The example in this article describes how PHP reads csv data and saves it to an array. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
csv is a replacement for the commonly used excel format. Many times when we export data, it will be exported to csv format, which is no different from excel. The following program is to read the csv data and save it to an array. We need to operate the data. , so save to data, the code is as follows:
//echo '
'; <br>
//print_r($info); <br>
//echo '
foreach ($info as $c)
echo 'Student ID:'.$c[0];
echo 'Name:'.$c[1];
echo 'Age:'.$c[2];
echo 'Height:'.$c[3].'
final class csvtoarray{
* Parse the csv file into an array and return it
* @param string $file The csv file path to be parsed
* @param char $delimiter The content delimiter in the csv file. The default is;
* @return array
public static function open($file, $delimiter = ';'){
Return self::ordenamultiarray(self::csvarray($file, $delimiter), 1);
private function csvarray($file, $delimiter)
$result = array();
$size = filesize($file) + 1;
$file = fopen($file, 'r');
$keys = fgetcsv($file, $size, $delimiter);
fseek($file,0);//There is no original one here...Add it that you can read the content of the first line
while ($row = fgetcsv($file, $size, $delimiter))
for($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++)
If(array_key_exists($i, $keys))
$row[$keys[$i]] = $row[$i];
$result[] = $row;
Return $result;
private function ordenamultiarray($multiarray, $secondindex)
while (list($firstindex, ) = each($multiarray))
$indexmap[$firstindex] = $multiarray[$firstindex][$secondindex];
while (list($firstindex, ) = each($indexmap))
if (is_numeric($firstindex))
$sortedarray[] = $multiarray[$firstindex];
else $sortedarray[$firstindex] = $multiarray[$firstindex];
Return $sortedarray;
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming design.