Summary of CI loading process, summary of ci loading
I was bored, so I decided to give it a try.
CI (CodeIgniter) is the first framework I came into contact with, and so far I have only used some fragmentary methods. I have always wanted to make a summary of its process, but I always get stuck on it for various "reasons". When I see other people’s diagrams coming together, I don’t have the patience, so let’s start with the code, just as a note to commemorate.
Looking at the online user manual, you also know that download the CI (the latest version 2.2.1) and unzip it to the machine, such as the www directory, you can change the root directory name (the original name CodeIgniter-2.2-stable is too long), The preliminary directory files are as follows, of course this is under windows.

After accessing, such as localhost/ci/index.php, you will enter the CI default Welcome page

How to load this page step by step? The first thing to access is the index.php script

1 php
3 /*
4 *---------------------------------------------------------------
6 *---------------------------------------------------------------
7 *
8 * You can load different configurations depending on your
9 * current environment. Setting the environment also influences
10 * things like logging and error reporting.
11 *
12 * This can be set to anything, but default usage is:
13 *
14 * development
15 * testing
16 * production
17 *
18 * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below
19 *
20 */
21 define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development'
22 /*
23 *---------------------------------------------------------------
25 *---------------------------------------------------------------
26 *
27 * Different environments will require different levels of error reporting.
28 * By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them.
29 */
31 if (
32 {
33 switch (ENVIRONMENT)
34 {
35 case 'development':
36 error_reporting(
37 break;
39 case 'testing':
40 case 'production':
41 error_reporting(0
42 break;
44 default:
45 exit('The application environment is not set correctly.'
46 }
47 } 48
49 /*
50 *---------------------------------------------------------------
52 *---------------------------------------------------------------
53 *
54 * This variable must contain the name of your "system" folder.
55 * Include the path if the folder is not in the same directory
56 * as this file.
57 *
58 */
59 $system_path = 'system'
61 /*
62 *---------------------------------------------------------------
64 *---------------------------------------------------------------
65 *
66 * If you want this front controller to use a different "application"
67 * folder then the default one you can set its name here. The folder
68 * can also be renamed or relocated anywhere on your server. If
69 * you do, use a full server path. For more info please see the user guide:
70 *
71 *
73 *
74 */
75 $application_folder = 'application'
77 /*
78 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
80 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
81 *
82 * Normally you will set your default controller in the routes.php file.
83 * You can, however, force a custom routing by hard-coding a
84 * specific controller class/function here. For most applications, you
85 * WILL NOT set your routing here, but it's an option for those
86 * special instances where you might want to override the standard
87 * routing in a specific front controller that shares a common CI installation.
88 *
89 * IMPORTANT: If you set the routing here, NO OTHER controller will be
90 * callable. In essence, this preference limits your application to ONE
91 * specific controller. Leave the function name blank if you need
92 * to call functions dynamically via the URI.
93 *
94 * Un-comment the $routing array below to use this feature
95 *
96 */
97 // The directory name, relative to the "controllers" folder. Leave blank
98 // if your controller is not in a sub-folder within the "controllers" folder
99 // $routing['directory'] = '';
101 // The controller class file name. Example: Mycontroller
102 // $routing['controller'] = '';
104 // The controller function you wish to be called.
105 // $routing['function'] = '';
108 /*
109 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
111 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
112 *
113 * The $assign_to_config array below will be passed dynamically to the
114 * config class when initialized. This allows you to set custom config
115 * items or override any default config values found in the config.php file.
116 * This can be handy as it permits you to share one application between
117 * multiple front controller files, with each file containing different
118 * config values.
119 *
120 * Un-comment the $assign_to_config array below to use this feature
121 *
122 */
123 // $assign_to_config['name_of_config_item'] = 'value of config item';
127 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
129 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
131 /*
132 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
133 * Resolve the system path for increased reliability
134 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
135 */
137 // Set the current directory correctly for CLI requests
138 if (
139 {
140 chdir(
141 }
143 if (
$system_path) !==
144 {
145 $system_path =
146 }
148 // ensure there's a trailing slash
149 $system_path =
$system_path, '/').'/'
151 // Is the system path correct?
152 if ( !
