Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Directive in AngularJS to make a menu_AngularJS
Tell me how I usually write menus:
<ul> <li data-ng-class="{'active': highlight('/orders')}"> <a href="#/orders">Orders</a> </li> </ul>
Whether the menu item is highlighted depends on the highlight method in the controller.
vm.highlight = funciton(path){ return $locaiton.path().substr(0, path.lenght) === path; }
It would be more concise if used in Directive way.
<ul menu-highlighter highlight-class-name="active"> <li><a href="#/customers">Customers</a></li> <li><a href="#/orders">Customers</a></li> <li><a href="#/about">Customers</a></li> </ul>
Directive is roughly:
(function(){ var injectParams = ['$location']; var menuHighlighter = function($location){ var link = function(scope, element){ function setActive(){ var path = $location.path(); var className = scope.highlightClassName || 'active'; if(path){ angular.forEac(element.find('li'), function(li){ //<a href="#/customers">Customers</a> var anchor = li.querySelector('a'); //#/customers var href=(anchor && anchor.href) ? anchor.href : anchor.getAttribute('data-href').replace('#',''); //customers var trimmedHref = href.substr(href.indexOf('#/')+1, href.length); var basePath = path.substr(0, trimmedHref.length); if(trimmedHref === basePath){ angular.element(li).addClass(className); } else { angular.element(li).removeClass(className); } }); } } setActive(); scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', setActive); }; return { restrict: 'A', scope: { highlightClassName: '@' }, link: link } }; menuHighlighter.$inject = injectParams; angular.module('my.directives') .directive('menuHighlighter', menuHighlighter); }());
The above content is related to the knowledge of making a menu using Directive in AngualrJS. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.