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This article analyzes classic PHP interview questions in more detail. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
I did some PHP questions on the Internet, and I have reached this point without realizing it...posting the answers for reference.
1. Use PHP to print out the time of the previous day in the format of 2006-5-10 22:21:21 (2 points)
$a = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 day")); print_r($a);
2. The difference between echo(), print() and print_r() (3 points)
echo and print are not a function, but a language structure
int print(string $arg), only one parameter
echo arg1,arg2; can output multiple parameters and return void
echo and print can only print out strings, not structures
print_r can print out the structure
For example
$arr = array("key"=>"value"); print_r($arr);
3. A template that allows HTML and PHP to be used separately (1 point)
4. What tools are used for version control? (1 point)
5. How to implement string flipping? (3 points)
Chinese or other text:
Chinese: GB2312, the code is encoded using GB2312
<?php function reverse($str) { $ret = ""; len=mbstrwidth(str,"GB2312"); for(i=0;i< len;i++) { arr[]=mbsubstr(str, $i, 1, "GB2312"); } return implode("", array_reverse($arr)); } print_r(reverse("你好"));
6. Methods to optimize MYSQL database. (4 points, write more and get more)
In terms of sentences:
1 Use indexes to increase query efficiency
2 Optimize query statements and improve index hit rate
Database involved:
1 Construct sub-databases and sub-tables to improve the storage and expansion capabilities of the database
2 Use different storage engines as needed
7. What does PHP mean (get 1 point)
HyperText Preprocessing Language
Hypertext PreProcessor
8. What is the function of MYSQL to obtain the current time?, and the function of formatting date is (2 points)
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() DATE_FORMAT() select DATE_FORMAT("2011-11-21 10:10:10", "%Y-%m-%d");
9. A method to intercept Chinese text strings without garbled characters. (3 points)
mb_substr($str, 1, 1, "GB2312");
10. Have you ever used version control software? If so, what is the name of the version control software you used? (1 point)
11. Have you ever used a template engine? If so, what is the name of the template engine you used? (1 point)
12. Please briefly describe your most proud development work (4 points)
13. For websites with high traffic, what methods do you use to solve the traffic problem? (4 points)
1 Use cache effectively to increase cache hit rate
2 Use load balancing
3 Use CDN to store and accelerate static files
4 ideas to reduce database usage
5 Check where the statistical bottlenecks are
14. Use PHP to write the code to display the client IP and server IP 1 point)
15. What is the difference between the include and require statements? To avoid including the same file multiple times, you can replace them with (?) statements? (2 points)
On failure:
include generates a warning, while require generates an error interrupt
require is loaded before running
include is loaded at runtime
16. How to modify the survival time of SESSION (1 minute).
17. There is a web page address, such as the homepage of the PHP Research Laboratory: http://www.bkjia.com/index.html, how to get its content? ($1 point)
18. In HTTP 1.0, the meaning of status code 401 is (?); if the prompt "File not found" is returned, the header function can be used, and its statement is (?); (2 points)
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
fast CGI:
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
19. In PHP, heredoc is a special string, and its end mark must be? (1 point)
Appear in pairs
$a = <<EOD good test EOD;
20. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of asp, php and jsp (1 point)
asp needs to rely on IIS and is a language developed by Microsoft
PHP and JSP can rely on other servers such as apache or nginx
21. Talk about your understanding of mvc (1 point)
model: data structure layer
view: show
control: Receive and judge processing input
22. Write the SQL of the names of the ten people with the most posts, using the following table: members (id, username, posts, pass, email) (2 points)
select top 10 id,username from members order by posts desc
23. Please explain the difference between passing by value and passing by reference in PHP. When to pass by value and when to pass by reference? (2 points)
& means passing a reference
Passing parameters by reference in a function will change the parameters
Generally, you can consider using references
24. What is the function of error_reporting in PHP? (1 point)