153 {
154 exit("Your system folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: ".
155 }
157 /*
158 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
159 * Now that we know the path, set the main path constants
160 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
161 */
162 // The name of THIS file
163 define('SELF',
165 // The PHP file extension
166 // this global constant is deprecated.
167 define('EXT', '.php'
169 // Path to the system folder
170 define('BASEPATH',
str_replace("\", "/",
172 // Path to the front controller (this file)
173 define('FCPATH',
str_replace(SELF, '',
175 // Name of the "system folder"
176 define('SYSDIR',
trim(BASEPATH, '/'), '/'), '/'
179 // The path to the "application" folder
180 if (
181 {
182 define('APPPATH',
183 }
184 else
185 {
186 if ( !
187 {
188 exit("Your application folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: ".
189 }
191 define('APPPATH', BASEPATH.
192 }193
194 /*
195 * --------------------------------------------- --------------------------
197 * ------------------------------------ --------------------------------
198 *
199 * And away we go...
200 *
201 */
202 require_once BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php'
204 /* End of file index.php */
205 /* Location: ./index.php */
View Code
Line 21: First define an ENVIRONMENT constant as development, which is the development environment.
Lines 31-47: switch statement. Since the current environment is development, it is set to report all levels of errors.
Lines 49-59: The $system_path variable defines the default system script directory of CI as system, and lines 61-75 define the current default directory for our main development as application.
Lines 77-105: All commented out, here is where we can force the default directory name ($routing['directory']), controller name ($routing['directory']) and method when the system is loaded. name ($routing['directory']), although generally these are set in applicationconfigroutes.php (picture below), the Welcome page accessed is also through this default controller Welcome class, this is only as a selective method, Actually there is no need to do it

Lines 108-129: All commented out, used for custom configuration variables (CUSTOM CONFIG VALUES). As mentioned in the previous article, there is always some configuration information in any back-end project, but the loading methods of each project or framework are different. This $assign_to_config array stores our custom configuration information, such as $assign_to_config['home'] = 'localhost';. The reason why it is commented out is because this is only an optional operation. The user-defined configuration information of CI , usually placed under the applicationconfig directory, with automatic loading information (autoload.php), general configuration information (config.php), constants (constants.php), database (database.php) and other separate files stored, so it is generally not in Here to configure a variable to be used, $assign_to_config is not defined by default.

From line 131 to the end of the index.php file are mainly the definitions of some path variables.
Lines 137-141: It is prepared for the CLI (Command-Interface Line) calling method. It runs the script directly through the terminal command on the Mac/Linux system. This is on the CI Chinese official website ( .cn/user_guide/general/cli.html) is also introduced. If a constant named STDIN is defined, the execution directory will be changed to the directory where the current file is located. Of course, the definition of the constant STDIN has not appeared before, so it will not be executed here. .

Lines 143-155: Determine the directory variable $system_path where the framework stores system scripts, which is the system directory in the previous figure. Its validity will be tested here. If it is invalid, the program will hang here.
Lines 157-192: Define several main directory constants, namely SELF: file name of the current script, EXT: script extension, BASEPATH: path to the system directory, FCPATH: directory where the current script is located, SYSDIR: system directory The directory name, if not changed, is system.
Lines 179-194: Define the APPPATH constant and determine the directory where the application is located, which is where we will mainly develop in the future. Use is_dir to detect it. Note that is_dir can detect relative directories, so what is actually run is the code in if. APPPATH gets the relative path.
Finally, print to see what the values of these variables (constants) are, some of which are related to the storage directory:

Line 202: Load the BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php' script, which is the file in the core class file directory under the system directory and enters the file in the core class directory of CI.
================================================== ================================================== ====

1 if ( !
exit('No direct script access allowed'
2 /**
3 * CodeIgniter
4 *
5 * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
6 *
7 * @package CodeIgniter
8 * @author EllisLab Dev Team
9 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc.
10 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
11 * @license
12 * @link
13 * @since Version 1.0
14 * @filesource
15 */
17 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 /**
20 * System Initialization File
21 *
22 * Loads the base classes and executes the request.
