It seems that THINKPHP does not have a way to back up the database, so I wrote one myself. The database connection and transaction processing are using pdo. If you need it, you can contact me and write a mysql or mysqli
class SqlAction extends Action{
function outsql(){
/*Read database configuration using C method*/
/*Call the private method of exporting the database*/
$outstream=$this->outputSql($host, $dbname, $user, $password);
/*Download export database*/
header(“Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$dbname.sql”);
echo $outstream;
* Database export function outputSql
* Export database data using PDO method
* $host host name such as localhost
* $dbname database name
* $user username
* $password password
* $flag flag bit 0 or 1. 0 means exporting only the database structure. 1 means exporting the database structure and data. The default is 1
private function outputSql($host, $dbname, $user, $password, $flag=1) {
try {
$pdo = new PDO(“mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname”, $user, $password); //Connect to database
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //Set tuning parameters and throw an exception when encountering an error
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); //If the connection is abnormal, an error message will be thrown
$mysql = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `$dbname`;n"; //$mysql loads the sql statement. If a database exists here, drop the database
$creat_db=$pdo->query("show create database $dbname")->fetch();//Use show create database to view the sql statement
preg_match(‘/DEFAULT CHARACTER SET(.*)*/’, $creat_db[‘Create Database’],$matches);//Regularly remove the character set after DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
$mysql.=”CREATE DATABASE `$dbname` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $matches[1]”;//This statement is such as CREATE DATABASE `test_db` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
/*Find the character sequence of the database such as COLLATE utf8_general_ci*/
$db_collate=$pdo->query(“SELECT DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME =’$dbname’ LIMIT 1″)->fetch();
$mysql.=”COLLATE “.$db_collate[‘DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME’].”;nUSE `$dbname`;nn”;
$statments = $pdo->query(“show tables”); //Return the result set, show tables to view all table names
foreach ($statments as $value) {//Traverse this result set and export the information corresponding to each table name
$table_name = $value[0]; //Get the table name
$mysql.=”DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table_name`;n”; //Prepare Drop statements before each table
$table_query = $pdo->query(“show create table `$table_name`”); //Get the result set of the table creation information
$create_sql = $table_query->fetch(); //Use the fetch method to retrieve the array corresponding to the result set
$mysql.=$create_sql[‘Create Table’] . “;rnrn”; //Write table creation information
if ($flag != 0) {//If the flag is not 0, continue to retrieve the contents of the table and generate an insert statement
$iteams_query = $pdo->query(“select * from `$table_name`”); //Get the result set of all fields in the table
$values = ""; //Prepare empty string to load insert value
$items = ""; //Prepare empty string to load the table field name
while ($item_query = $iteams_query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //Use associated query to return an array of field names and values in the table
$item_names = array_keys($item_query); //Get the array key value, that is, the field name
$item_names = array_map(“addslashes”, $item_names); //Translate special characters and add
$items = join(‘`,`’, $item_names); //Joint field names such as: items1`, `item2 `symbol is backticks. Next to keyboard 1, field names are enclosed in backticks
$item_values = array_values($item_query); //Get the array value, that is, the value corresponding to the field
$item_values = array_map(“addslashes”, $item_values); //Translate special characters and add
$value_string = join(“‘,’”, $item_values); //Joint values such as: value1′,'value2 values are enclosed in single quotes
$value_string = “(‘” . $value_string . “‘),”; //Add brackets around the value
$values.=”n” . $value_string; //Finally returned to $value
if ($values != “”) {//If $values is not empty, that is, the table has content
//Write insert statement
$insert_sql = “INSERT INTO `$table_name` (`$items`) VALUES” . rtrim($values, “,”) . “;nr”;
//Write this statement into $mysql
return $mysql;
Isn’t it a very practical function? Friends can transplant it directly into their own projects. // to share thinkphp backup database This article mainly introduces how to share thinkphp backup database. It is very simple and practical. Recommended to friends in need. It seems that THINKPHP has not...