Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP uses APC module to implement large file upload progress bar_php skills
Progressed uploading of large PHP files has always been a problem that troubles PHP programmers. Query Baidu and Google, and the general methods for uploading with progress are: flash php, socket, apc php, etc. Below I introduce the uploading with progress made by apc php ajax, and post the source code. I hope it will be helpful to Useful to everyone.
Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a free and public optimized code cache for PHP. It is used to provide a free, open and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code.
Step 1: Download php_apc.dll
Step 2: Make php.ini support apc extension module.
Put php_apc.dll into your ext directory, then open php.ini and add:
apc.rfc1867 = on
apc.max_file_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
Post_max_size = 100M
//The above parameters can be defined by yourself
Step 3: Check whether PHP APC is supported
if (function_exists('apc_fetch')) { echo 'it surpport apc model!'; } else { echo "it's not support apc model!"; } ?>
Let’s get to the point:
Principle: Through the APC module, use ajas to read the upload progress from the cache. For details, see:
<?php $unid=uniqid("");//确定唯一标致,实现多人同时上传 ?> <div class="userinput2"> <div id="captions">先将你要上传的软件上传服务器,上传时请耐心等候...<span class="style1"><br /> </span> <script type="text/javascript" > var xmlHttp; var proNum=0; var loop=0; //初始化xmlHttp function createxml(){ var xmlHttp; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } return xmlHttp; } xmlHttp=createxml(); //ajas操作 function sendURL() { var url="getprogress.php?progress_key=<?php echo $unid;?>"; xmlHttp.open("GET",url,false); if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")>=1){ //如果是firefox3.0 xmlHttp.send("progress_key=<?php echo $unid;?>"); if(xmlHttp.status==200) doHttpReadyStateChange(); }else{ xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = doHttpReadyStateChange; xmlHttp.send("progress_key=<?php echo $unid;?>"); } } //回调函数 function doHttpReadyStateChange() { if (xmlHttp.readyState== 4){ proNum=parseInt(xmlHttp.responseText); //alert(proNum); document.getElementByIdx_x("progressinner").style.width = proNum+"%"; document.getElementByIdx_x("showNum").innerHTML = proNum+"%"; if ( proNum < 100){ setTimeout("sendURL()", 200); }else{ //上传成功后,还不能及时得到信息。还希望高人指点 document.getElementByIdx_x("progressouter").style.display="none"; document.getElementByIdx_x("progressinner").style.display="none"; document.getElementByIdx_x("showNum").style.display="none"; document.getElementByIdx_x("theframe").style.display="none"; document.getElementByIdx_x("link2").style.display="block"; } } } function startProgress(){ document.getElementByIdx_x("progressouter").style.display="block"; setTimeout("sendURL()", 200); } function newsofturl(text){ document.getElementByIdx_x("link2").style.display="block"; document.getElementByIdx_x("link2").value=text; } </script> <iframe id="theframe" name="theframe" src="softupload.php?id=<?php echo($unid); ?>" style="border: 0; height: 80px; width: 400px; " frameborder="0" scrolling="no" > </iframe> <input name="linkdefult" type="hidden" id="linkdefult" value="0" /> <br /> <div id="link2" style="display:none;" > <font size=2>上传成功! 文件大小为: <input type="text" name="filesize" id="filesize" style="width:50px;"/> </font><br> <br> <font size=2>文件下载地址为:</font><br /> <input type=text name='link' id='link' style='width:380px;' /> </div> <br/> <div id="progressouter" style="width: 500px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid #000000; display:none;"> <div id="progressinner" style="position: relative; height: 20px; background-color: #333333; width: 0%; "></div> </div> <div id='showNum' style="font-size:12px; color:#333333"></div> </div> </div>
<?php $id = $_GET['id']; ?> <script language="javascript"> //Trim the input text function Trim(input) { var lre = /^\s*/; var rre = /\s*$/; input = input.replace(lre, ""); input = input.replace(rre, ""); return input; } function CheckForTestFile() { var file = document.getElementByIdx_x('Softfile'); var fileName=file.value; //Checking for file browsed or not if (Trim(fileName) =='' ) { alert("请为上传选择一个文件!!!"); file.focus(); return false; } //Setting the extension array for diff. type of text files var extArray = new Array(".rar", ".zip", ".exe", ".gz"); //getting the file name while (fileName.indexOf("\") != -1) fileName = fileName.slice(fileName.indexOf("\") + 1); //Getting the file extension var ext = fileName.slice(fileName.indexOf(".")).toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < extArray.length; i++) { if (extArray[i] == ext) { window.parent.startProgress(); return true; } } alert("正确的文件格式为" + (extArray.join(" ")) + "\n请选择一个新的 " + "文件提交上传."); file.focus(); return false; } </script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload_form" action="target.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS" id="progress_key" value="<?php echo $id?>"/> <table width="322" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="linkTable"> <tr> <td >1.选择软件<br /> <input name="Softfile" type="file" id="Softfile" /></td> <td ><br /> <input name="submit" type="submit" onclick="return CheckForTestFile();" value="上传软件"/></td> </tr> </table> </form>
<script language="javascript"> //将上传后的信息返还给父窗口 function chuanzhi(){ parent.document.getElementByIdx_x('filesize').value=document.getElementByIdx_x('size').value; parent.document.getElementByIdx_x('link').value=document.getElementByIdx_x('newsoftdir').value; parent.document.getElementByIdx_x('linkdefult').value=1; } </script> <body onLoad="chuanzhi();"> <?php //header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=gb2312'); define('SOFTDIR', "./upload/"); //上传后路径 define('HTTPSOFTDIR', "http://www.mysite.com/"); //服务器的路径 //判断上传软件后缀名是否允许 function isSoftExt($extension) { $ext = array('exe', 'rar', 'zip','gz'); return in_array($extension, $ext) ? true : false; } if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ $errors['0'] = true; $errors['1'] = '请选择上传的软件图片'; $errors['2'] = '上传软件图片失败'; $errors['3'] = '上传软件图片失败'; $daytime = date('Y-m-d-h-m-s'); $timename=str_replace("-","",$daytime); //取得当天的日期时间 //检查软件是否是正常上传的 if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Softfile']['tmp_name'])) { echo "<script>alert('非正常上传!');history.back();</script>"; exit; } $extension = pathinfo($_FILES['Softfile']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filename = $timename."_".$_FILES['Softfile']['name']; $tmpsize=$_FILES['Softfile']['size']; $msize=round($tmpsize/1048576 , 2) ."M"; $ksize=round($tmpsize/1024 ,2). "K"; $filesize =$tmpsize>1048576?$msize:$ksize; //检查软件文件格式 if(!isSoftExt($extension)) { echo "<script>alert('上传的软件格式有错误!');history.back();</script>"; exit; } //移动软件 if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Softfile']['tmp_name'], SOFTDIR. $filename)) { echo "<script>alert('移动软件出错!');history.back();</script>"; exit; }else{ echo "<font size=2>上传成功! 文件大小为:<input type=text id='size' value='$filesize'></font><br>"; echo "<font size=2>文件下载地址为:</font><input type=text id='newsoftdir' value='".HTTPSOFTDIR.$filename."' style='width=380'>"; } }else echo "请不要直接输入地址!"; ?>
<?php //上传ajas获取进度页面 session_start(); if(isset($_GET['progress_key'])) { $status = apc_fetch('upload_'.$_GET['progress_key']); echo ($status['current']/$status['total'])*100; } echo 'APC_FILE='.APC_FILE; ?>