Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP implements multiple image upload class examples, _PHP tutorial
This article describes a practical PHP multi-image file upload class, which supports multiple image upload functions in gif, jpg, jpeg, pjpeg, and png formats. The class can also limit image types, upload image size, and set upload Directory, some submission judgment and other functions. In addition, this class is not limited to uploading images. It can also upload file types such as TXT/RAR. It just needs to be modified. Interested readers can try it themselves.
The complete function code of PHP multi-image upload class is as follows:
<?php class more_file_upload{ const FILE_PATH = '/uploadfile/'; //默认文件上传的目录,请自行修改 var file_type; var file_type_array; var file_type_real_array; var file_type_string; var file_name; var file_size; var file_tmp_name; var file_error; var handledate; static totalsize = 0; function __construct(file_name, file_error, file_size, file_tmp_name, file_type){ this -> handledate = date('m-d-Y'); if (!empty(file_name)){ this -> file_name = file_name; this -> file_error = file_error; this -> file_size = file_size; this -> file_tmp_name = file_tmp_name; this -> file_type = file_type; this -> file_type_array = array('/', 'image/gif', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png'); this -> file_type_real_array = array(0.1, 'jpg' => 74707370, 'gif' => 7173, 'bmp' => 6677, 'png' => 807871); this -> show_execute_message(this -> file_error, this -> file_name, this -> file_type, this -> file_size); } } function __destruct(){ this -> file_name = NULL; this -> file_error = NULL; this -> file_size = NULL; this -> file_tmp_name = NULL; this -> file_type = NULL; self :: totalsize = 0; } function show_execute_message(smfileerror, smfilename, smfiletype, smfilesize){ if(smfileerror > 0){ switch (smfileerror){ case 1: smfilemessage = '<strong>文件超过服务器的约定大小!</strong>'; break; case 2: smfilemessage = '<strong>文件超过指定的文件大小!</strong>'; break; case 3: smfilemessage = '<strong>文件只上传了部分!</strong>'; break; case 4: echo "this->file_name " . '文件上传失败!<br/>'; break; } self :: __destruct(); }else{ smfiletypeflag = array_search(smfiletype, this -> file_type_array); // 进行真实格式验证 if(smfiletypeflag != false){ file = fopen(this -> file_tmp_name, "rb"); bin = fread(file, 10); fclose(file); strInfo = @unpack("c10chars", bin); typeCode = intval(strInfo['chars1'] . strInfo['chars2']); smfiletypeflag = array_search(typeCode, this -> file_type_real_array); if(smfiletypeflag == false){ // 判断是否是png图片 typeCode = intval(strInfo['chars2'] . strInfo['chars3'] . strInfo['chars4']); smfiletypeflag = array_search(typeCode, this -> file_type_real_array); if(smfiletypeflag == false){ // 判断是否是jpg图片 $typeCode = intval(strInfo['chars7'] . strInfo['chars8'] . strInfo['chars9'] . strInfo['chars10']); smfiletypeflag = array_search(typeCode, this -> file_type_real_array); } } } if($smfiletypeflag == false){ $smfilemessage = '<strong>文件类型不对,请核实!</strong>'; self :: __destruct(); }else{ $resflag = $this -> move_file($this -> file_tmp_name, this -> file_name); if (resflag == 1){ $smfilemessage = '文件上传成功!'; self :: totalsize += intval($smfilesize); self :: __destruct(); }else{ $smfilemessage = '<strong>文件上传失败!</strong>'; self :: __destruct(); } } } $smfilesizeformat = $this -> size_BKM(smfilesize); echo '<tr> <td align="left" >' . smfilename . '</td> <td align="center" >' . smfiletype . '</td> <td align="center" >' . smfilesizeformat . '</td> <td align="center" >' . smfilemessage . '</td> </tr>'; } function move_file(mvfiletmp, mvfilename){ // 移动文件 mvfilenamearr = explode('.', basename(mvfilename)); mvfilenamearr[0] = this -> rand_string(); mvfilename = implode('.', mvfilenamearr); if (is_uploaded_file(mvfiletmp)){ uploadfile = self :: FILE_PATH . "mvfilename"; result = move_uploaded_file(mvfiletmp, uploadfile); return result; } } function rand_string(){ string = md5(uniqid(rand() . microtime())); return string; } function size_BKM(size){ // B/KB/MB单位转换 if(size < 1024) { size_BKM = (string)size . " B"; } elseif(size < (1024 * 1024)) { size_BKM = number_format((double)(size / 1024), 1) . " KB"; }else { size_BKM = number_format((double)(size / (1024 * 1024)), 1) . " MB"; } return size_BKM; } } ?>
Readers can copy the above code into a PHP file and save the file name: more_upload_file.class.php. Just include the file when using it.