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Installation and use of php lightweight performance analysis tool xhprof_php tips

2016-05-16 20:08:341237browse

1. Foreword

It’s better to record the useful things, so as to facilitate future inquiries; this time, record the installation and use of xhprof;

It can also be used in a production environment, and the program switch can also be used to control whether to profile.

2. Installation

  wget http://pecl.php.net/get/xhprof-0.9.3.tgz 
  tar zxf xhprof-0.9.3.tgz 
  cd xhprof-0.9.3/extension
  ./configure –with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config 
  sudo make install 
(The generated extension file will be automatically copied to the extension directory /usr/lib64/php/modules)

Of course, the specific directory of the php file is different for everyone. You can query it according to phpinfo

3. php.ini configuration

Find the directory of extension_dir according to phpinfo


Add some content:

xhprof.output_dir=/tmp/xhprof //xhprof的分析日志

4. Restart the service

 sudo /etc/init.d/http restart

Check if phpinfo is installed successfully

5. How to use

xhprof_enable(); //开启监测 
//xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS); 不记录内置的函数 
//xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU + XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY); 同时分析CPU和Mem的开销 


$xhprof_data = xhprof_disable(); //停止监测,返回运行数据
$xhprof_root = '/(xhprof的虚拟主机目录)/'; 
include_once $xhprof_root."xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_lib.php"; 
include_once $xhprof_root."xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php";  
$xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default();  
$run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, "xhprof");
echo '<a href="http://(xhprof的虚拟主机域名)/xhprof_html/index.php&#63;run='.$run_id.'&source=xhprof" target="_blank">xhprof统计</a>'; 

The above code uses the method of setting a virtual host for xhprof.

Copy the xhprof_html and xhprof_lib folders in the source package to the virtual directory you created

cp -r xhprof_html xhprof_lib /xxx/xhprof/ (The purpose here is to establish a data analysis directory, which can be configured as a virtual host for access)

After running, click the returned xhprof statistics link for statistics.

6. Attention issues and explanations of terms

In the displayed statistics page, click [View Full Callgraph] for graphical display (the biggest performance problems will be highlighted in red, followed by yellow);

After clicking, an error message may be prompted. Just execute the following command

 yum install -y graphviz
 yum install graphviz-gd

Explanation of terms

Function Name 函数名
 Calls 调用次数
 Calls% 调用百分比
 Incl. Wall Time (microsec) 调用的包括子函数所有花费时间 以微秒算(一百万分之一秒)
 IWall% 调用的包括子函数所有花费时间的百分比
 Excl. Wall Time (microsec) 函数执行本身花费的时间,不包括子树执行时间,以微秒算(一百万分之一秒)
 EWall% 函数执行本身花费的时间的百分比,不包括子树执行时间
 Incl. CPU(microsecs) 调用的包括子函数所有花费的cpu时间。减Incl. Wall Time即为等待cpu的时间
 减Excl. Wall Time即为等待cpu的时间
 ICpu% Incl. CPU(microsecs)的百分比
 Excl. CPU(microsec) 函数执行本身花费的cpu时间,不包括子树执行时间,以微秒算(一百万分之一秒)。
 ECPU% Excl. CPU(microsec)的百分比
 Incl.MemUse(bytes) 包括子函数执行使用的内存。
 IMemUse% Incl.MemUse(bytes)的百分比
 Excl.MemUse(bytes) 函数执行本身内存,以字节算
 EMemUse% Excl.MemUse(bytes)的百分比
 Incl.PeakMemUse(bytes) Incl.MemUse的峰值
 IPeakMemUse% Incl.PeakMemUse(bytes) 的峰值百分比
 Excl.PeakMemUse(bytes) Excl.MemUse的峰值
 EPeakMemUse% EMemUse% 峰值百分比

Installation and simple usage of xhprof

xhprof is Facebook's open source lightweight PHP performance analysis tool. It can be installed directly through pecl in the Linux environment. For example, it only requires 3 lines of instructions under Ubuntu

pecl install xhprof-beta
echo "extension=xhprof.so" > /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/xhprof.ini
service php5-fpm restart
You can later check whether the extension has been loaded through phpinfo().

How to use it specifically? The xhprof project has provided examples and a simple UI. Download the xhprof project to the web server. If it can be accessed through

http://localhost/xhprof/, then visit http://localhost/xhprof/examples/sample.phpYou can see some output, and you are prompted to access it by visitinghttp://3150ebf02b54f746533a622e2a0f4d32/index.php?run=XXX&source =xhprof_fooView the results. Next, visit http://localhost/xhprof/xhprof_html/ to see the saved results, listing all function calls and the time spent.

Analyze the sample code sample.php, the key part is only 2 lines:

$xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();


•funciton name : 函数名
•calls: 调用次数
•Incl. Wall Time (microsec): 函数运行时间(包括子函数)
•Excl. Wall Time(microsec):函数运行时间(不包括子函数)


在xhprof_html/index.php中还可以看到[View Full Callgraph]链接,点击后可以绘制出一张可视化的性能分析图,如果点击后报错的话,可能是缺少依赖graphviz,ubuntu可以通过apt安装
apt-get install graphviz



register_shutdown_function(function() {
  $xhprof_data    = xhprof_disable();

  if (function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) {


但是这样免不了要修改项目的源代码,其实php本身就提供了更好的注入方式,比如将上述逻辑保存为/opt/inject.php,然后修改php fpm配置文件

vi /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini


auto_prepend_file = /opt/inject.php



fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "auto_prepend_file=/opt/inject.php";

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