Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Use PHP to generate excel files to the specified directory, _PHP tutorial
Recently, the company needs to generate reports and use PHP to generate them.
I searched on Baidu, and it seems that this can be implemented soon, but this file is generated where the browser downloads it,
I want to generate the generated files to the specified directory. Can this be achieved?
Also, can you insert pictures into it?
PHPExcel is in English, but I couldn’t understand it after reading it for a long time. Is there any example of direct generation?
We attach an example below:
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 导入所需的类库 同java的Import * 本函数有缓存功能 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param string $class 类库命名空间字符串 * @param string $baseUrl 起始路径 * @param string $ext 导入的文件扩展名 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return boolen +---------------------------------------------------------- */ function import($class, $baseUrl = '', $ext='.class.php') { static $_file = array(); $class = str_replace(array('.', '#'), array('/', '.'), $class); if ('' === $baseUrl && false === strpos($class, '/')) { // 检查别名导入 return alias_import($class); } if (isset($_file[$class . $baseUrl])) return true; else $_file[$class . $baseUrl] = true; $class_strut = explode('/', $class); if (empty($baseUrl)) { if ('@' == $class_strut[0] || APP_NAME == $class_strut[0]) { //加载当前项目应用类库 $baseUrl = dirname(LIB_PATH); $class = substr_replace($class, basename(LIB_PATH).'/', 0, strlen($class_strut[0]) + 1); }elseif ('think' == strtolower($class_strut[0])){ // think 官方基类库 $baseUrl = CORE_PATH; $class = substr($class,6); }elseif (in_array(strtolower($class_strut[0]), array('org', 'com'))) { // org 第三方公共类库 com 企业公共类库 $baseUrl = LIBRARY_PATH; }else { // 加载其他项目应用类库 $class = substr_replace($class, '', 0, strlen($class_strut[0]) + 1); $baseUrl = APP_PATH . '../' . $class_strut[0] . '/'.basename(LIB_PATH).'/'; } } if (substr($baseUrl, -1) != '/') $baseUrl .= '/'; $classfile = $baseUrl . $class . $ext; if (!class_exists(basename($class),false)) { // 如果类不存在 则导入类库文件 return require_cache($classfile); } } /** * 导出EXCEL表格 * @param array $data 数据,二维数组,每条数据一条记录 * @param array $title 每列数据的字段名,一唯数组,必须和数据顺序一致(可省略) * @param string $filename excel名称 * @param array $field 需要指定导出的数据字段,排序必须和title一致,就是和查出数据的数组key值 */ function exportExcel($data='',$title='',$filename='excel',$field=array()){ if(!$data || !is_array($data)) return false; if($filename=='') $filename='excel'; if($field && is_array($field)){//只要导出指定字段,且按这个顺序导出 $dateNew=array(); foreach ($data as $k=>$v){ foreach ($field as $fkey){ $dateNew[$k][$fkey]=$v[$fkey]; } } $data=$dateNew; } import("@.ORG.Util.ExcelXml");//调用导出excel类 $xls = new ExcelXml('UTF-8', false, 'Sheet1'); $xls->addArray($data,$title); $xls->generateXML($filename); }