Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP can easily intercept mixed Chinese and English strings with just 2 lines of code! _PHP Tutorial
When it comes to Chinese and English mixed counting and interception, the first thing that comes to mind is ascii, hexadecimal, regular matching, and loop counting.
Today I will share with you the mb extension of php to teach you how to process strings easily.
Let me introduce to you the functions used:
mb_strwidth($str, $encoding) returns the width of the string
$str The string to be calculated
$encoding The encoding to use, such as utf8, gbk
mb_strimwidth($str, $start, $width, $tail, $encoding) intercepts string according to width
$str The string to be intercepted
$start From which position to intercept, the default is 0
$width The width to be intercepted
$tail is appended to the string after the intercepted string, commonly used is...
$encoding The encoding to use
I will give you an example below:
<?<span>php </span><span>/*</span><span>* * utf8 编码格式 * 1个中文占用3个字节 * 我们希望的是1个中文占用2个字节, * 因为从宽度上看2个英文字母占用的位置相当于1个中文 </span><span>*/</span> <span>//</span><span> 测试字符串</span> <span>$str</span> = 'aaaa啊啊aaaa啊啊啊aaa'<span>; </span><span>echo</span> <span>strlen</span>(<span>$str</span>); <span>//</span><span> 只用strlen输出为25个字节 // 必须指定编码,不然会使用php的内码 mb_internal_encoding()可以查看内码 // 使用mb_strwidth输出字符串的宽度为20使用utf8编码</span> <span>echo</span> mb_strwidth(<span>$str</span>, 'utf8'<span>); </span><span>//</span><span> 只有宽度大于10才截取</span> <span>if</span>(mb_strwidth(<span>$str</span>, 'utf8')>10<span>){ </span><span>//</span><span> 此处设定从0开始截取,取10个追加...,使用utf8编码 // 注意追加的...也会被计算到长度之内</span> <span>$str</span> = mb_strimwidth(<span>$str</span>, 0, 10, '...', 'utf8'<span>); } </span><span>//</span><span> 最后输出 aaaa啊... 4个a算4个 1个啊算2个 3个点算3个 4+2+3=9 // 是不是很简单啊,有的人说了为什么是9个不是10个吗? // 因为正好“啊”的后边还是“啊”,中文算2个,9+2=11 超出了设定,所以去掉1个就是9了</span> <span>echo</span> <span>$str</span>;
Let me introduce some other functions to you:
mb_strlen($str, $encoding) returns the length of the string
$str The string to be calculated
$encoding The encoding used
mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $encoding) intercepts the string
$str The string to be intercepted
$start Where to start intercepting
$length intercepts the length
$encoding The encoding used
In fact, these two functions are very similar to strlen() and substr(). The only difference is that the encoding can be set.
Example below:
<?<span>php </span><span>/*</span><span>* * utf8 编码格式 * 1个中文占用3个字节 </span><span>*/</span> <span>$str</span> = 'aa12啊aa'<span>; </span><span>echo</span> <span>strlen</span>(<span>$str</span>); <span>//</span><span> 直接输出长度为9 // 输出长度为7,为什么是7呢? // 注意这里设定编码以后,不管是中文还是英文每个长度都为1 // a a 1 2 啊 a a // 1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 7 // 是不是正好7个字符啊</span> <span>echo</span> mb_strlen(<span>$str</span>, 'utf8'<span>); </span><span>//</span><span> 同样mb_substr也是一样的 // 我现在只想要5个字符</span> <span>echo</span> mb_substr(<span>$str</span>, 0, 5, 'utf8'); <span>//</span><span> 输出 aa12啊</span>
In fact, there are many useful functions in the mb extension, so I won’t list them all here.
Interested friends can view the official manual
Okay, that’s all for today.