PHP sorts the array values, using another container, php array sorting
PHP sorts the array values, using another container
</span><span>/*</span><span> 排序方式::事实上只需要将要循环的数组进行N次循环,然后每次取最大的一个值</span><span>*/</span>
<span>$array</span> = <span>array</span>(100,25,10,258,33,48,10,5,13,58,333,108,1.2,5,3,33,0.7);<span>//</span><span>3 1 2 | 1 2 | 1 |</span>
<span>$array2</span> = <span>array</span><span>();
</span><span>$max</span> = 0<span>;
</span><span>if</span>(<span>$array</span>[<span>$i</span>] > <span>$max</span><span>){
</span><span>$index</span> = <span>$i</span><span>;
</span><span>$max</span> = <span>$array</span>[<span>$i</span><span>];
It took me a while to finally complete this assignment, which can be regarded as a kind of exercise. The following is the code. Although it feels relatively inefficient, why not use a database?
3e3b7407db6b743611cec32caabf8666 $Info) {
foreach ($KeyNameList as $KeyName) {
${$KeyName}[ $Key] = $Info[$KeyName];
// Create the eval string and eval it.
$EvalString = 'array_multisort(' . join(", ", $SortRule) . ',$ArrayData);';
return $ArrayData;
$keys = array('stu_no',' name','price');
//Output form
echo "Please enter the data to be sorted:0c6dc11e160d3b678d68754cc175188a";
echo "e57aaf14c4046e4c29e477bc204335ef"; b6c5a531a458a2e790c1fd6421739d1c fd273fcf5bcad3dfdad3c41bd81ad3e5";
for ($row = 1; $row 971aa5771ff0ff001605c3b4d5b29ee5";
for ($col = 1; $col < 4; $col++) {
echo "b6c5a531a458a2e790c1fd6421739d1c06c23114777ea1734e523db50d2e6f25b90dd5946f0946207856a8a37f441edf ";
echo "fd273fcf5bcad3dfdad3c41bd81ad3e5";
echo "f16b1740fad44fb09bfe928bcc527e08";
echo "1de79a543316e77997afe9cd34be8912";
echo "f5a47148e367a6035fd7a2faa965022e";
//Convert array
if (isset($_POST['bt'])) {
for ($row = 1; $row 13f2aa2df93cd4dffe73d8e14d93c389' ;
echo 'bc5574f69a0cba105bc93bd3dc13c4ec';
$temp = sysSortArray($stu,' price',"SORT_ASC");
echo 'e03b848252eb9375d56be284e690e873';
echo 'bc5574f69a0cba105bc93bd3dc13c4ec'
?> ;
array_change_key_case -- Returns an array whose string keys are all lowercase or uppercase
array_chunk -- Split an array into multiple
array_combine -- Create an array, using the value of one array as its key name, and another The value of the array as its value
array_count_values -- Counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array
array_diff_assoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with index check
array_diff_uassoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check which is performed by a user supplied callback function.
array_diff -- Calculate the difference of an array
array_fill -- Fill the array with the given value
array_filter -- Use the callback function to filter the cells in the array
array_flip -- Swap the keys and values in the array
array_intersect_assoc -- Calculate the intersection of arrays with index check
array_intersect -- Calculate the intersection of arrays
array_key_exists -- Check if the given key name or index exists In an array
array_keys -- Returns all key names in the array
array_map -- Apply the callback function to the cells of the given array
array_merge_recursive -- Recursively merge two or more arrays
array_merge -- Merge two or more arrays
array_multisort -- Sort multiple arrays or multidimensional arrays
array_pad -- Pad the array to the specified length with values
array_pop -- Sort the last one in the array Unit pop (pop)
array_push -- Push one or more units to the end of the array (push)
array_rand -- Randomly take one or more units from the array
array_reduce -- Use The callback function iteratively reduces the array to a single value
array_reverse -- returns an array with the cells in reverse order
array_search -- searches for the given value in the array, and returns the corresponding key name if successful
array_shift -- Move the beginning of the array out of the array
array_slice -- Remove a segment from the array
array_splice -- Remove a portion of the array and replace it with other values
array_sum -- Calculate the sum of all values in the array
array_udiff_assoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check. The data is compared by using a callback function.
array_udiff_uassoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check. function. The index check is done by a callback function also
array_udiff -- Computes the difference of arrays by using a callback function for data comparison.
array_unique -- Remove duplicate values in the array
array_unshift - - Insert one or more cells at the beginning of the array
array_values -- Return all values in the array
array_walk -- Apply user function to each member in the array
array -- Create a new array
arsort -- Sort the array in reverse order and maintain the index relationship
asort -- Sort the array and maintain the index relationship
compact -- Create an array, including variable names and their values
count -- Statistical variables Number of cells in
current -- Returns the current cell in the array
each -- Returns the current key/value pair in the array and moves the array pointer forward one step
end -- Moves the internal pointer of the array Point to the last unit
extract -- Import variables from the array into the current symbol table
in_array -- Check whether a certain value exists in the array
key -- Get the key name from the combined array
krsort -- Sort the array in reverse order by key name
ksort -- Sort the array by key name
list -- Assign the values in the array to some variables
natcasesort -- Use the "natural sorting" algorithm Sort the array in a case-insensitive manner
natsort -- Sort the array using the "natural sorting" algorithm
next -- Move the internal pointer in the array forward one bit
pos -- Get the array Current unit
prev -- Rewind the internal pointer of the array by one bit
range -- Create an array containing units in the specified range
reset -- Point the internal pointer of the array to the first unit
rsort -- reverse sort the array
shuffle -- shuffle the array
sizeof -- alias of count()
sort -- sort the array
uasort -- use user-defined comparison The function sorts the values in the array and maintains the index association
uksort - uses a user-defined comparison function to sort the keys in the array
usort - uses a user-defined comparison function to sort the keys in the array Sort by value // sorts the array values, using another container, php array sorting PHP sorts the array values, uses another A container? php /* Sorting method:: In fact, you only need to loop...