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php simple socket_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 09:52:59971browse

php simple socket

This article shares a simple socket example using php. Implement a TCP service that receives an input string, processes and returns this string to the client.

Generate a socket server

// 设置一些基本的变量
// 设置超时时间,这里设置为永不超时,确保PHP在等待客户端连接时不会超时。
// 创建一个Socket,返回一个Socket句柄
$socket=socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0) or die("Could not create socket\n");
$result=socket_bind($socket,$host,$port) or die("Could not bind to socket\n");
// 开始监听外部连接
$result=socket_listen($socket,3) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n");
// 另一个Socket来处理服务端与客户端的通信www.phpernote.com
$spawn=socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n");
// 读取客户端的输入,当一个连接被建立后,服务器就会等待客户端发送一些输入信息,这些信息可以由socket_read()函数来获得,并把它赋值给PHP的$input变量
$input=socket_read($spawn,1024) or die("Could not read input\n");
// 下面这不就不解释了,不知道的自己面壁去
$output=strrev($input) ."\n";//反转字符串,这里仅仅是为了更好的区分两条信息
socket_write($spawn,$output,strlen($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");
// 关闭sockets

Tip: You should use your command prompt to run the above code. The reason is because a server will be generated here, not a Web page. If you try to run this script using a web browser, there's a good chance it will exceed the 30 second limit. You can use the code below to set an infinite run time, but it is recommended to use the command prompt to run.


A simple test of this script in your command prompt:

Php.exe socket_server.php

If you do not set the path of the php interpreter in the system environment variable, then you will need to specify the detailed path to php.exe. When you run the server, you can test the server by connecting to port 1234 via telnet.

There are three problems with the server side above:

1. It cannot accept multiple connections.

2. It only completes one command.

3. You cannot connect to this server through a web browser.

This first problem is easier to solve, you can use an application to connect to the server every time. But the next problem is that you need to use a Web page to connect to the server, which is more difficult. You can have your server accept the connection, write some data to the client (if it must write it), close the connection and wait for the next connection.

Improve it based on the previous code and generate the following code to make your new server:

$commonProtocol = getprotobyname("tcp");
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $commonProtocol);
socket_bind($socket, 'localhost', 1234); //socket_bind() 把socket绑定在一个IP地址和端口上
$buffer = "NO DATA";
while(true) {
	// Accept any connections coming in on this socket
	$connection = socket_accept($socket);//socket_accept() 接受一个Socket连接
	printf("Socket connected\r\n");
	// Check to see if there is anything in the buffer
	if($buffer != ""){
		printf("Something is in the buffer...sending data...\r\n");
		socket_write($connection, $buffer . "\r\n"); //socket_write() 写数据到socket缓存
		printf("Wrote to socket\r\n");
	}else {
		printf("No Data in the buffer\r\n");
	// Get the input
	while($data = socket_read($connection, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ)){//socket_read() 读取指定长度的数据
		$buffer = $data;
		socket_write($connection, "Information Received\r\n");
		printf("Buffer: " . $buffer . "\r\n");
	socket_close($connection); //socket_close() 关闭一个socket资源
	printf("Closed the socket\r\n\r\n");

What should this server do? It initializes a socket and opens a cache to send and receive data. It waits for a connection, and once a connection is made, it prints "Socket connected" on the server-side screen. This server checks the buffer and if there is data in the buffer, it sends the data to the connected computer. Then it sends an acceptance message for this data. Once it accepts the message, it saves the message to the data, makes the connected computer aware of the message, and finally closes the connection. When the connection is closed, the server starts processing the next connection.

Generate a socket client

Handling the second problem is easy. You need to generate a php page, connect to a socket, send some data to its cache and process it. Then you have the processed data waiting, and you can send your data to the server. On another client connection, it will process that data.

The following example demonstrates the use of socket:

// Create the socket and connect
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
$connection = socket_connect($socket,'localhost', 1234);
while($buffer = socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ)) {
	if($buffer == "NO DATA") {
		echo("<p>NO DATA</p>");
	// Do something with the data in the buffer
		echo("<p>Buffer Data: " . $buffer . "</p>");
echo("<p>Writing to Socket</p>");
// Write some test data to our socket
if(!socket_write($socket, "SOME DATA\r\n")){
	echo("<p>Write failed</p>");
// Read any response from the socket phpernote.com
while($buffer = socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ)){
	echo("<p>Data sent was: SOME DATA<br> Response was:" . $buffer . "</p>");
echo("<p>Done Reading from Socket</p>");

This example code demonstrates the client connecting to the server. The client reads the data. If this is the first connection to arrive in this loop, the server will send "NO DATA" back to the client. If this happens, the client is on top of the connection. The client sends its data to the server, the data is sent to the server, and the client waits for a response. Once the response is received, it writes the response to the screen.

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www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1005593.htmlTechArticlephp simple socket This article shares a simple socket example, using php. Implement a TCP service that receives an input string, processes and returns this string to the client. Produce a...
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