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There is the following definition in the TSRM/TSRM.h file
#define TSRMLS_FETCH() void ***tsrm_ls = (void ***) ts_resource_ex(0, NULL) #define TSRMLS_FETCH_FROM_CTX(ctx) void ***tsrm_ls = (void ***) ctx #define TSRMLS_SET_CTX(ctx) ctx = (void ***) tsrm_ls #define TSRMG(id, type, element) (((type) (*((void ***) tsrm_ls))[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(id)])->element) #define TSRMLS_D void ***tsrm_ls #define TSRMLS_DC , TSRMLS_D #define TSRMLS_C tsrm_ls #define TSRMLS_CC , TSRMLS_C
There is such a passage in ext/xsl/php_xsl.h
/* In every utility function you add that needs to use variables. in php_xsl_globals, call TSRM_FETCH(); after declaring other. variables used by that function, or better yet, pass in TSRMLS_CC after the last function argument and declare your utility function with TSRMLS_DC after the last declared argument. Always refer to the globals in your function as XSL_G(variable). You are. encouraged to rename these macros something shorter, see examples in any other php module directory. */
1. Add TSRMLS_D (use this if the method has no parameters) or TSRMLS_DC (with more than 1 parameter) when defining the method
2. Use TSRMLS_C (use this if the method has no parameters) or when calling the method TSRMLS_CC (has more than 1 parameter)
It should be understood this way
The first suffix letter D means definition, that is, D=Define, the first suffix letter C means call, that is, C=Call, and does the second suffix letter C mean a comma? C=Comma (comma)
TSRMLS_D就是定义了,所以是 void ***tsrm_ls TSRMLS_DC是带逗号的定义,所以是 , void ***tsrm_ls TSRMLS_C是调用,即tsrm_ls TSRMLS_CC是调用并带逗号,即 ,tsrm_ls
So one is a formal parameter and the other is an actual parameter
You can use it like this
int php_myext_action(int action_id, char *message TSRMLS_DC); php_myext_action(42, "The meaning of life" TSRMLS_CC);
It is generally recommended to use the tsrm_ls pointer definition method to ensure thread safety
TSRMLS_FETCH call requires a certain amount of processing time. This isn't noticeable in a single iteration, but as your thread count increases, and as the points at which you call TSRMLS_FETCH() increase, your scaling will reveal this bottleneck. Therefore, please use it with caution. Note: For compatibility with c compilers, make sure to place TSRMLS_FETCH() and all variable definitions at the top of the given block scope (before any other statements). Because the TSRMLS_FETCH() macro itself can be parsed in many different ways, it is best to use it as the last line of the variable definition
The two most common operating modes of PHP are WEB mode and CLI mode. No matter which mode, PHP works on the same principle, running as a SAPI.
1. When we type the php command in the terminal, it uses the CLI.
It is like a web server to support PHP to complete the request. After the request is completed, control is returned to the terminal.
2. When using Apache as the host, when a request comes, PHP will support the completion of the request
比如PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION(test) { /** 初始化全局变量 */ } //对应的C代码 void zm_globals_ctor_test (zend_test_globals *test_globals TSRMLS_DC) { /** 初始化全局变量 */ } //在线程退出时,需要将之前自己申请的资源释放时,可以使用 PHP_GSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION来注册析构函数。 PHP_GSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(test) { /** 清除全局变量 */ } //对应的C代码 void zm_globals_dtor_test (zend_test_globals *test_globals TSRMLS_DC) { /** 清除全局变量 */ }
int minit_time; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(test) { minit_time = time(NULL); return SUCCESS; } PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(test) { FILE *fp=fopen("mshutdown.txt","a+"); fprintf(fp,"%ld\n",time(NULL)); fclose(fp); return SUCCESS; } int rinit_time; PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(test) { rinit_time = time(NULL); return SUCCESS; } PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(test) { FILE *fp=fopen("rshutdown.txt","a+"); fprintf(fp,"%ld\n",time(NULL)); fclose(fp); return SUCCESS; } PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(test) { php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_header(2, "module info", "enabled"); php_info_print_table_end(); /* Remove comments if you have entries in php.ini DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES(); */ } PHP_FUNCTION(test) { php_printf("%d",time_of_minit); php_printf("%d",time_of_rinit); return; }
C programs under Linux often cause segment faults due to memory access errors and other reasons. At this time, if the system core dump function is turned on, the memory image will be dumped to the hard disk, and then gdb can be used Analyze the core file and restore the stack situation when the system segmentation fault occurred. This is very helpful for us to find program bugs.