23 *
24 * @package CodeIgniter
25 * @subpackage codeigniter
26 * @category Front-controller
27 * @author EllisLab Dev Team
28 * @link
29 */
31 /**
32 * CodeIgniter Version
33 *
34 * @var string
35 *
36 */
37 define('CI_VERSION', '2.2.1'
39 /**
40 * CodeIgniter Branch (Core = TRUE, Reactor = FALSE)
41 *
42 * @var boolean
43 *
44 */
45 define('CI_CORE',
47 /*
48 * ------------------------------------------------------
49 * Load the global functions
50 * ------------------------------------------------------
51 */
52 require(BASEPATH.'core/Common.php'
54 /*
55 * ------------------------------------------------------
56 * Load the framework constants
57 * ------------------------------------------------------
58 */
59 if (
60 {
61 require(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/constants.php'
62 }
63 else
64 {
65 require(APPPATH.'config/constants.php'
66 }
68 /*
69 * ------------------------------------------------------
70 * Define a custom error handler so we can log PHP errors
71 * ------------------------------------------------------
72 */
73 set_error_handler('_exception_handler'
75 if ( ! is_php('5.3'
76 {
77 @
// Kill magic quotes
78 } 79
80 /*
81 * ------------------------------------------------------
82 * Set the subclass_prefix
83 * ------------------------------------------------------
84 *
85 * Normally the "subclass_prefix" is set in the config file.
86 * The subclass prefix allows CI to know if a core class is
87 * being extended via a library in the local application
88 * "libraries" folder. Since CI allows config items to be
89 * overriden via data set in the main index. php file,
90 * before proceeding we need to know if a subclass_prefix
91 * override exists. If so, we will set this value now,
92 * before any classes are loaded
93 * Note: Since the config file data is cached it doesn't
94 * hurt to load it here.
95 */
96 if (
$assign_to_config['subclass_prefix']) AND
$assign_to_config['subclass_prefix'] != ''
97 {
98 get_config(
array('subclass_prefix' =>
99 }
101 /*
102 * ------------------------------------------------------
103 * Set a liberal script execution time limit
104 * ------------------------------------------------------
105 */
106 if (
function_exists("set_time_limit") ==
ini_get("safe_mode") == 0
107 {
108 @
109 }
111 /*
112 * ------------------------------------------------------
113 * Start the timer... tick tock tick tock...
114 * ------------------------------------------------------
115 */
116 $BM =& load_class('Benchmark', 'core'
117 $BM->mark('total_execution_time_start'
118 $BM->mark('loading_time:_base_classes_start'
120 /*
121 * ------------------------------------------------------
122 * Instantiate the hooks class
123 * ------------------------------------------------------
124 */
125 $EXT =& load_class('Hooks', 'core'
127 /*
128 * ------------------------------------------------------
129 * Is there a "pre_system" hook?
130 * ------------------------------------------------------
131 */
132 $EXT->_call_hook('pre_system'
134 /*
135 * ------------------------------------------------------
136 * Instantiate the config class
137 * ------------------------------------------------------
138 */
139 $CFG =& load_class('Config', 'core'
141 // Do we have any manually set config items in the index.php file?
142 if (
143 {
144 $CFG->_assign_to_config(
145 }146
147 /*
148 * ------------------------------------------------------
149 * Instantiate the UTF-8 class
150 * ------------------------------------------------------
151 *
152 * Note: Order here is rather important as the UTF-8
153 * class needs to be used very early on, but it cannot
154 * properly determine if UTf-8 can be supported until
155 * after the Config class is instantiated.
156 *
157 */
159 $UNI =& load_class('Utf8', 'core'
161 /*
162 * ------------------------------------------------------
163 * Instantiate the URI class
164 * ------------------------------------------------------
165 */
166 $URI =& load_class('URI', 'core'
168 /*
169 * ------------------------------------------------------
170 * Instantiate the routing class and set the routing
171 * ------------------------------------------------------
172 */
173 $RTR =& load_class('Router', 'core'
174 $RTR->
176 // Set any routing overrides that may exist in the main index file
177 if (
178 {
179 $RTR->_set_overrides(
180 }
182 /*
183 * ------------------------------------------------------
184 * Instantiate the output class
185 * ------------------------------------------------------
186 */
187 $OUT =& load_class('Output', 'core'
189 /*
190 * ------------------------------------------------------
191 * Is there a valid cache file? If so, we're done...
