redmine integrates ldap users
First, configure LDAP, otherwise it will exhaust you to death
Look for the LDAP installation process in the blog directory ()
To write corresponding slapd.conf configuration file
We need three data files
The first one is the base template directory file
vim base.ldif
dn: dc =bb,dc=com
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: Cywx, Inc.
dc: bb
dn: cn=Ma,dc= bb,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: Ma
dn: ou=People,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
ou: People
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
dn: ou=Group,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
ou: Group
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
-------------------------------- -----------------------
The second one is the group file
vim group.ldif
--- ----------------------------
dn: cn=t1,ou=Group,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc =com
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: t1
userPassword: {crypt}x
gidNumber: 501
dn: cn=t2, ou=Group,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: t2
userPassword: {crypt}x
gidNumber: 502
dn: cn=ldapuser1,ou=Group,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: ldapuser1
userPassword : {crypt}x
gidNumber: 503
dn: cn=ldapuser2,ou=Group,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: ldapuser2
userPassword: {crypt}x
gidNumber: 504
----------------------- -------------------------------------
The third group is the user file
vim passwd.ldif
---------------------------------- --------------------------------
dn: uid=t1,ou=People,cn=Ma,dc=bb, dc=com
uid: t1
cn: t1
#objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass : OpenLDAPperson
surname: t1
givenName: z
userPassword: {crypt}!!
shadowLastChange: 16772
shadowMin: 0
shadowMax : 99999
shadowWarning: 7
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 500
gidNumber: 501
homeDirectory: /home/t1
dn: uid =t2,ou=People,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
uid: t2
cn: t2
#objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass: OpenLDAPperson
surname: t2
givenName: z
mail: test1@wifi.t
userPassword: {crypt}!!
shadowLastChange: 16772
shadowMin: 0
shadowMax: 99999
shadowWarning: 7
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 501
gidNumber: 502
homeDirectory: / home/t2
dn: uid=ldapuser1,ou=People,cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com
uid: ldapuser1
cn: ldapuser1
#objectClass : account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass: OpenLDAPperson
surname: ldapuser1
givenName: z
mail: test1
userPassword: {crypt}$6$a3DH5nze$WkfyBtwXFOgw3IDAeOHai1ltfailU72qRdNGOtqx/gm5uM7OWEbGBwTIqP.qIUwx8vGSLmjW0.daLBzmplElH.
shadowLastChange: 16772
shadow Min: 0
shadowMax: 99999
shadowWarning: 7
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 502
gidNumber: 503
homeDirectory: /home/ldapuser1
dn: uid=ldapuser2,ou=People,cn=Ma ,dc=bb,dc=com
uid: ldapuser2
cn: ldapuser2
#objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass: OpenLDAPperson
surname: ldapuser2
givenName: z
userPassword: {crypt}$6$An0Hoxly$uKVAkEdt0KOgVXJYddUqtxAZfkKIZJIFZG9yoFG5mLRYHNvo./szTXFLf. JJAYWZTjYJKiXAtO6cARH.UQeZb1
shadowLastChange: 16773
shadowMin: 0
shadowMax: 99999
shadowWarning: 7
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 503
gidNumber: 504
homeDirectory: / home/ldapuser2
-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Then start loading data
ldapadd -x -D "cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/base.ldif
ldapadd -x -D "cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/group.ldif
ldapadd -x - D "cn=Ma,dc=bb,dc=com" -W -f /etc/openldap/passwd.ldif
It will be ok after loading is complete
The effect seen through the client is Like this

This time it is configured in the redmine background, see the picture // integrates ldap. Users must first configure LDAP, otherwise it will tire you out. The LDAP installation process can be found in the blog directory. Click () to write corresponding to the slapd.conf configuration file we need three copies...