Use ulimit -a to view the size limit of the system core file; use ulimit -c [kbytes] to set the size of the core file that the system allows to generate.
ulimit -c 0 does not generate core files
ulimit -c 100 sets the maximum core file size to 100k
ulimit -c unlimited does not limit the core file size
1. When a segmentation fault occurs, we check ulimit -a (core file size (blocks, -c) 0) and there is no file.
2. Setting: ulimit -c unlimited does not limit the core file size
3. Run the program. When a segmentation fault occurs, it will be automatically recorded in the core (php -f WorkWithArray.php)
4. ls -al core.* in that file (-rw------- 1 leconte leconte 139264 01-06 22:3 1 core.2065)
5. Use gdb to run the program and record the file with segmentation fault. (gdb ./test core.2065)
6. Will mention which line is wrong.
The default core file size of many systems is 0. We can specify it by adding the ulimit -c command to the shell startup script /etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc. The size of the core file to ensure that the core file can be generated.
In addition, you can also set the file name template of the core file in /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern. For details, please see the official man manual of core.
CG -> Complier Global 编译时信息,包括函数表等(zend_globals_macros.h:32) EG -> Executor Global 执行时信息(zend_globals_macros.h:43) PG -> PHP Core Global 主要存储php.ini中的信息 SG -> SAPI Global SAPI信息
typedef struct _sapi_globals_struct { void *server_context; sapi_request_info request_info; sapi_headers_struct sapi_headers; int read_post_bytes; unsigned char headers_sent; struct stat global_stat; char *default_mimetype; char *default_charset; HashTable *rfc1867_uploaded_files; long post_max_size; int options; zend_bool sapi_started; double global_request_time; HashTable known_post_content_types; zval *callback_func; zend_fcall_info_cache fci_cache; zend_bool callback_run; } sapi_globals_struct;
Look at the definition of SG
BEGIN_EXTERN_C() #ifdef ZTS # define SG(v) TSRMG(sapi_globals_id, sapi_globals_struct *, v) SAPI_API extern int sapi_globals_id; #else # define SG(v) (sapi_globals.v) extern SAPI_API sapi_globals_struct sapi_globals; #endif SAPI_API void sapi_startup(sapi_module_struct *sf); SAPI_API void sapi_shutdown(void); SAPI_API void sapi_activate(TSRMLS_D); SAPI_API void sapi_deactivate(TSRMLS_D); SAPI_API void sapi_initialize_empty_request(TSRMLS_D); END_EXTERN_C()
The members are all here in sapi_globals_struct
Then can we call it like this
SG(default_mimetype) SG(request_info).request_uri
You can feel this piece of code
static int sapi_cgi_send_headers(sapi_headers_struct *sapi_headers TSRMLS_DC) { char buf[SAPI_CGI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH]; sapi_header_struct *h; zend_llist_position pos; long rfc2616_headers = 0; if(SG(request_info).no_headers == 1) { return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; } if (SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code != 200) { int len; len = sprintf(buf, "Status: %d\r\n", SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code); PHPWRITE_H(buf, len); } if (SG(sapi_headers).send_default_content_type) { char *hd; hd = sapi_get_default_content_type(TSRMLS_C); PHPWRITE_H("Content-type:", sizeof("Content-type: ")-1); PHPWRITE_H(hd, strlen(hd)); PHPWRITE_H("\r\n", 2); efree(hd); } h = zend_llist_get_first_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); while (h) { PHPWRITE_H(h->header, h->header_len); PHPWRITE_H("\r\n", 2); h = zend_llist_get_next_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); } PHPWRITE_H("\r\n", 2); return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; }
EG obtains the data in the struct _zend_execution_globals