192 * ------------------------------------------------------
193 */
194 if (
$EXT->_call_hook('cache_override') ===
195 {
196 if (
$URI) ==
197 {
198 exit;
199 }
200 }201
202 /*
203 * -----------------------------------------------------
204 * Load the security class for xss and csrf support
205 * -----------------------------------------------------
206 */
207 $SEC =& load_class('Security', 'core'
209 /*
210 * ------------------------------------------------------
211 * Load the Input class and sanitize globals
212 * ------------------------------------------------------
213 */
214 $IN =& load_class('Input', 'core'
216 /*
217 * ------------------------------------------------------
218 * Load the Language class
219 * ------------------------------------------------------
220 */
221 $LANG =& load_class('Lang', 'core'
223 /*
224 * ------------------------------------------------------
225 * Load the app controller and local controller
226 * ------------------------------------------------------
227 *
228 */
229 // Load the base controller class
230 require BASEPATH.'core/Controller.php'
232 function &
233 {
234 return CI_Controller::
235 }
238 if (
239 {
240 require APPPATH.'core/'.
241 }
243 // Load the local application controller
244 // Note: The Router class automatically validates the controller path using the router->_validate_request().
245 // If this include fails it means that the default controller in the Routes.php file is not resolving to something valid.
246 if ( !
247 {
248 show_error('Unable to load your default controller. Please make sure the controller specified in your Routes.php file is valid.'
249 }250
251 include(APPPATH.'controllers/'.
253 // Set a mark point for benchmarking
254 $BM->mark('loading_time:_base_classes_end'
256 /*
257 * ------------------------------------------------------
258 * Security check
259 * ------------------------------------------------------
260 *
261 * None of the functions in the app controller or the
262 * loader class can be called via the URI, nor can
263 * controller functions that begin with an underscore
264 */
265 $class =
266 $method =
268 if ( !
269 OR
$method, '_', 1) == 0
270 OR
271 )
272 {
273 if ( !
274 {
275 $x =
276 $class =
277 $method = (
$x[1]) ?
$x[1] : 'index'
278 if ( !
279 {
280 if ( !
281 {
282 show_404("{
283 }
285 include_once(APPPATH.'controllers/'.
286 }
287 }
288 else
289 {
290 show_404("{
291 }
292 }293
294 /*
295 * ------------------------------------------------------
296 * Is there a "pre_controller" hook?
297 * ------------------------------------------------------
298 */
299 $EXT->_call_hook('pre_controller'
301 /*
302 * ------------------------------------------------------
303 * Instantiate the requested controller
304 * ------------------------------------------------------
305 */
306 // Mark a start point so we can benchmark the controller
307 $BM->mark('controller_execution_time_( '.
$class.' / '.
$method.' )_start'
309 $CI =
new $class();
311 /*
312 * ------------------------------------------------------
313 * Is there a "post_controller_constructor" hook?
314 * ------------------------------------------------------
315 */
316 $EXT->_call_hook('post_controller_constructor'
318 /*
319 * ------------------------------------------------------
320 * Call the requested method
321 * ------------------------------------------------------
322 */
323 // Is there a "remap" function? If so, we call it instead
324 if (
$CI, '_remap'
325 {
326 $CI->_remap(
$URI->rsegments, 2
327 }
328 else
329 {
330 // is_callable() returns TRUE on some versions of PHP 5 for private and protected
331 // methods, so we'll use this workaround for consistent behavior
332 if ( !
333 {
334 // Check and see if we are using a 404 override and use it.
335 if ( !
336 {
337 $x =
338 $class =
339 $method = (
$x[1]) ?
$x[1] : 'index'
340 if ( !
341 {
342 if ( !
343 {
344 show_404("{
345 }
347 include_once(APPPATH.'controllers/'.
348 unset(
349 $CI =
new $class();
350 }
351 }
352 else
353 {
354 show_404("{
355 }
356 }357
358 // Call the requested method.
