php generates dynamic random verification code, php dynamic verification code
CAPTCHA is the abbreviation of "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". It is a public fully automated test to distinguish whether a user is a computer or a human. program. It can prevent: malicious cracking of passwords, ticket fraud, forum flooding, and effectively prevents a hacker from using a specific program to violently crack a specific registered user from making continuous login attempts. In fact, using verification codes is a common method for many websites now. We use This function is implemented in a relatively simple way.
This question can be generated and judged by a computer, but only a human can answer it. Since computers cannot answer CAPTCHA questions, the user who answers the questions can be considered a human.
Php’s dynamic verification code production is based on php’s image processing. Let’s first introduce php’s image processing.
1.php image processing introduction
In PHP5, processing dynamic images is much easier than before. PHP5 includes the GD extension package in the php.ini file. You only need to remove the corresponding comments of the GD extension package to use it normally. The GD library included in PHP5 is the upgraded GD2 library, which contains some useful JPG functions that support true color image processing.
Generally generated graphics are stored in PHP’s document format, but dynamic graphics can be obtained directly through HTML’s image insertion method SRC. For example, verification code, watermark, thumbnail, etc.
General process for creating images:
1). Set the header to tell the browser the MIME type you want to generate.
2). Create an image area, and all subsequent operations will be based on this image area.
3). Draw a filled background in the blank image area.
4). Draw graphic outlines on the background to enter text.
5). Output the final graphics.
6). Clear all resources.
7). Call images from other pages.
The first step is to set the file MIME type and output type. Change the output type to image stream
Copy code The code is as follows:
header('Content-Type: image/png;');
Generally generated images can be png, jpeg, gif, wbmp
The second step is to create a graphics area and image background
imagecreatetruecolor() returns an image identifier representing a black image of size x_size and y_size. Syntax: resource imagecreatetruecolor ( int $width , int $height )
Copy code The code is as follows:
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(200,200);
The third step is to draw a filled background in the blank image area
Requires a color filler; imagecolorallocate -- assigns a color to an image; syntax: int imagecolorallocate ( resource $image , int $red , int $green , int $blue )
Copy code The code is as follows:
$blue = imagecolorallocate($im,0,102,255);
Fill this blue color into the background; imagefill -- area filling; syntax: bool imagefill ( resource $image , int $x , int $y , int $color )
Copy code The code is as follows:
The fourth step is to enter some lines, text, etc. on the blue background
Color Filler
Copy code The code is as follows:
$white = imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255);
Draw two line segments: imageline
imageline() draws a line segment in the image image from coordinates x1, y1 to x2, y2 (the upper left corner of the image is 0, 0) using color color. Syntax: bool imageline ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $color )
imagestring() uses col color to draw the string s to the x, y coordinates of the image represented by image (this is the coordinate of the upper left corner of the string, and the upper left corner of the entire image is 0, 0). If font is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, the built-in font is used. Syntax: bool imagestring ( resource $image , int $font , int $x , int $y , string $s , int $col )
Copy code The code is as follows:
Step 5, output the final graphics
imagepng() Outputs a GD image stream (image) in PNG format to standard output (usually a browser), or to a file if filename is given. Syntax: bool imagepng ( resource $image [, string $filename ] )
Copy code The code is as follows:
The sixth step is to clear all resources
imagedestroy() releases the memory associated with image. Syntax: bool imagedestroy ( resource $image )
Copy code The code is as follows:
Graphics created by calling other pages (html)
Copy code The code is as follows:
The sample code is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
//The first step is to set the file MIME type
header('Content-Type: image/png;');
//The second step is to create a graphics area and image background
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(200,200);
//The third step is to draw a filled background in the blank image area
$blue = imagecolorallocate($im,0,102,255);
//Step 4, enter some lines, text, etc. on the blue background
$white = imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255);
//Step 5, output the final graphic
//Step six, I want to clear all resources
1. Create a picture with verification code and blur the background
The random code uses hexadecimal; the blurred background means adding lines, snowflakes, etc. to the background of the picture.