struct _zend_execution_globals { ... HashTable symbol_table; /* 全局作用域,如果没有进入函数内部,全局=活动 */ HashTable *active_symbol_table; /* 活动作用域,当前作用域 */ ... }
Usually, use EG(symbol_table)
to get the symbol table in the global scope, use EG(active_symbol_table)
to get the symbol table in the current scope
For example, to define $foo = 'bar'
zval *fooval; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(fooval); ZVAL_STRING(fooval, "bar", 1); ZEND_SET_SYMBOL(EG(active_symbol_table), "foo", fooval);
or find $foo
from the symbol tablezval **fooval; if(zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "foo", sizeof("foo"), (void **)&fooval) == SUCCESS) { RETURN_STRINGL(Z_STRVAL_PP(fooval), Z_STRLEN_PP(fooval)); } else { RETURN_FALSE; }
In the above code, EG(active_symbol_table) == &EG(symbol_table)
3. CG() is used to access core global variables. (zend/zend_globals_macros.h)
4. PG() PHP global variable. We know that php.ini will map one or more PHP global structures. (main/php_globals.h)
5. FG() file global variable. Most data streams for file I/O or related global variables are plugged into the standard extension exit structure. (ext/standard/file.h)
#define Z_TYPE(zval) (zval).type #define Z_TYPE_P(zval_p) Z_TYPE(*zval_p) #define Z_TYPE_PP(zval_pp) Z_TYPE(**zval_pp)
For example, getting the type of a variable
void describe_zval(zval *foo) { if ( Z_TYPE_P(foo) == IS_NULL ) { php_printf("这个变量的数据类型是: NULL"); } else { php_printf("这个变量的数据类型不是NULL,这种数据类型对应的数字是: %d", Z_TYPE_P(foo)); } }
There are several types
#define IS_NULL 0 #define IS_LONG 1 #define IS_DOUBLE 2 #define IS_BOOL 3 #define IS_ARRAY 4 #define IS_OBJECT 5 #define IS_STRING 6 #define IS_RESOURCE 7 #define IS_CONSTANT 8 #define IS_CONSTANT_ARRAY 9 #define IS_CALLABLE 10
php_printf()函数是内核对printf()函数的一层封装,我们可以像使用printf()函数那样使用它,以一个P结尾的宏的参数大多是*zval型变量。 此外获取变量类型的宏还有两个,分别是Z_TYPE和Z_TYPE_PP,前者的参数是zval型,而后者的参数则是**zval
//开始定义php语言中的函数gettype PHP_FUNCTION(gettype) { //arg间接指向调用gettype函数时所传递的参数。是一个zval**结构 //所以我们要对他使用__PP后缀的宏。 zval **arg; //这个if的操作主要是让arg指向参数~ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "Z", &arg) == FAILURE) { return; } //调用Z_TYPE_PP宏来获取arg指向zval的类型。 //然后是一个switch结构,RETVAL_STRING宏代表这gettype函数返回的字符串类型的值 switch (Z_TYPE_PP(arg)) { case IS_NULL: RETVAL_STRING("NULL", 1); break; case IS_BOOL: RETVAL_STRING("boolean", 1); break; case IS_LONG: RETVAL_STRING("integer", 1); break; case IS_DOUBLE: RETVAL_STRING("double", 1); break; case IS_STRING: RETVAL_STRING("string", 1); break; case IS_ARRAY: RETVAL_STRING("array", 1); break; case IS_OBJECT: RETVAL_STRING("object", 1); break; case IS_RESOURCE: { char *type_name; type_name = zend_rsrc_list_get_rsrc_type(Z_LVAL_PP(arg) TSRMLS_CC); if (type_name) { RETVAL_STRING("resource", 1); break; } } default: RETVAL_STRING("unknown type", 1); } }
Long |
Boolean |
Double |
String value |
String length |
<pre class="code">Z_LVAL( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_BVAL( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_DVAL( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_STRVAL( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_STRLEN( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_LVAL_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_BVAL_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_DVAL_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_STRVAL_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_STRLEN_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_LVAL_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_BVAL_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_DVAL_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_STRVAL_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_STRLEN_PP( ) |