359 // Any URI segments present (besides the class/function) will be passed to the method for convenience
360 call_user_func_array(
$URI->rsegments, 2
361 }
364 // Mark a benchmark end point
365 $BM->mark('controller_execution_time_( '.
$class.' / '.
$method.' )_end'
367 /*
368 * ------------------------------------------------------
369 * Is there a "post_controller" hook?
370 * ------------------------------------------------------
371 */
372 $EXT->_call_hook('post_controller'
374 /*
375 * ------------------------------------------------------
376 * Send the final rendered output to the browser
377 * ------------------------------------------------------
378 */
379 if (
$EXT->_call_hook('display_override') ===
380 {
381 $OUT->
382 }
384 /*
385 * ------------------------------------------------------
386 * Is there a "post_system" hook?
387 * ------------------------------------------------------
388 */
389 $EXT->_call_hook('post_system'
391 /*
392 * ------------------------------------------------------
393 * Close the DB connection if one exists
394 * ------------------------------------------------------
395 */
396 if (
class_exists('CI_DB') AND
397 {
398 $CI->db->
399 }
402 /* End of file CodeIgniter.php */
403 /* Location: ./system/core/CodeIgniter.php */
View Code
52行:加载系统核心目录下的Common.php文件,Load the global functions,记得前一篇中说到,一般一个项目会将很多公共方法放在一个脚本中加载进来,通常取名Utilities.php,也可是Common.php,这里的Common.php也是这个意思,如它的解释是“加载全局函数”,即这里的函数都是后边直接拿来用的。在这个脚本中有两个重要的方法(目前来说)一个是get_config,单独拿出来如下

1 php
2 /**
3 * Loads the main config.php file
4 *
5 * This function lets us grab the config file even if the Config class
6 * hasn't been instantiated yet
7 *
8 * @access private
9 * @return array
10 */
11 if ( !
12 {
13 function &get_config(
$replace =
14 {
15 static $_config;
17 if (
18 {
19 return $_config[0
20 }
22 // Is the config file in the environment folder?
23 if ( !
defined('ENVIRONMENT') OR !
$file_path = APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/config.php'
24 {
25 $file_path = APPPATH.'config/config.php'
26 }
28 // Fetch the config file
29 if ( !
30 {
31 exit('The configuration file does not exist.'
32 }
34 require(
36 // Does the $config array exist in the file?
37 if ( !
$config) OR !
38 {
39 exit('Your config file does not appear to be formatted correctly.'
40 }
42 // Are any values being dynamically replaced?
43 if (
$replace) > 0
44 {
45 foreach (
$replace as $key =>
46 {
47 if (
48 {
49 $config[
$key] =
50 }
51 }
52 }
54 $_config[0] =&
55 return $_config[0
56 }
57 }
View Code
If it is the first time to call the get_config method, first declare the static variable $_config. If it has been defined, directly return its subarray with index 0. Then check whether the APPPATH/config/ENVIRONMENT/config.php file exists (the known ENVIRONMENT constant value was printed previously, and the unchanged value is development. There is no such directory in the original framework, so application/config/config.php is loaded here (only This one is loaded, but other configuration files are not), you can open it to see a $config array defined in config.php, some basic definitions such as basic links, link suffixes, encoding, language, cache, logs, hooks, etc. If. Passing in an associative array, it will add the key-value (temporary) to $_config. In short, the get_config method mainly gets the array variables defined in config.php.
The config_item method related to get_config is to get an item in this array variable.
Another important method is load_class:

1 php
2 /**
3 * Class registry
4 *
5 * This function acts as a singleton. If the requested class does not
6 * exist it is instantiated and set to a static variable. If it has
7 * previously been instantiated the variable is returned.
8 *
9 * @access public
10 * @param string the class name being requested
11 * @param string the directory where the class should be found
12 * @param string the class name prefix
13 * @return object
14 */
15 if ( ! function_exists('load_class'))
16 {
17 function &load_class($class, $directory = 'libraries', $prefix = 'CI_')
18 {
19 static $_classes = array();
21 // Does the class exist? If so, we're done...
