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PHP implementation of Kruskal algorithm example analysis, Kruskal algorithm example_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:20:10749browse

PHP implementation of Kruskal algorithm example analysis, Kruskal algorithm example

The example in this article shows the implementation method of Kruscal algorithm (kruscal) implemented in PHP, and is shared with everyone for your reference. I believe it has certain reference value for everyone's PHP program design.

The specific code is as follows:

require 'edge.php';
$a = array(
$b = array(
  'ab' => '10',
  'af' => '11',
  'gb' => '16',
  'fg' => '17',
  'bc' => '18',
  'bi' => '12',
  'ci' => '8',
  'cd' => '22',
  'di' => '21',
  'dg' => '24',
  'gh' => '19',
  'dh' => '16',
  'de' => '20',
  'eh' => '7',
  'fe' => '26'
$test = new Edge($a, $b);

edge.php file code is as follows:

class EdgeArc {
  private $begin; //起始点
  private $end; //结束点
  private $weight; //权值
  public function EdgeArc($begin, $end, $weight) {
    $this->begin = $begin;
    $this->end = $end;
    $this->weight = $weight;
  public function getBegin() {
    return $this->begin;
  public function getEnd() {
    return $this->end;
  public function getWeight() {
    return $this->weight;
class Edge {
  private $vexs; //顶点集合
  private $arc; //边集合
  private $arcData; //要构建图的边信息
  private $krus; //kruscal算法时存放森林信息
  public function Edge($vexsData, $arcData) {
    $this->vexs = $vexsData;
    $this->arcData = $arcData;
  private function createArc() {
    foreach ($this->arcData as $key => $value) {
      $key = str_split($key);
      $this->arc[] = new EdgeArc($key[0], $key[1], $value);
  public function sortArc() {
    $this->quicklySort(0, count($this->arc) - 1, $this->arc);
    return $this->arc;
  private function quicklySort($begin, $end, &$item) {
    if ($begin < 0($begin >= $end)) return;
    $key = $this->excuteSort($begin, $end, $item);
    $this->quicklySort(0, $key - 1, $item);
    $this->quicklySort($key + 1, $end, $item);
  private function excuteSort($begin, $end, &$item) {
    $key = $item[$begin];
    $left = array();
    $right = array();
    for ($i = ($begin + 1); $i <= $end; $i++) {
      if ($item[$i]->getWeight() <= $key->getWeight()) {
        $left[] = $item[$i];
      } else {
        $right[] = $item[$i];
    $return = $this->unio($left, $right, $key);
    $k = 0;
    for ($i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i++) {
      $item[$i] = $return[$k];
    return $begin + count($left);
  private function unio($left, $right, $key) {
    return array_merge($left, array(
    ) , $right);
  public function kruscal() {
    $this->krus = array();
    foreach ($this->vexs as $value) {
      $this->krus[$value] = "0";
    foreach ($this->arc as $key => $value) {
      $begin = $this->findRoot($value->getBegin());
      $end = $this->findRoot($value->getEnd());
      if ($begin != $end) {
        $this->krus[$begin] = $end;
        echo $value->getBegin() . "-" . $value->getEnd() . ":" . $value->getWeight() . "\n";
  private function findRoot($node) {
    while ($this->krus[$node] != "0") {
      $node = $this->krus[$node];
    return $node;

Interested readers can debug and run the Kruskal algorithm example in this article. I believe there will be new gains.

Kruskal’s Algorithm

Are you sure you want to use adjacency list? Because in Kruskal's algorithm only edges and costs need to be stored, using adjacency lists makes little sense and is not easy to sort.
The following is the Kruskal algorithm implemented by union lookup, which solves the minimum cost of generating the network and outputs the path in the generated network.
using namespace std;
int p[1001],rank[1001];
int cho[1001];
struct edge
int u,v,w;//u represents the starting point number, v represents the end point number, w represents the cost of the path
int n,m; //n represents the number of points, m represents the number of paths
void Init()
int i;
return 0;
int main()
int i,j;
for(i= 0;i {
int cnt=0,ans=0;
for(i=0;i {
ans+=e[i].w ;
printf("%d %d\n",e[cho[j]].u,e[cho[j]].v);
return 0;
}.. .The rest of the full text>>

How to implement Kruskal's algorithm?

It’s best to combine it with specific topics. I have a topic here, which has a complete code. Just understand it slowly.blog.csdn.net/...751786
There are many more in it. If you are interested, you can read it. Look

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/868246.htmlTechArticlePHP implementation of Kruskal algorithm example analysis, Kruskal algorithm example This example shows the lattice implemented by PHP The implementation method of Ruscal algorithm (kruscal) is shared with everyone for everyone...
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