HashTable |
Object |
Object properties |
Object class entry |
Resource value |
<pre class="code">Z_ARRVAL( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJ( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJPROP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJCE( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_RESVAL( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_ARRVAL_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJ_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJPROP_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJCE_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_RESVAL_P( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_ARRVAL_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJ_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJPROP_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_OBJCE_PP( ) |
<pre class="code">Z_RESVAL_PP( ) |
PHP_FUNCTION(rot13) { zval **arg; char *ch, cap; int i; if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS( ) != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &arg) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } *return_value = **arg; zval_copy_ctor(return_value); convert_to_string(return_value); for(i=0, ch=return_value->value.str.val; i<return_value->value.str.len; i++, ch++) { cap = *ch & 32; *ch &= ~cap; *ch = ((*ch>='A') && (*ch<='Z') ? ((*ch-'A'+13) % 26 + 'A') : *ch) | cap; } }
要获取变量的值,也应该使用Zend定义的宏进行访问。对于简单的标量数据类型、Boolean,long,double, 使用Z_BVAL
void display_values(zval boolzv, zval *longpzv, zval **doubleppzv) { if (Z_TYPE(boolzv) == IS_BOOL) { php_printf("The value of the boolean is : %s\n", Z_BVAL(boolzv) ? "true" : "false"); } if(Z_TYPE_P(longpzv) == IS_LONG) { php_printf("The value of the long is: %ld\n", Z_LVAL_P(longpzv)); } if(Z_TYPE_PP(doubleppzv) == IS_DOUBLE) { php_printf("The value of the double is : %f\n", Z_DVAL_PP(doubleppzv)); } }
对于字符串类型,因为它含有两个字段char *
(Z_STRVAL) 和 int
void display_string(zval *zstr) { if (Z_TYPE_P(zstr) != IS_STRING) { php_printf("The wronng datatype was passed!\n"); return ; } PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL_P(zstr), Z_STRLEN_P(zstr)); }
void display_zval(zval *value) { switch (Z_TYPE_P(value)) { case IS_NULL: /* 如果是NULL,则不输出任何东西 */ break; case IS_BOOL: /* 如果是bool类型,并且true,则输出1,否则什么也不干 */ if (Z_BVAL_P(value)) { php_printf("1"); } break; case IS_LONG: /* 如果是long整型,则输出数字形式 */ php_printf("%ld", Z_LVAL_P(value)); break; case IS_DOUBLE: /* 如果是double型,则输出浮点数 */ php_printf("%f", Z_DVAL_P(value)); break; case IS_STRING: /* 如果是string型,则二进制安全的输出这个字符串 */ PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL_P(value), Z_STRLEN_P(value)); break; case IS_RESOURCE: /* 如果是资源,则输出Resource #10 格式的东东 */ php_printf("Resource #%ld", Z_RESVAL_P(value)); break; case IS_ARRAY: /* 如果是Array,则输出Array5个字母! */ php_printf("Array"); break; case IS_OBJECT: php_printf("Object"); break; default: /* Should never happen in practice, * but it's dangerous to make assumptions */ php_printf("Unknown"); break; } }
ZEND_API void convert_to_long(zval *op); ZEND_API void convert_to_double(zval *op); ZEND_API void convert_to_null(zval *op); ZEND_API void convert_to_boolean(zval *op); ZEND_API void convert_to_array(zval *op); ZEND_API void convert_to_object(zval *op); ZEND_API void _convert_to_string(zval *op ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(consts) //模块初始化时定义常量 { REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("CONSTS_MEANING_OF_LIFE", 42, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_DOUBLE_CONSTANT("CONSTS_PI", 3.1415926, CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_STRING_CONSTANT("CONSTS_NAME", "leon", CONST_CS|CONST_PERSISTENT); } PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(consts) //每次请求时定义常量 { char buffer[40]; srand((int)time(NULL)); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", rand()); REGISTER_STRING_CONSTANT("CONSTS_RAND", estrdup(buffer), CONST_CS); return SUCCESS; }