22 if (isset($_classes[$class]))
23 {
24 return $_classes[$class];
25 }
27 $name = FALSE;
29 // Look for the class first in the local application/libraries folder
30 // then in the native system/libraries folder
31 foreach (array(APPPATH, BASEPATH) as $path)
32 {
33 if (file_exists($path.$directory.'/'.$class.'.php'))
34 {
35 $name = $prefix.$class;
37 if (class_exists($name) === FALSE)
38 {
39 require($path.$directory.'/'.$class.'.php');
40 }
42 break;
43 }
44 }
46 // Is the request a class extension? If so we load it too
47 if (file_exists(APPPATH.$directory.'/'.config_item('subclass_prefix').$class.'.php'))
48 {
49 $name = config_item('subclass_prefix').$class;
51 if (class_exists($name) === FALSE)
52 {
53 require(APPPATH.$directory.'/'.config_item('subclass_prefix').$class.'.php');
54 }
55 }
57 // Did we find the class?
58 if ($name === FALSE)
59 {
60 // Note: We use exit() rather then show_error() in order to avoid a
61 // self-referencing loop with the Excptions class
62 exit('Unable to locate the specified class: '.$class.'.php');
63 }64
65 // Keep track of what we just loaded
66 is_loaded($class);
68 $_classes[$class] = new $name();
69 return $_classes[$class];
70 }
71 }
View Code
Let’s look at its comments first: This method acts as a singleton. If the requested class does not appear before, the class will be instantiated as a static variable. If it has been instantiated before, it will be returned directly. Its three parameters are the requested class name, directory, and class name prefix. As you can see, the default directory is libraries, which is found in both application and system. It is where our custom class libraries or class libraries that come with CI are stored, including custom tools and tools provided by CI, such as calendar classes. , encryption class, Ftp class, log class, Session class, Email sending and receiving class, JavaScript class, ZIP compression class, etc. Perhaps you have noticed that a reference is returned instead of a value, just like it loads the class as a static variable. These details ultimately improve the access speed of the entire system.
The general process: first define a static array, and return it directly if the class already exists in the array. Scan the $directory (default value is libraries) directory under the APPPATH and BASEPATH (these two constant values are known before) folders to see if the $class.php file exists. If it exists, add the standard class prefix of CI_ (the third one). The default value of each parameter), when checking whether the class exists, require the file if it exists (it can be seen from here that class_exists() does not need to load the class file first when determining whether the class exists), and once the file appears, load it, And break jumps out. Pay attention to the scanning order, first APPPATH and then BASEPATH. If only the first parameter class name is passed, we will first search in the libraries of the application directory we developed ourselves, and then go to the libraries of the system directory.
Since we can extend the core classes of CI (inherit them), after scanning the core class (names prefixed with CI_) directories of APPPATH and BASEPATH, we must also scan whether there are customizations under the libraries of APPPATH extension classes (prefixed by MY_ by default), load them if any, and then instantiate a corresponding object (if there is an extension class, it is an extension class), store it in the $_classes static array and return the object.
Return to the CodeIgniter.php script after you have a general understanding of Common.php.
Lines 54-66: Load the APPPATH.'config/constants.php' script. Constants.php, as the name suggests, contains framework constants, which centrally defines some constants, so we can put them here when adding constants. to define.

Lines 68-78: First, a custom error handling method _exception_handler is defined. Determine the PHP version. If it is not 5.3, turn off the magic_quotes reference. This configuration has been deprecated in version 5.3 to improve security.
Lines 80-99: Here is the temporary addition of the $assign_to_config custom configuration information array mentioned earlier to the $_config array, implemented through the get_config method. As mentioned earlier, $assign_to_config is not defined by default. The if statement here It won't run either.
Lines 101-109: Set the maximum execution time of the custom script to 300 seconds (slightly longer, longer if running logs)
Lines 111-118: Load the core class Benchmark and set two mark points. The Benchmark benchmark test class is to test the memory size, execution time and other information occupied between a certain start mark and the end mark. For testing, of course it must be used in conjunction with something called an analyzer in CI.
Lines 120-132: Load the core class Hooks, hook, and set a hook that the system starts to execute (actually not executed because the configuration information about it in application/config/config.php is set to false by default, that is, the hook is not enabled) ). It is equivalent to a trigger that starts executing certain code before something is to be executed, such as before the controller is loaded, after loading, etc., and runs the specified code once the controller is loaded. Here, it attempts to call a pre_system (before system execution) extension, which is not executed by default.
