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PHP adds watermark to pictures example code:
This is also a commonly used function. The program that uses PHP to add watermarks to uploaded images is to create a graphic by judging the file type, then copy it to the original graphic, fill in and create a rectangle, and prepare it for writing to the image string. (), or determine the watermark type in the original image program: one is a string, and the other is to add a graphic object on top. Mainly using PHP's GD library.
Parameter description: $max_file_size: upload file size limit, unit BYTE $destination_folder : Upload file path $watermark: Whether to add a watermark (1 means adding watermark, others means not adding watermark); Instructions for use: 1. Remove the ; sign in front of the "extension=php_gd2.dll" line in the PHP.ini file, because we need to use the GD library; 2. Change extension_dir = to the directory where your php_gd2.dll is located; 3. http://www.knowsky.com/php.asp; *************************************************** **/ //Upload file type list $uptypes=array( 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', ‘image/x-png’ ); $max_file_size=2000000; //Upload file size limit, unit BYTE $destination_folder="uploadimg/"; //Upload file path $watermark=1; //Whether to add a watermark (1 means adding watermark, others means not adding watermark); $watertype=1; //Watermark type (1 is text, 2 is picture) $waterposition=1; //Watermark position (1 is the lower left corner, 2 is the lower right corner, 3 is the upper left corner, 4 is the upper right corner, 5 is in the center); $waterstring="http://www.xplore.cn/"; //Watermark string $waterimg="xplore.gif"; //Watermark image $imgpreview=1; //Whether to generate a preview image (1 is generated, others are not generated); $imgpreviewsize=1/2; //Thumbnail ratio ?> if ($_SERVER[’REQUEST_METHOD’] == ‘POST’) { If (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES["upfile"][tmp_name])) //Does the file exist? { echo "The picture does not exist!"; exit; } $file = $_FILES["upfile"]; If($max_file_size < $file["size"]) //Check file size { echo "The file is too large!"; exit; } If(!in_array($file["type"], $uptypes)) //Check file type { echo "File type does not match!".$file["type"]; exit; } If(!file_exists($destination_folder)) { mkdir($destination_folder); } $filename=$file["tmp_name"]; $image_size = getimagesize($filename); $pinfo=pathinfo($file["name"]); $ftype=$pinfo[’extension’]; $destination = $destination_folder.time().".".$ftype; if (file_exists($destination) && $overwrite != true) { echo "The file with the same name already exists"; exit; } If(!move_uploaded_file ($filename, $destination)) { echo "Error moving file"; exit; } $pinfo=pathinfo($destination); $fname=$pinfo[basename]; echo " Uploaded successfully File name: ".$destination_folder.$fname." "; echo " width:".$image_size[0]; echo " length: ".$image_size[1]; echo " Size:".$file["size"]." bytes"; If($watermark==1) { $iinfo=getimagesize($destination,$iinfo); $nimage=imagecreatetruecolor($image_size[0],$image_size[1]); $white=imagecolorallocate($nimage,255,255,255); $black=imagecolorallocate($nimage,0,0,0); $red=imagecolorallocate($nimage,255,0,0); Imagefill($nimage,0,0,$white); switch ($iinfo[2]) Case 1: $simage =imagecreatefromgif($destination); break; case 2: $simage =imagecreatefromjpeg($destination); break; case 3: $simage =imagecreatefrompng($destination); break; case 6: $simage =imagecreatefromwbmp($destination); break; default: die("不支持的文件类型"); exit; } imagecopy($nimage,$simage,0,0,0,0,$image_size[0],$image_size[1]); imagefilledrectangle($nimage,1,$image_size[1]-15,80,$image_size[1],$white); switch($watertype) { case 1: //加水印字符串 imagestring($nimage,2,3,$image_size[1]-15,$waterstring,$black); break; case 2: //加水印图片 $simage1 =imagecreatefromgif("xplore.gif"); imagecopy($nimage,$simage1,0,0,0,0,85,15); imagedestroy($simage1); break; } switch ($iinfo[2]) { case 1: //imagegif($nimage, $destination); imagejpeg($nimage, $destination); break; case 2: imagejpeg($nimage, $destination); break; case 3: imagepng($nimage, $destination); break; case 6: Imagewbmp($nimage, $destination); //imagejpeg($nimage, $destination); break; //Overwrite the original uploaded file Imagedestroy($nimage); Imagedestroy($simage); } If($imgpreview==1) { echo " Picture preview: "; echo " echo " alt="Picture preview:rFile name:".$destination."rUpload time:" />"; } } ?> |