Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Pinyin library creation php_PHP tutorial
Mainly implements obtaining Chinese names from a database and obtaining all possible pinyin uppercase letter combinations. Then import it into another database together with the name
<!--?php //通过查找拼音表匹配每个汉子对应首字母 function get_firstchar($keyword) { $array = array(); $temp = ""; $array = explode('[',file_get_contents("拼音库文本.txt")); //echo $array[3]; for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++){ if(strstr($array[$i],$keyword) != null) $temp = $temp . strtoupper(substr($array[$i],0,1)); //打印数组的元素的值 //echo $array[$i],"<br-->"; } return $temp; } //排列组合函数,实现所有可能大写字母组合,比如中国银行大写拼写可能为“ZGYH”“ZGYX” error_reporting( E_ALL&~E_NOTICE ); function get_new_arr(){ $args = func_get_args();//取得所有传入参数的数组 $arr = array(); foreach($args as $k=>$v){ if($args[$k+1]) { switch($k) { case 0: $arr[$k] = arr_pailie($v,$args[$k+1]); break; default: $arr[$k] = arr_pailie($arr[$k-1],$args[$k+1]); break; } } } $key = count($arr)-1; $res = implode('.',$arr[$key]); return $res; } function arr_pailie ($arr1, $arr2){ $arr = array(); $k = 0; foreach($arr1 as $k1=>$v1){ foreach($arr2 as $k2=>$v2){ $arr[$k] = $v1.",".$v2; $k++; } } return $arr; } //数据库连接,取出名称和标识 $dbname="DB1"; $servcon=mysql_connect(MySql数据库地址、用户名、账号); if(!$servcon){ die("Fail to connect to DataBase! Error:".mysql_error());} mysql_select_db($dbname,$servcon); $select = mysql_query("select Symbol,Name from smallsnapshoot"); //数据库连接,将股票转换的结果直接输入到数据库stockdb的py_convert表中 $dbname1="DB2"; $servcon1=mysql_connect(<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">MySql数据库地址、用户名、账号</span>); if(!$servcon1){ die("Fail to connect to DataBase! Error:".mysql_error());} mysql_select_db($dbname1,$servcon1); //循环取源数据库每行名称、标识 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($select)){ //将汉字逐个输入进行查找并保存到$arr_list数组 //$str = "平单银行"; $str = $row["Name"]; $len = mb_strlen($str,"utf-8"); $arr_list = array(); for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++){ $arr[] = mb_substr($str,$i,1,"utf-8"); $arr_list[$i] = get_firstchar($arr[$i]); } //echo $arr_list[3]; //循环取每个字符数组字母进行匹配保存到$arr_str中 //排列组合函数调用,先将字符串数组的每个元素转换为对就数组,因为本环境名称最多为三个字或四个字 $arr1 = array(); $arr2 = array(); $arr3 = array(); $arr1 = str_split($arr_list[0]); $arr2 = str_split($arr_list[1]); $arr3 = str_split($arr_list[2]); if(count($arr_list) == 4){ $arr4 = array(); $arr4 = str_split($arr_list[3]); $result= get_new_arr($arr1,$arr2,$arr3,$arr4); //echo count($arr_list); } else{ $result= get_new_arr($arr1,$arr2,$arr3); //echo count($arr_list); } //echo $result; //对组合数据转化为数组并删除重复数组 $arr_str = array(); $arr_str = explode('.',$result); //echo $arr_str[1]; for($i=0;$i<count($arr_str);$i++){ .="$arr_str[$i];" arr_str="array_unique($arr_str);" br="" class="php" echo="" error="" i="0;$i<$membercout;$i++){" in="" membercout="count($arr_str);" name="code" or="" pre="" py_insert="INSERT INTO py_convert(py_short_name, py_stock_name, py_stock_symbol) VALUE('$arr_str[$i]', '$row[" query.="" query:="" result="mysql_query($py_insert)" str_end=""><!--?php $con=mysql_connect(数据库名称、账号、密码); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } // Create database /*if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE my_db",$con)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo "Error creating database: " . mysql_error(); } */ // Create table in my_db database $dbname="DB2"; mysql_select_db($dbname,$con); $sql = "CREATE TABLE py_convert ( `py_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `py_short_name` varchar(10), `py_name` varchar(10), `py_symbol` varchar(16), PRIMARY KEY (`py_id`) )"; mysql_query($sql,$con); mysql_close($con); ?--></count($arr_str);$i++){>
Because the names involved are Chinese characters, the editing environment used is UTF-8. Among them, the permutation and combination function was borrowed from others, and I thought about it for a long time, but the result was not good. The key is that the logical thinking of data is not clear, which shows the importance of data thinking.
I am also learning by doing, and I am not very proficient in calling PHP functions. I will need to practice more programming in the future. If there is anything poorly written, you are welcome to correct me, communicate with each other, and make progress together!