Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Learn PHP while memorizing - (17) PHP uses the MySQLi extension library to operate the database 2_PHP tutorial
Since the day before yesterday, I don’t know what happened to my computer. It crashed for no reason when I was writing a program. It's not completely dead, the mouse can still move, but the click doesn't work, and the task manager can't be opened. I checked the hard drive last night and found six bad sectors. I don't know if this is the reason. But when I was playing, as long as I didn't open the compiler and write the program, nothing would happen. That won't happen again when playing games. It annoys me so much.
The basic operation of the MySQLi extension library seems to be the same, but it is converted from process-oriented to object-oriented. But since it is an enhancement of the mysql extension library, it must have strong points. There is the following code:
<!--?php //mysqli 的增强,批量执行sql语句 //批量执行dml语句(增删改) //使用了mysqli::multi_query($sqls)方法 //$sqls = $sql1;$sql2;...; //1.得到mysqli对象 //$mysqli=new MySQLi(localhost,root,root,test); //if($mysqli--->connect_error){ // die($mysqli->connect_error); //} //$sqls = insert into user(name,phone,address)values('张飞',18899992222,'中国');; //$sqls .= insert into user(name,phone,address)values('黄飞鸿',18899991111,'中国');; //$sqls .= insert into user(name,phone,address)values('王刚',18899993333,'中国');; //$res = $mysqli->multi_query($sqls); //if(!$res){ // echo 执行失败; //}else{ // echo ok; //} //$mysqli->close(); //批量执行dml语句的时候可以混合使用:insert delete update语句,但是最好不要插入select语句 //批量执行dql语句(select) //1.打开mysqli对象 $mysqli=new MySQLi(localhost,root,root,test); //2.批量查询 $sqls = select * from mr_user;; $sqls.=select * from user;; //$sqls.=desc user;//显示表的结构 //3.处理结果 //如果成功,则至少有一个结果集 if($res=$mysqli->multi_query($sqls)){ do{ //从mysqli连接取出第一个结果集 $result = $mysqli->store_result(); //显示mysqli result对象 while($row=$result->fetch_row()){ foreach($row as $key=>$val){ echo $val--; } echo ; } //使用完第一个结果集后应该及时释放资源 $result->free(); if(!$mysqli->more_results()){ break; } echo **************新的结果集************ ; }while($mysqli->next_result()); } //4.关闭资源 ?>The database used above was built by myself.
<!--?php //预编译机制,添加三个用户 //1.创建一个mysqli对象 $mysqli = new MySQLi(localhost,root,root,test); //2.创建预编译对象 $sql = insert into user (name,phone,address) values(?,?,?);//问号是占位符,以后只要用数据替换就ok $mysqli_stmt = $mysqli--->prepare($sql); //绑定参数 $name = array(小倩,小白,小黑); $phone = array(18833332222,18744446666,18899992222); $address = array(古代,古代,现代); //参数绑定---->给?赋值 //这里类型和顺序都要对应 for($i=0;$i<3;$i++){ $mysqli_stmt->bind_param(sss,$name[$i],$phone[$i],$address[$i]);//这里三个s是代表数据类型是字符串类型 //执行语句 $b = $mysqli_stmt->execute(); } if(!$b){ die(操作失败.$mysqli_stmt->error); }else{ echo 操作成功; } //释放资源 $mysqli->close(); ?> <!--?php //预编译机制,从数据库查询 //使用预处理的方法,查询所有Id-->8的用户的id,name ,address //1.创建一个mysqli对象 $mysqli = new MySQLi(localhost,root,root,test); //2.创建预编译对象 $sql = select id,name,address from user where id>?; $mysqli_stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql); $i=8; //绑定参数 $mysqli_stmt->bind_param(i,$i); //由于这次有返回对象了,所以需要绑定结果集 $mysqli_stmt->bind_result($id,$name,$address); //执行 $mysqli_stmt->execute(); //取出绑定的结果集 while($mysqli_stmt->fetch()){ echo --$id--$name--$address--; } //如果想再执行一次类似上面的只是$i改变的查询,那么就无须绑定结果集 //释放资源 $mysqli_stmt->free_result(); //关闭预编译指令 $mysqli_stmt->close(); //关闭连接 $mysqli->close(); ?>
<!--?php $mysqli = new MySQLi(localhost,root,root,test); if($mysqli--->connect_error){ die($mysqli->connect_error); } //将提交设为false $mysqli->autocommit(false);//打开或关闭本次数据库连接的自动命令提交事务模式 ,这里设置不要自动提交(false) //这里相当于做了一个透明的保存点。会把当前情况记录下来。 $sql1 = update account set balance=balance+100 where id = 1; $sql2 = update account set balance=balance-100 where id = 2; $res1 = $mysqli->query($sql1); $res2 = $mysqli->query($sql2); if(!$res1||!$res2){ //回滚事务 $mysqli->rollback();//回滚到保存点 echo fail; }else{ //提交 $mysqli->commit(); //这里是真正的提交,一旦提交没有机会回滚。 echo success; } ?>