/*注册LONG类型常量*/ #define REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT(name, lval, flags) zend_register_long_constant((name), sizeof(name), (lval), (flags), module_number TSRMLS_CC) /*注册double类型常量*/ #define REGISTER_DOUBLE_CONSTANT(name, dval, flags) zend_register_double_constant((name), sizeof(name), (dval), (flags), module_number TSRMLS_CC) /*注册STRING类型常量*/ #define REGISTER_STRING_CONSTANT(name, str, flags) zend_register_string_constant((name), sizeof(name), (str), (flags), module_number TSRMLS_CC) /*注册STRING类型常量*/ #define REGISTER_STRINGL_CONSTANT(name, str, len, flags) zend_register_stringl_constant((name), sizeof(name), (str), (len), (flags), module_number TSRMLS_CC)
#php-fpm 生成 POST|GET|COOKIE|SERVER|ENV|REQUEST|FILES全局变量的流程 php_cgi_startup() -> php_module_startup() -> php_startup_auto_globals() -> 保存变量到symbol_table符号表 php_cgi_startup()在 fpm/fpm/fpm_main.c中定义 php_module_startup() 在main/main.c中定义 php_startup_auto_globals() 在main/php_variables.h中定义 zend_hash_update(&EG(symbol_table), "_GET", sizeof("_GET") + 1, &vars, sizeof(zval *), NULL); /* 读取$_SERVER变量 */ static PHP_FUNCTION(print_server_vars) { zval **val; if (zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_SERVER", sizeof("_SERVER"), (void **)&val) == SUCCESS) { RETURN_ZVAL(*val, 1, 0); }else{ RETURN_FALSE; } } /* 读取$_SERVER[$name] */ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(print_server_var_arginfo, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, "name") ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() static PHP_FUNCTION(print_server_var) { char *name; int name_len; zval **val; HashTable *ht_vars = NULL; HashPosition pos; zval **ret_val; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|s!", &name, &name_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } if (zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_SERVER", sizeof("_SERVER"), (void **)&val) == SUCCESS) { ht_vars = Z_ARRVAL_PP(val); //此处需传入大于name长度+1的值,因为字符串值后面需要'\0' if (zend_hash_find(ht_vars, name, name_len+1, (void **)&ret_val) == SUCCESS) { RETURN_STRING(Z_STRVAL_PP(ret_val), 0); }else{ RETURN_NULL(); } }else{ RETURN_NULL(); } }
SEARCH_PATH="/usr/local /usr" #lib搜索的目录 SEARCH_FOR="/include/curl/curl.h" #lib头文件的路径 if test -r $PHP_LIBS/$SEARCH_FOR; then LIBS_DIR=$PHP_LIBS else # search default path list AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libs files in default path]) for i in $SEARCH_PATH ; do if test -r $i/$SEARCH_FOR; then LIBS_DIR=$i #搜索到的lib的路径 AC_MSG_RESULT(found in $i) fi done fi /*验证lib是否存在*/ if test -z "$LIBS_DIR"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) AC_MSG_ERROR([Please reinstall the libs distribution]) fi /*编译的时候添加lib的include目录, -I/usr/include*/ PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($LIBS_DIR/include) LIBNAME=curl #lib名称 LIBSYMBOL=curl_version #lib的一个函数,用来PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY验证lib /*验证lib*/ PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY($LIBNAME,$LIBSYMBOL, [ PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH($LIBNAME, $LIBS_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, LIBS_SHARED_LIBADD) #编译的时候链接lib, -llibcurl AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBSLIB,1,[ ]) ],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([wrong libs lib version or lib not found]) ],[ -L$LIBS_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR -lm ]) PHP_SUBST(LIBS_SHARED_LIBADD)
