Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP lottery algorithm program code sharing, lottery algorithm program code_PHP tutorial
The requirements that the lottery algorithm needs to meet are as follows:
1. You can control the probability of winning
2. With randomness
3. It is best to control the number of prizes
4. Limit the number of draws based on user ID or IP, mobile phone number, QQ number and other conditions
Based on these needs in the early stage, and then based on the information on the Internet, a staged extraction method was adopted. Let’s take a look at the overall procedure:
This program is completed under the ThinkPHP framework, using some class libraries and functions that come with the framework. I will explain them one by one below. The controller part:
The code is as follows
<?php /** * * * @lanfengye <zibin_5257@163.com> */ class ChoujiangAction extends Action { //抽奖的开始时间 var $begin_time="2012-12-25 14:00:00"; //开始时间 0-不限制 //抽奖的结束时间 var $stop_time="0"; //结束时间 0-不限制 //本次抽奖的奖项信息,必须按照从大到小的顺序进行填写,id为奖次,prize为中奖信息,v为中奖概率,num为奖品数量 //需要注意的是,该处也必须包含不中奖的信息,概率从小到大进行排序 var $prize_arr = array( '0' => array('id' => 1, 'prize' => '44元购买1G/年空间', 'v' => 1,'num'=>1), '1' => array('id' => 2, 'prize' => '55元购买1G/年空间', 'v' => 2,'num'=>2), '2' => array('id' => 3, 'prize' => '66元购买1G/年空间', 'v' => 5,'num'=>2), '3' => array('id' => 4, 'prize' => '77元购买1G/年空间', 'v' => 10,'num'=>3), '4' => array('id' => 5, 'prize' => '88元购买1G/年空间', 'v' => 15,'num'=>4), '5' => array('id' => 6, 'prize' => '99元购买1G/年空间', 'v' => 67,'num'=>10), ); //首页显示方法 public function index(){ //连接数据库,去获取本次中奖的人员名单 $Choujiang=M('Choujiang'); $this->assign('list', $Choujiang->where("rid>0")->order('id desc')->select()); unset($Choujiang); //在首页中显示抽奖的开始时间 $this->assign('begin_time',$this->begin_time); $this->display(); } /** * 生成中奖信息,ajax进行请求该方法,需要客户填写QQ号码 */ public function make() { $qq_no= trim($_POST['qq_no']); import('ORG.Util.Input'); $qq_no=Input::getVar($qq_no); if(empty($qq_no)){ $this->ajaxReturn(1, '请正确填写QQ号码!'); exit; } if(!empty($this->begin_time) && time()<strtotime($this->begin_time)){ $this->ajaxReturn(1, '抽奖还没有开始,开始时间为:'.$this->begin_time); exit; } if(!empty($this->stop_time) && time()>strtotime($this->stop_time)){ $this->ajaxReturn(1, '本次抽奖已经结束,结束时间为:'.$this->stop_time); exit; } //获取奖项信息数组,来源于私有成员 $prize_arr= $this->prize_arr; foreach ($prize_arr as $key => $val) { $arr[$val['id']] = $val['v']; } //$rid中奖的序列号码 $rid = $this->get_rand($arr); //根据概率获取奖项id $str = $prize_arr[$rid - 1]['prize']; //中奖项 $Choujiang=M('Choujiang'); //从数据库中获取特定QQ号已经参加抽奖的次数,如果大于等于3则提示次数用完 if($Choujiang->where("qq_no='{$qq_no}'")->count()>=3){ $str='您3次抽奖机会已经用完!'; $rid=0; //从数据库中获取特定奖项序号的次数,大于等于设置的最大次数则提示奖品被抽完,如果需要一直中最后一个纪念奖,则修改该处即可 }elseif ($Choujiang->where("rid={$rid}")->count()>=$prize_arr[$rid-1]['num']) { $str='很抱歉,您所抽中的奖项已经中完!'; $rid=0; } //生成一个用户抽奖的数据,用来记录到数据库 $data=array( 'rid'=>$rid, 'pop'=>$str, 'qq_no'=>$qq_no, 'input_time'=>time() ); //将用户抽奖信息数组写入数据库 $Choujiang->add($data); unset($Choujiang); //ajax返回信息 $this->ajaxReturn(1, $str); } /** * 根据概率获取中奖号码 */ private function get_rand($proArr) { $result = ''; //概率数组的总概率精度 $proSum = array_sum($proArr); //概率数组循环 foreach ($proArr as $key => $proCur) { $randNum = mt_rand(1, $proSum); if ($randNum <= $proCur) { $result = $key; break; } else { $proSum -= $proCur; } } unset($proArr); return $result; } } ?>
The algorithm is simple to use and has very good concurrent access performance. It can be used in various situations with slight modifications. Combined with user login and other information, it can effectively control the number of draws for each person. By changing the start and end to an array, you can complete the program to draw a lottery at a specific time every day.
I hope you can combine the articles about the PHP lottery program for in-depth study and better master the application skills of this language.