Set the display level of error
25. Please write a function to verify whether the format of the email is correct (2 points)
$str = "jianfeng@126.com"; regex="([a−z0−9\.−]+)@([\da−z\.−]+)\.([a−z\.]2,6)" ; //正则 return preg_match(regex,str)
26. Briefly describe how to get the current execution script path, including the obtained parameters. (2 points)
$argc --Get the number of parameters
$argv --Get parameter list
27. How to modify the survival time of SESSION. (1 point)
28. What is the function to pop up a dialog box in a JS form? What is the function to get input focus? (2 points)
29. What is the redirection function of JS? How to introduce an external JS file? (2 points)
window.location.href="#" <script src="#"></script>
30. What is the difference between foo() and @foo()? (1 point)
@ stands for all warnings and is ignored
31、如何声明一个名为”myclass”的没有方法和属性的类? (1分)
class myclass { }
$myclass = new myclass();
33、你如何访问和设置一个类的属性? (2分)
<?php class A { public $name = "A"; } $a = new A(); n=a->name; print_r($n);
34、mysql_fetch_row() 和mysql_fetch_array之间有什么区别? (1分)
mysql_fetch_array() 是 mysql_fetch_row() 的扩展版本。除了将数据以数字索引方式储存在数组中之外,还可以将数据作为关联索引储存,用字段名作为键名。
<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password") or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("mydb"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM mytable"); while (row=mysqlfetcharray(result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { printf ("ID: %s Name: %s", row["id"],row["name"]); } mysql_free_result($result);
35、GD库是做什么用的? (1分)
echo "{html}" echo <<EOD {html} EOD;
37、下面哪个函数可以打开一个文件,以对文件进行读和写操作?(1分) c
(a) fget() (b) file_open() (c) fopen() (d) open_file()
38、下面哪个选项没有将 john 添加到users 数组中? (1分) b
(a) $users[] = ‘john';
(b) array_add($users,'john');
(c) array_push($users,‘john');
(d) $users ||= ‘john';
39、下面的程序会输入是否?(1分) 10
$num = 10; function multiply(){ num=num * 10; } multiply(); echo $num; ?>
40、使用php写一段简单查询,查出所有姓名为“张三”的内容并打印出来 (2分)
表名 UserName Tel Content Date
张三 13333663366 大专毕业 2006-10-11
张三 13612312331 本科毕业 2006-10-15
张四 021-55665566 中专毕业 2006-10-15
$mysql_db=mysql_connect("local","root","pass"); @mysql_select_db("DB",$mysql_db); $sql = sprintf("select * from %s where UserName = '%s'", "表名", "张三"); values=mysqlquery(sql); while(item=mysqlfetchqueryarray(values)) { echo sprintf("用户名:%s, 电话 %s, 学历: %s, 毕业日期: %s", item['UserName'],item['Tel'], item['Content'],item['Date'] ); }
class test{ function Get_test($num){ num=md5(md5(num)."En"); return $num; } } $test = new test(); ret=test->Get_test(11); print_r($ret);exit;
42、写出 SQL语句的格式 : 插入 ,更新 ,删除 (4分)
表名 UserName Tel Content Date
张三 13333663366 大专毕业 2006-10-11
张三 13612312331 本科毕业 2006-10-15
张四 021-55665566 中专毕业 2006-10-15
(a) 有一新记录(小王 13254748547 高中毕业 2007-05-06)请用SQL语句新增至表中
insert into 表名 values('小王', '13254748547', '高中毕业', '2007-05-06')
(b) 请用sql语句把张三的时间更新成为当前系统时间
update 表名 set Date = GETDATE() where UserName = "张三"
(c) 请写出删除名为张四的全部记录
delete from 表明 where UserName = "张四"
43、请写出数据类型(int char varchar datetime text)的意思; 请问varchar和char有什么区别(2分)
int 整型
char 存储定长
varchar 存储变长
datetime 时间
text 存储变长的
char(20) 定长
45、写出以下程序的输出结果 (1分)
$b=201; $c=40; a=b>$c?4:5; echo $a;
48、$arr = array('james', 'tom', 'symfony'); 请打印出第一个元素的值 (1分)
print_r($arr[0]); reset($arr); print_r(current($arr)); print_r(array_shift($arr));
$a[0]; substr($a, 0, 1);
51、PHP可以和sql server/oracle等数据库连接吗?(1分)
public function __construct() { } public function __destruct() { }
1. 写一个函数,尽可能高效的,从一个标准 url 里取出文件的扩展名
例如: http://www.sina.com.cn/abc/de/fg.php?id=1 需要取出 php 或 .php
<?php $url = "http://www.sina.com.cn/abc/de/fg.php?id=1"; arr=parseurl(url); pathArr=pathinfo(arr['path']); print_r($pathArr['extension']);
3. 写一个函数,算出两个文件的相对路径
如 $a = '/a/b/c/d/e.php';
$b = '/a/b/12/34/c.php';
计算出 b相对于a 的相对路径应该是 http://www.bkjia.com/12/34/c.php将添上
<?php $a = '/a/b/c/d/e.php'; $b = '/a/b/12/34/c.php'; //获取path相对于conpath的相对路径 function sGetRelativePath(path,conpath) { pathArr=explode("/",path); conpathArr=explode("/",conpath); $dismatchlen = 0; for(i=0;i < count(pathArr);i++) { if(conpathArr[i] != pathArr[i]) { dismatchlen=count(pathArr) - $i; arrLeft=arrayslice(pathArr, $i); break; } } ret=strrepeat("../",dismatchlen).implode("/", $arrLeft); return $ret; } print_r(sGetRelativePath(b,a));
<?php function aGetAllFile($folder) { $aFileArr = array(); if(is_dir($folder)) { handle=opendir(folder); while((file=readdir(handle)) !== false) { //如果是.或者..则跳过 if(file=="."||file == "..") { continue; } if(is_file(folder."/".file)) { aFileArr[]=file; } else if(is_dir(folder."/".file)) { aFileArr[file] = aGetAllFile(folder."/".file); } } closedir($handle); } return $aFileArr; } $path = "/home/test/sql"; print_r(aGetAllFile($path));