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It is a great pleasure for me to be able to provide you with these short and practical JavaScript skills to improve your programming skills. In less than 2 minutes a day, you will be able to read through the features that this terrible language of JavaScript presents to us: performance (performance), conventions (protocol), hacks (code hacks), interview questions (interview questions) question) and all other items.
#24 - Use === instead of ==
== (or !=) When doing comparison, the two objects being compared will be converted into the same type and then compared. === (or !==) does not. It will compare the types and values of the two being compared. Compared with ==, the comparison of === will be more rigorous.
[10] == 10 // true [10] === 10 // false "10" == 10 // true "10" === 10 // false [] == 0 // true [] === 0 // false "" == false // true 但是 true == "a" 是false "" === false // false
#23 - A better way to convert values
Converting strings to numbers is very common. The simplest and fastest (jspref) way to do it, would be to use the + (plus) algorithm.
var one = '1'; var numberOne = +one; // Number 1
You can also use the - (minus sign) conversion type of the algorithm and turn it into a negative value.
var one = '1'; var negativeNumberOne = -one; // Number -1
#22 - Clear an array
You define an array and want to clear its contents. Typically, you would do this:
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4]; function empty() { //清空数组 list = []; } empty();
But there is a more performant way.
You can use these codes:
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4]; function empty() { //清空数组 list.length = 0; } empty();
· list =[] assigns a reference to a variable to that array, while other references are not affected. This means that references to the contents of the previous array still remain in memory, causing a memory leak.
· list.length = 0 deletes everything within the array, this does not require referencing anything else
However, if you have a copied array (A and copy-A), if you delete its contents using list.length = 0, the copy will also lose its contents.
var foo = [1,2,3]; var bar = [1,2,3]; var foo2 = foo; var bar2 = bar; foo = []; bar.length = 0; console.log(foo, bar, foo2, bar2); //[] [] [1, 2, 3] []
More details on StackOverflow: difference-between-array-length-0-and-array
#21 - "Shuffle" (randomly sort) the array sort
This code here uses the Fisher Yates shuffling algorithm to shuffle (randomly sort) a specified array.
function shuffle(arr) { var i, j, temp; for (i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; } return arr; };
var a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; var b = shuffle(a); console.log(b); // [2, 7, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1, 4]
#20 - Functions that return objects can be used for chained operations
When creating functions for object-oriented JavaScript objects, returning an object from the function will allow functions to be chained together for execution.
function Person(name) { this.name = name; this.sayName = function() { console.log("Hello my name is: ", this.name); return this; }; this.changeName = function(name) { this.name = name; return this; }; } var person = new Person("John"); person.sayName().changeName("Timmy").sayName(); //Hello my name is: John //Hello my name is: Timmy
#19 - String secure connection
Suppose you have some variables of unknown type and you want to concatenate them. To be sure, algorithmic operations are not applied when cascading:
var one = 1; var two = 2; var three = '3'; var result = ''.concat(one, two, three); //"123"
This connection is not what you expected. Instead, some concatenation and addition may lead to unexpected results:
var one = 1; var two = 2; var three = '3'; var result = one + two + three; //"33" 而不是 "123"
When it comes to performance, comparing join and concat, their execution speeds are almost the same. You can learn more about concat at MDN
#18 - Faster rounding
Today’s tip is about performance. Have you ever seen the double tilde "~~" operator? It is also sometimes called the double NOT operator. You can use it as a faster replacement for Math.floor(). Why?
Unit shift~ converts the 32-bit input to -(input+1), so double shift converts the input to -(-(input+1)), which is a great tool for tending to 0. For input numbers, it will mimic Math.ceil() for negative values and Math.floor() for positive values. If execution fails, 0 is returned, which may be useful in place of Math.floor() returning a NaN if it fails.
// 单位移 console.log(~1337) // -1338 // 双位移 console.log(~~47.11) // -> 47 console.log(~~-12.88) // -> -12 console.log(~~1.9999) // -> 1 console.log(~~3) // -> 3 //失败的情况 console.log(~~[]) // -> 0 console.log(~~NaN) // -> 0 console.log(~~null) // -> 0 //大于32位整数则失败 console.log(~~(2147483647 + 1) === (2147483647 + 1)) // -> 0
Although ~~ there may be better performance, for readability, please use Math.floor().
