name] //List the data table and table status information.
SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name] //List the data table fields
SHOW FIELDS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name], DESCRIBE tbl_name [col_name].
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name]//List fields and details
SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name] //List complete attributes of fields
SHOW INDEX FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name] / /List table indexes.
SHOW STATUS //List DB Server status.
Show Grants for User // List a user permissions
As can be seen from the above SQL statement, we can use Show Full Column >
Copy code The code is as follows:
$rescolumns = mysql_query("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ".TB_NAME."") ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rescolumns)){
// echo 'Field name: '.$row['Field'].'-Data type: '.$row['Type'].'- Comment: '.$row['Comment'];
// echo '
Print results:
Copy code The code is as follows:
Array ( [0] => id [Field] => id [1] => char(2) [Type] => char(2) [2] => utf8_general_ci [Collation] => utf8_general_ci [3] => NO [Null] => NO [ 4] => PRI [Key] => PRI [5] => [Default] => [6] => [Extra] => [7] => select,insert,update,references [Privileges] => select,insert,update,references [8] => [Comment] => )
Array ( [0] => title [Field] => title [1] => char(50) [Type] => char(50) [2] => utf8_general_ci [Collation] = > utf8_general_ci [3] => YES [Null] => YES [4] => [Key] => [5] => [Default] => [6] => [Extra] => [7] => select,insert,update,references [Privileges] => select,insert,update,references [8] => Recommended storage: title, name and other information [Comment] => Recommendation Storage: title, name and other information)
Array ( [0] => des [Field] => des [1] => varchar(255) [Type] => varchar(255) [2] => utf8_general_ci [Collation] = > utf8_general_ci [3] => YES [Null] => YES [4] => [Key] => [5] => [Default] => [6] => [Extra] => [7] => select,insert,update,references [Privileges] => select,insert,update,references [8] => [Comment] => )
Additional information:
Of course, you can also use mysql_list_fields — to list the fields in the MySQL results. mysql_list_fields() obtains information about a given table name. The parameters are the database name and table name, and returns a result pointer.
However, the mysql_list_fields() function is deprecated. It is better to use mysql_query() to issue a SQL statement SHOW COLUMNS FROM table [LIKE 'name'] instead. For details, please refer to the PHP help document: // we need to understand the SQL statements for querying MySQL database/table related information: Copy the code as follows: SHOW DATABASES/ /List MySQL Server databases. SHOW TABLES [FROM db_name...