1) Create random code
Copy code The code is as follows:
for ($i=0;$i<$_rnd_code;$i++) {
$_nmsg .= dechex(mt_rand(0,15));
string dechex (int $number), returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of the given number parameter.
Encapsulate it in the global.func.php global function library, and the function name is _code() for easy calling. We will set the four parameters $_width, $_height, $_rnd_code, $_flag to enhance the flexibility of the function.
* @param int $_width The length of the verification code: if you want 6 digits, 75+50 is recommended; if you want 8 digits, 75+50+50 is recommended, and so on
* @param int $_height The height of the verification code
* @param int $_rnd_code The number of digits in the verification code
* @param bool $_flag Whether the verification code requires a border: true with border, false without border (default)
The encapsulated code is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
* [verification-code] (C)2015-2100 jingwhale.
* This is a freeware
* $Id: global.func.php 2015-02-05 20:53:56 jingwhale$
* _code() is the verification code function
* @access public
* @param int $_width The length of the verification code: if you want 6 digits, 75+50 is recommended; if you want 8 digits, 75+50+50 is recommended, and so on
* @param int $_height The height of the verification code
* @param int $_rnd_code The number of digits in the verification code
* @param bool $_flag Whether the verification code requires a border: true with border, false without border (default)
* @return void This function generates a verification code after execution
function _code($_width = 75,$_height = 25,$_rnd_code = 4,$_flag = false) {
//Create random code
for ($i=0;$i<$_rnd_code;$i++) {
$_nmsg .= dechex(mt_rand(0,15));
//Save in session
$_SESSION['code'] = $_nmsg;
//Create an image
$_img = imagecreatetruecolor($_width,$_height);
$_white = imagecolorallocate($_img,255,255,255);
If ($_flag) {
//Black, border
$_black = imagecolorallocate($_img,0,0,0);
//Draw 6 lines immediately
for ($i=0;$i<6;$i++) {
$_rnd_color = imagecolorallocate($_img,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255));
//Snowflakes then
for ($i=0;$i<100;$i++) {
$_rnd_color = imagecolorallocate($_img,mt_rand(200,255),mt_rand(200,255),mt_rand(200,255));
//Output verification code
for ($i=0;$i
$_rnd_color = imagecolorallocate($_img,mt_rand(0,100),mt_rand(0,150),mt_rand(0,200));
//Output image
header('Content-Type: image/png');
2. Create a verification mechanism
Create a PHP verification page and check whether the verification code is consistent through session.
1) Create verification-code.php verification page
Copy code The code is as follows:
* [verification-code] (C)2015-2100 jingwhale.
* This is a freeware
* $Id: verification-code.php 2015-02-05 20:53:56 jingwhale$
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
* [verification-code] (C)2015-2100 jingwhale.
* This is a freeware
* $Id: verification-code.php 2015-02-05 20:53:56 jingwhale$
//Set character set encoding
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
//Open session
//Introduce global function library (custom)
require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/global.func.php';
//Check verification code
if ($_GET['action'] == 'verification') {
If (!($_POST['code'] == $_SESSION['code'])) {
_alert_back('Verification code is incorrect!');
_alert_back('Verification code passed!');
verification code
3. Click on the verification code image to update the verification code
If you want to update the verification code above, you must refresh the page; we write a codeimg.js function to update the verification code by clicking on the verification code image
Copy code The code is as follows:
window.onload = function () {
var code = document.getElementById('codeimg');//Find the img tag in html by id
Code.onclick = function () {//Add a click event to the label
This.src='codeimg.php?tm='+Math.random();//Modify time and redirect to codeimg.php
Then it in the verification-code.php html code head. // produces dynamic random verification code, php dynamic verification code verification code (CAPTCHA) is "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart” (fully automatically distinguish computers...
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