Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP code to implement crawler recording - super useful, php code crawler_PHP tutorial
Implement crawler recording This article starts from creating a crawler database, robot.php records visiting crawlers and inserts information into the database crawler , and then all crawler information can be obtained from the database. The implementation code is as follows:
Database Design
create table crawler ( crawler_ID bigint() unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, crawler_category varchar() not null, crawler_date datetime not null default '-- ::', crawler_url varchar() not null, crawler_IP varchar() not null )default charset=utf;
The following file robot.php records visiting crawlers and writes the information into the database:
<?php $ServerName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] ; $ServerPort = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] ; $ScriptName = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] ; $QueryString = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; $serverip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ; $Url="http://".$ServerName; if ($ServerPort != "") { $Url = $Url.":".$ServerPort ; } $Url=$Url.$ScriptName; if ($QueryString !="") { $Url=$Url."?".$QueryString; } $GetLocationURL=$Url ; $agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $agent=strtolower($agent); $Bot =""; if (strpos($agent,"bot")>-) { $Bot = "Other Crawler"; } if (strpos($agent,"googlebot")>-) { $Bot = "Google"; } if (strpos($agent,"mediapartners-google")>-) { $Bot = "Google Adsense"; } if (strpos($agent,"baiduspider")>-) { $Bot = "Baidu"; } if (strpos($agent,"sogou spider")>-) { $Bot = "Sogou"; } if (strpos($agent,"yahoo")>-) { $Bot = "Yahoo!"; } if (strpos($agent,"msn")>-) { $Bot = "MSN"; } if (strpos($agent,"ia_archiver")>-) { $Bot = "Alexa"; } if (strpos($agent,"iaarchiver")>-) { $Bot = "Alexa"; } if (strpos($agent,"sohu")>-) { $Bot = "Sohu"; } if (strpos($agent,"sqworm")>-) { $Bot = "AOL"; } if (strpos($agent,"yodaoBot")>-) { $Bot = "Yodao"; } if (strpos($agent,"iaskspider")>-) { $Bot = "Iask"; } require("./dbinfo.php"); date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $shijian=date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time()); // 连接到 MySQL 服务器 $connection = mysql_connect ($host, $username, $password); if (!$connection) { die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error()); } // 设置活动的 MySQL 数据库 $db_selected = mysql_select_db($database, $connection); if (!$db_selected) { die ('Can\'t use db : ' . mysql_error()); } // 向数据库插入数据 $query = "insert into crawler (crawler_category, crawler_date, crawler_url, crawler_IP) values ('$Bot','$shijian','$GetLocationURL','$serverip')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } ?>
Successful. Now you can access the database to know when and where spiders crawled your pages.
view sourceprint? <?php include './robot.php'; include '../library/page.Class.php'; $page = $_GET['page']; include '../library/conn_new.php'; $count = $mysql -> num_rows($mysql -> query("select * from crawler")); $pages = new PageClass($count,,$_GET['page'],$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page={page}'); $sql = "select * from crawler order by "; $sql .= "crawler_date desc limit ".$pages -> page_limit.",".$pages -> myde_size; $result = $mysql -> query($sql); ?> <table width=""> <thead> <tr> <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF"></td> <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" align="center" style="color:#">爬虫访问时间</td> <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" align="center" style="color:#">爬虫分类</td> <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" align="center" style="color:#">爬虫IP</td> <td bgcolor="#CCFFFF" align="center" style="color:#">爬虫访问的URL</td> </tr> </thead> <?php while($myrow = $mysql -> fetch_array($result)){ ?> <tr> <td width=""><img src="../images/topicnew.gif" /></td> <td width="" style="font-family:Georgia"><? echo $myrow["crawler_date"] ?></td> <td width="" style="color:#FA"><? echo $myrow["crawler_category"] ?></td> <td width=""><? echo $myrow["crawler_IP"] ?></td> <td width=""><? echo $myrow["crawler_url"] ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php echo $pages -> myde_write(); ?>
The above code is the entire content of the PHP code to implement crawler recording - super useful. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.