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The IMEI restricted SMS verification code sending class implemented by php
<?php class Api_Sms{ const EXPIRE_SEC = 1800; // 过期时间间隔 const RESEND_SEC = 60; // 重发时间间隔 const ONE_DAY_FREQ = 5; // 每日向同一个手机号发短信的次数 const ONE_DAY_IMEI_COUNT = 3; // 每日向同一个手机号发送短信的IMEI个数 public $error = array(); /** * 向指定手机号发送验证码 * @param $mobile * @param $imei * @return bool */ public function sendVerifyCode($mobile, $imei) { if(!$this->isMobile($mobile)) { $this->error = array(''code'' => -1, ''msg'' => ''这个手机号很奇葩哦,请正确输入后重试''); return false; } $redis = Api_Common::redis(); $vcKey = ''VC_''.$mobile; $limitKey = ''VC_LIMIT_''.$mobile; // 验证码重发限制 $data = json_decode($redis->get($vcKey), true); if($data && time() < $data[''resend_expire'']) { $this->error = array(''code'' => -1, ''msg'' => ''短信已在1分钟内发出,请耐心等待''); return false; } // 手机号及IMEI限制 $sendCnt = $redis->zScore($limitKey, $imei); if($sendCnt && $sendCnt >= self::ONE_DAY_FREQ) { $this->error = array(''code'' => -1, ''msg'' => ''没收到短信?请稍等或检查短信是否被屏蔽''); return false; } $imeiCnt = $redis->zCard($limitKey); if($imeiCnt >= self::ONE_DAY_IMEI_COUNT && !$sendCnt) { $this->error = array(''code'' => -1, ''msg'' => ''已超过验证码发送设备限制''); return false; } // 获取验证码 if(!$data) { $vc = strval(rand(100000, 999999)); $data = array(''vc'' => $vc, ''resend_expire'' => 0); $redis->set($vcKey, json_encode($data)); $redis->expire($vcKey, self::EXPIRE_SEC); // 设置验证码过期时间 } $vc = $data[''vc'']; $content = ''安全验证码:''.$vc; $result = $this->send($mobile, $content); if($result) { // 重设重发时限 $data[''resend_expire''] = time() + self::RESEND_SEC; $ttl = $redis->ttl($vcKey); $redis->set($vcKey, json_encode($data)); $redis->expire($vcKey, $ttl); // 设置手机号与IMEI限制 $redis->zIncrBy($limitKey, 1, $imei); $redis->expireAt($limitKey, strtotime(date(''Y-m-d'',strtotime(''+1 day'')))); } return $result; } /** * 向指定手机号发送短信 * @param $mobile * @param $content * @return bool */ public function send($mobile, $content){ // TODO 调用具体服务商API return true; } /** * 判断是否为合法手机号 * @param $mobile * @return bool */ private function isMobile($mobile) { if(preg_match(''/^1\d{10}$/'', $mobile)) return true; return false; } /** * 验证短信验证码 * @param $mobile * @param $vc * @return bool */ public function checkVerifyCode($mobile, $vc) { $vcKey = ''VC_''.$mobile; $vcData = json_decode(Api_Common::redis()->get($vcKey), true); if($vcData && $vcData[''vc''] === $vc) { return true; } return false; } /** * 清除验证码 * @param $mobile */ public function cleanVerifyCode($mobile) { $redis = Api_Common::redis(); $vcKey = ''VC_''.$mobile; $limitKey = ''VC_LIMIT_''.$mobile; $redis->del($vcKey); $redis->del($limitKey); } }
Additional payment of SMS verification codes implemented by other netizens
<? /*-------------------------------- 功能: 中国短信网PHP HTTP接口 发送短信 修改日期: 2009-04-08 说明: http://http.c123.com/tx/?uid=用户账号&pwd=MD5位32密码&mobile=号码&content=内容 状态: 100 发送成功 101 验证失败 102 短信不足 103 操作失败 104 非法字符 105 内容过多 106 号码过多 107 频率过快 108 号码内容空 109 账号冻结 110 禁止频繁单条发送 111 系统暂定发送 112 号码不正确 120 系统升级 --------------------------------*/ $uid = ''9999''; //用户账号 $pwd = ''9999''; //密码 $mobile = ''13912341234,13312341234,13512341234,02122334444''; //号码 $content = ''中国短信网PHP HTTP接口''; //内容 //即时发送 $res = sendSMS($uid,$pwd,$mobile,$content); echo $res; //定时发送 /* $time = ''2010-05-27 12:11''; $res = sendSMS($uid,$pwd,$mobile,$content,$time); echo $res; */ function sendSMS($uid,$pwd,$mobile,$content,$time='''',$mid='''') { $http = ''http://http.c123.com/tx/''; $data = array ( ''uid''=>$uid, //用户账号 ''pwd''=>strtolower(md5($pwd)), //MD5位32密码 ''mobile''=>$mobile, //号码 ''content''=>$content, //内容 ''time''=>$time, //定时发送 ''mid''=>$mid //子扩展号 ); $re= postSMS($http,$data); //POST方式提交 if( trim($re) == ''100'' ) { return "发送成功!"; } else { return "发送失败! 状态:".$re; } } function postSMS($url,$data='''') { $row = parse_url($url); $host = $row[''host'']; $port = $row[''port''] ? $row[''port'']:80; $file = $row[''path'']; while (list($k,$v) = each($data)) { $post .= rawurlencode($k)."=".rawurlencode($v)."&"; //转URL标准码 } $post = substr( $post , 0 , -1 ); $len = strlen($post); $fp = @fsockopen( $host ,$port, $errno, $errstr, 10); if (!$fp) { return "$errstr ($errno)\n"; } else { $receive = ''''; $out = "POST $file HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $out .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Length: $len\r\n\r\n"; $out .= $post; fwrite($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { $receive .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); $receive = explode("\r\n\r\n",$receive); unset($receive[0]); return implode("",$receive); } } ?><br />转载自:http://www.aspnetjia.com