#17 - Node.js: Let module run when not required
In node, you can tell your program to do two different things depending on whether the code runs require('./something.js') or node something.js. This is useful if you want to interact with one of your standalone modules.
if (!module.parent) { // 运行 `node something.js` app.listen(8088, function() { console.log('app listening on port 8088'); }) } else { // 使用 `require('/.something.js')` module.exports = app; }
For more information, please see the documentation for modules
#16 - Pass parameters to callback function
By default, you cannot pass parameters to the callback function, as follows:
function callback() { console.log('Hi human'); } document.getElementById('someelem').addEventListener('click', callback);
You can take advantage of JavaScript closures to pass parameters to the callback function. The example is as follows:
function callback(a, b) { return function() { console.log('sum = ', (a+b)); } } var x = 1, y = 2; document.getElementById('someelem').addEventListener('click', callback(x, y));
var alertText = function(text) { alert(text); }; document.getElementById('someelem').addEventListener('click', alertText.bind(this, 'hello'));
#15 - 使用更简单的类似indexOf的包含判断方式
var someText = 'JavaScript rules'; if (someText.indexOf('JavaScript') !== -1) { } // 或者 if (someText.indexOf('JavaScript') >= 0) { }
// examples/mvc/lib/boot.js for (var key in obj) { // "reserved" exports if (~['name', 'prefix', 'engine', 'before'].indexOf(key)) continue; // examples/lib/utils.js exports.normalizeType = function(type){ return ~type.indexOf('/') ? acceptParams(type) : { value: mime.lookup(type), params: {} }; }; // examples/web-service/index.js // key is invalid if (!~apiKeys.indexOf(key)) return next(error(401, 'invalid api key'));
var someText = 'text'; !!~someText.indexOf('tex'); // someText 包含 "tex" - true !~someText.indexOf('tex'); // someText 不包含 "tex" - false ~someText.indexOf('asd'); // someText 不包含 "asd" - false ~someText.indexOf('ext'); // someText 包含 "ext" - true String.prototype.includes()
在ES6(ES 2015)中介绍了includes()方法可以用来确定是否一个字符串包含另一个字符串:
'something'.includes('thing'); // true
在ECMAScript 2016 (ES7)中,甚至数组都可以这样操作,如indexOf:
!!~[1, 2, 3].indexOf(1); // true
[1, 2, 3].includes(1); // true
不幸的是,这只是在Chrome,Firefox,Safari 9或以上的浏览器中被支持。
#14 - arrow 函数(ES6)
// arrow函数的日常语法 param => expression // 可能也会写在括号中 // 括号是多参数要求 (param1 [, param2]) => expression // 使用日常函数 var arr = [5,3,2,9,1]; var arrFunc = arr.map(function(x) { return x * x; }); console.log(arr) // 使用arrow函数 var arr = [5,3,2,9,1]; var arrFunc = arr.map((x) => x*x); console.log(arr)
正如你所看到的,这个例子中的arrow函数可以节省你输入括号内参数和返回关键字的时间。建议把圆括号内的参数输入,如 (x,y) => x+y 。在不同的使用情况下,它只是
用来应对遗忘的一种方式。但是上面的代码也会这样执行:x => x*x.目前看来,这些仅仅是导致更少的LOC和更好的可读性的句法改进。
this 绑定
还有一个更好的理由使用arrow函数。那就是在会出现this问题的背景下。使用arrow函数,你就不用担心.bind(this)和 that=this 了。因为arrow函数会从上下文中找到this。
// 全局定义this.i this.i = 100; var counterA = new CounterA(); var counterB = new CounterB(); var counterC = new CounterC(); var counterD = new CounterD(); // 不好的示例 function CounterA() { // CounterA's `this` 实例 (!! 忽略这里) this.i = 0; setInterval(function () { // `this` 指全局对象,而不是 CounterA's `this` // 因此,开始计数与100,而不是0 (本地的 this.i) this.i++; document.getElementById("counterA").innerHTML = this.i; }, 500); } // 手动绑定 that = this function CounterB() { this.i = 0; var that = this; setInterval(function() { that.i++; document.getElementById("counterB").innerHTML = that.i; }, 500); } // 使用 .bind(this) function CounterC() { this.i = 0; setInterval(function() { this.i++; document.getElementById("counterC").innerHTML = this.i; }.bind(this), 500); } // 使用 arrow函数 function CounterD() { this.i = 0; setInterval(() => { this.i++; document.getElementById("counterD").innerHTML = this.i; }, 500); }
关于arrow函数的进一步信息可以看这里 。查看不同的语法选请访问该站点。
#13 - 测量一个JavaScript代码块性能的技巧