//这些宏都定义在Zend/zend_API.h文件里 #define RETVAL_RESOURCE(l) ZVAL_RESOURCE(return_value, l) #define RETVAL_BOOL(b) ZVAL_BOOL(return_value, b) #define RETVAL_NULL() ZVAL_NULL(return_value) #define RETVAL_LONG(l) ZVAL_LONG(return_value, l) #define RETVAL_DOUBLE(d) ZVAL_DOUBLE(return_value, d) #define RETVAL_STRING(s, duplicate) ZVAL_STRING(return_value, s, duplicate) #define RETVAL_STRINGL(s, l, duplicate) ZVAL_STRINGL(return_value, s, l, duplicate) #define RETVAL_EMPTY_STRING() ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(return_value) #define RETVAL_ZVAL(zv, copy, dtor) ZVAL_ZVAL(return_value, zv, copy, dtor) #define RETVAL_FALSE ZVAL_BOOL(return_value, 0) #define RETVAL_TRUE ZVAL_BOOL(return_value, 1) #define RETURN_RESOURCE(l) { RETVAL_RESOURCE(l); return; } #define RETURN_BOOL(b) { RETVAL_BOOL(b); return; } #define RETURN_NULL() { RETVAL_NULL(); return;} #define RETURN_LONG(l) { RETVAL_LONG(l); return; } #define RETURN_DOUBLE(d) { RETVAL_DOUBLE(d); return; } #define RETURN_STRING(s, duplicate) { RETVAL_STRING(s, duplicate); return; } #define RETURN_STRINGL(s, l, duplicate) { RETVAL_STRINGL(s, l, duplicate); return; } #define RETURN_EMPTY_STRING() { RETVAL_EMPTY_STRING(); return; } #define RETURN_ZVAL(zv, copy, dtor) { RETVAL_ZVAL(zv, copy, dtor); return; } #define RETURN_FALSE { RETVAL_FALSE; return; } #define RETURN_TRUE { RETVAL_TRUE; return; }
//基于long key的操作函数 zval *v3; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(v3); ZVAL_STRING(v3, "value3", 1); zend_hash_index_update(names, 0, &v3, sizeof(zval *), NULL);//按数字索引键更新HashTable元素的值 zval **v4; zend_hash_index_find(names, 1, &v4); //按数字索引获取HashTable元素的值 php_printf("v4 : "); PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL_PP(v4), Z_STRLEN_PP(v4)); php_printf("\n"); ulong idx; idx = zend_hash_index_exists(names, 10);//按数字索引查找HashTable,如果找到返回 1, 反之则返回 0 zend_hash_index_del(names, 2); //按数字索引删除HashTable元素 //hashTable的遍历函数 zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(names); //初始化hash指针 zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(names, &pos);//初始化hash指针,并付值给pos zend_hash_get_current_data(names, (void**) &val); //获取当前hash存储值,data should be cast to void**, ie: (void**) &data zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(names, (void**) &val, &pos) == SUCCESS; //获取当前hash存储值 zend_hash_get_current_key(names, &key, &klen, &index, 0) == HASH_KEY_IS_LONG zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(names, &key, &klen, &index, 0, &pos) == HASH_KEY_IS_LONG; //读取hashtable当前的KEY,返回值会有两种 HASH_KEY_IS_LONG | HASH_KEY_IS_STRING ,分别对应array("value"),array("key"=>"value")两种hashtable zend_hash_move_forward(names); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(names, &pos); //hash指针移至下一位 //HashTable长度 php_printf("%*carray(%d) {\n", depth * 2, ' ', zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv))
function hello_array_strings($arr) { if (!is_array($arr)) return NULL; printf("The array passed contains %d elements ", count($arr)); foreach($arr as $data) { if (is_string($data)) echo "$data "; } }
PHP_FUNCTION(hello_array_strings) { zval *arr, **data; HashTable *arr_hash; HashPosition pointer; int array_count; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "a", &arr) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } arr_hash = Z_ARRVAL_P(arr); array_count = zend_hash_num_elements(arr_hash); php_printf("The array passed contains %d elements ", array_count); for(zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(arr_hash, &pointer); zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(arr_hash, (void**) &data, &pointer) == SUCCESS; zend_hash_move_forward_ex(arr_hash, &pointer)) { if (Z_TYPE_PP(data) == IS_STRING) { PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL_PP(data), Z_STRLEN_PP(data)); php_printf(" "); } } RETURN_TRUE; }