Lines 134-145: Load the core class Config, the configuration class, which is used to load other required configuration information, and it loads the configuration information in the $assign_to_config array again if the array is defined.
Lines 147-159: Load core class Utf8, encoding class.
Lines 161-166: Load core class URI, routing.
Lines 168-180: Load the core class Router, the path processing class, and the _set_routing method to set the access path. If the path configuration array $routing (mentioned as commented out by default) is defined, the default routing configuration will be overridden. If you enter a script path that does not exist, it will stop at this step and start reporting 404. Of course, it must be handled by the method in the Router.
In the Router class, URI exists as a member of it. The actual processing method is in the URI class. Anyone who is familiar with it knows that the access method of CI is in the form of segment by default, which is said to be more conducive to search engines. A simple access method is localhost/ci/index.php/Controller/Function/Arguments. They parse the access form into the required controller, the method to be called, and the provided parameter list. Of course, traditional methods can also be enabled. Query string form. The specific method is slightly complicated.
Line 187: Load the core class Output.
Lines 189-200: Use the Hooks class and the Output class to detect whether there is cache. If there is, the cache page will be output directly and the script will jump out. This is also the reason why in the application flow chart part of the CI introduction, after the path is processed, if there is a cache, it will be output directly.

Line 207: Load the core class Security.
Line 214: Load the core class Input.
Line 221: Load core class Lang, language processing.
Lines 229-235: Load the core class Controller, which is the base class of all controllers, and the get_instance global method can also get its instance. The cool thing about Controller is that it will load all the previous ones loaded through load_calss Tool libraries in the libraries (default) directories (APPPATH and BASEPATH) are all instantiated as objects and as its property members. Therefore, the instance obtained by the get_instance method here is also called a super object by CI, because through this object, all previously loaded object instances can be obtained.
Lines 238-242: Load a custom extension class file for the core class CI_Controller in the previous step. The default is MY_Controller, of course, if you have extended it.
Lines 243-251: Extract the directory and class name of the currently accessed controller through the instance of the core class Router. If it does not exist, an error will be reported. If it exists, it will be loaded. The default welcome controller file is loaded here. Of course, if you define the controller class file yourself and access it, it will also be included here (extract the subdirectory $RTR->fetch_directory() through the Router class, if it exists, extract the class name $RTR->fetch_class() (Look for it), the if statement block on line 246 is to check whether this class file exists.
Line 252: Set a benchmark end mark to mark the end of loading basic core classes (these tests will not be executed by default).
Lines 256-292: Security check. First, obtain the class name and the method name to be executed through the Router class, and check three items in the if condition. 1. Lines 243-251 above find the script corresponding to the controller and load it, but what if this is just an empty script with a matching name? It won't work if nothing is written inside, so you need to check whether the definition of the class exists (class_exists). 2. Method names starting with underscore _ cannot be executed and an error will be reported directly. Of course, this is CI's own rule, which means that no matter you The methods starting with _ defined by the class will not work even if they are public access attributes (except for one _remap). 3. When the method in the class has the same name as the method in the core class of the root controller, it will not work. Just have an impression when defining the method name. Entering the if is likely to result in a 404.
Line 298: The Hooks class attempts to call a pre_controller (before the controller is executed) extension, which is not available by default.
Lines 301-309: The benchmark class sets a starting point mark to test the execution time of the controller (test information is not displayed by default), and instantiates the previously loaded controller class. The default is Welcome.
Line 315: Hooks attempts to execute the extension of post_controller_constructor (after the called controller class is constructed), which is not available by default.
Lines 317-364: Start calling the specified method of the specified controller class (of course this is the default method index of the default controller Welcome). Take a look at this process. First, make an if judgment. If there is a method _remap in your controller class, just call it. So the methods starting with an underscore are except _remap. This is also the rule for methods of a CI class. With this remapping method, just adjust it. There is no _remap method in the default Welcome controller. Enter else. There is an if in else. Judge again whether the method we call is in this controller class. If not, it is destined to be 404. It is just 404.