console.time("Array initialize"); var arr = new Array(100), len = arr.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr[i] = new Object(); }; console.timeEnd("Array initialize"); // 输出: Array initialize: 0.711ms
更多信息Console object, JavaScript benchmarking
demo:jsfiddle-codepen (在浏览器控制台输出)
#12 - ES6中参数处理
const _err = function( message ){ throw new Error( message ); } const getSum = (a = _err('a is not defined'), b = _err('b is not defined')) => a + b getSum( 10 ) // throws Error, b is not defined getSum( undefined, 10 ) // throws Error, a is not defined
#11 - 提升
function doTheThing() { // 错误: notDeclared is not defined console.log(notDeclared); // 输出: undefined console.log(definedLater); var definedLater; definedLater = 'I am defined!' // 输出: 'I am defined!' console.log(definedLater) // Outputs: undefined console.log(definedSimulateneously); var definedSimulateneously = 'I am defined!' // 输出: 'I am defined!' console.log(definedSimulateneously) // 输出: 'I did it!' doSomethingElse(); function doSomethingElse(){ console.log('I did it!'); } // 错误: undefined is not a function functionVar(); var functionVar = function(){ console.log('I did it!'); } }
#10 - 检查一个对象是否有属性
当你要检查一个对象是否存在某个属性时,你可能会这样做 :
var myObject = { name: '@tips_js' }; if (myObject.name) { ... }
这是可以的,但你必须知道这个还有两原生的方式,in operator 和 object.hasownproperty,每个对象是对象,既可用方法。每个object都继承自Object,这两个方法都可用。
var myObject = { name: '@tips_js' }; myObject.hasOwnProperty('name'); // true 'name' in myObject; // true myObject.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'); // false, valueOf 是从原型链继承的 'valueOf' in myObject; // true
他们之间的不同在于检查的性质,换句话说,当该对象本身有查找的属性时hasOwnProperty返回yrue,然而,in operator不区分属性创建的对象和属性继承的原型链。
var myFunc = function() { this.name = '@tips_js'; }; myFunc.prototype.age = '10 days'; var user = new myFunc(); user.hasOwnProperty('name'); // true user.hasOwnProperty('age'); // false, 因为age是原型链上的
#09 - 模板字符串
var firstName = 'Jake'; var lastName = 'Rawr'; console.log('My name is ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName); // My name is Jake Rawr 模板字符串: var firstName = 'Jake'; var lastName = 'Rawr'; console.log(`My name is ${firstName} ${lastName}`); // My name is Jake Rawr
#08 - 将节点列表转换为数组
querySelectorAll 方法返回一个和数组类似的节点列表对象。这些数据结构类似数组,因为经常以数组形式出现,但是又不能用数组的方法,比如map和foreach。这里是一个快速、安全、可重用的方式将一个节点列表到一个DOM元素数组:
const nodelist = document.querySelectorAll('div'); const nodelistToArray = Array.apply(null, nodelist); //later on .. nodelistToArray.forEach(...); nodelistToArray.map(...); nodelistToArray.slice(...); //etc...
如果你使用的是es2015可以利用...(spread operator)
const nodelist = [...document.querySelectorAll('div')]; // 返回的是个真实的数组 //later on .. nodelist.forEach(...); nodelist.map(...); nodelist.slice(...); //etc...
#07 - "use strict" 和懒惰
程序员喜欢让电脑为我们做些无聊的事,检查一些我们工作的错误。"use strict"指令我们做这些,将我们的错误转换成JavaScript的错误。
// 整个script文件都将是严格模式语法 "use strict"; var v = "Hi! I'm a strict mode script!"; 或者在函数内: function f() { // 函数范围内的严格模式语法 'use strict'; function nested() { return "And so am I!"; } return "Hi! I'm a strict mode function! " + nested(); } function f2() { return "I'm not strict."; }
· 变量只有在前面 var 声明了才能用
· 试图写入只读属性产生的误差
· 必须用 new 关键字调用构造函数
· this 不会默认指向全局对象
· 非常有限的使用eval()
· 保护保留字符或未来保留字符不被作为变量名使用
· IE 10+
· FF 4+
· Chrome 13+
· Safari 5.1+
· Opera 12+
#06 - 处理一个数组或单个元素作为参数的方法
function printUpperCase(words) { var elements = [].concat(words); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { console.log(elements[i].toUpperCase()); } }
printUpperCase("cactus"); // => CACTUS printUpperCase(["cactus", "bear", "potato"]); // => CACTUS // BEAR // POTATO
#05 - undefined 和 null 的不同
· undefined指的是一个变量未被声明,或者一个变量被声明但未赋值
· null是指一个特定的值,即"没有值"
. JavaScript给未赋值的变量默认定义为undefined
· JavaScript不会给未赋值的变量设置null值,它被程序员用来表示一个无价值的值
· undefined在json格式数据中是无效的,而null有效
· undefined 类型是 undefined
· null类似是object.为什么呢?
· 两者都是原始值
· 两者都被认为false(Boolean(undefined) // false, Boolean(null) // false)。
· 辨认变量是不是undefined
typeof variable === "undefined"
· 检查变量是不是null
variable === "null"
null == undefined // true
null === undefined // false
#04 - 以非ASCII字符形式来排序字符串
['Shanghai', 'New York', 'Mumbai', 'Buenos Aires'].sort(); // ["Buenos Aires", "Mumbai", "New York", "Shanghai"]
当你试图用非ASCII字符,如 ['é', 'a', 'ú', 'c']这样的进行排序,你会得到一个奇怪的结果['c', 'e', 'á', 'ú'],因为只有用英语的语言才能排序,所以发生这种情况。
// Spanish ['único','árbol', 'cosas', 'fútbol'].sort(); // ["cosas", "fútbol", "árbol", "único"] // 错误的排序 // German ['Woche', 'wöchentlich', 'wäre', 'Wann'].sort(); // ["Wann", "Woche", "wäre", "wöchentlich"] // 错误的排序
幸运的是,有两种方法来避免这种行为,ECMAScript国际化的API提供了localecompare和and Intl.Collator。
使用 localeCompare()
['único','árbol', 'cosas', 'fútbol'].sort(function (a, b) { return a.localeCompare(b); }); // ["árbol", "cosas", "fútbol", "único"] ['Woche', 'wöchentlich', 'wäre', 'Wann'].sort(function (a, b) { return a.localeCompare(b); }); // ["Wann", "wäre", "Woche", "wöchentlich"]
使用 intl.collator()
['único','árbol', 'cosas', 'fútbol'].sort(Intl.Collator().compare); // ["árbol", "cosas", "fútbol", "único"] ['Woche', 'wöchentlich', 'wäre', 'Wann'].sort(Intl.Collator().compare); // ["Wann", "wäre", "Woche", "wöchentlich"]
· 每个方法都可以自定义位置
· 在FF浏览器,intl.collator()会更快,当比较的是较大的数值或字符串
#03 - 改善嵌套条件
if (color) { if (color === 'black') { printBlackBackground(); } else if (color === 'red') { printRedBackground(); } else if (color === 'blue') { printBlueBackground(); } else if (color === 'green') { printGreenBackground(); } else { printYellowBackground(); } }
switch(color) { case 'black': printBlackBackground(); break; case 'red': printRedBackground(); break; case 'blue': printBlueBackground(); break; case 'green': printGreenBackground(); break; default: printYellowBackground(); }
switch(true) { case (typeof color === 'string' && color === 'black'): printBlackBackground(); break; case (typeof color === 'string' && color === 'red'): printRedBackground(); break; case (typeof color === 'string' && color === 'blue'): printBlueBackground(); break; case (typeof color === 'string' && color === 'green'): printGreenBackground(); break; case (typeof color === 'string' && color === 'yellow'): printYellowBackground(); break; }
var colorObj = { 'black': printBlackBackground, 'red': printRedBackground, 'blue': printBlueBackground, 'green': printGreenBackground, 'yellow': printYellowBackground }; if (color in colorObj) { colorObj[color](); }
#02 - ReactJs 子级构造的keys是很重要的
· 使用已存在的一个独立的对象值
· 定义父组件中的键,而不是子组件
//不好的 ... render() { <div key={{item.key}}>{{item.name}}</div> } ... //好的 <MyComponent key={{item.key}}/> · 使用数组不是个好习惯 · random()从不会执行 //不好的 <MyComponent key={{Math.random()}}/>
· 你可以创建你的唯一id,请确保该方法是快速的并已经附加到对象上的
· 当子级的数量是庞大的或包含复杂的组件,使用keys来提高性能
· 你必须为所有的子级ReactCSSTransitionGroup提供key属性
#01 - AngularJs: $digest vs $apply
· 只在浏览器DOM事件在Angular之外被触发的时候使用$apply或者$digest
· 给$apply传递函数表达式,这有一个错误处理机制,允许在消化周期中整合变化。
$scope.$apply(() => { $scope.tip = 'Javascript Tip'; });
· 如果你仅仅想更新当前作用域或者他的子作用域,用$digest,并且防止整个应用程序的$digest。性能不言而喻咯。
· 当$apply有很多东西绑定时,这对机器来说是个艰难的过程,可能会导致性能问题。
· 如果你使用的是Angular 1.2.x以上的,使用$evalAsync。这是一个在当前循环或下一次循环的期间或对表达式做出评估的核心方法,这可以提高你的应用程序的性能。
#00 - 在数组插入一个项
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; arr.push(6); arr[arr.length] = 6; //在Chrome 47.0.2526.106 (Mac OS X 10.11.1)上提高了 43% 的速度
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; arr.unshift(0); [0].concat(arr); //在Chrome 47.0.2526.106 (Mac OS X 10.11.1)上提高了 98% 的速度
var items = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']; items.splice(items.length / 2, 0, 'hello');