Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >About the principle of action parameter binding in some PHP frameworks
For example THINKPHP
<code>class xxController { public function index($id,$age) { //这些参数是通过$_GET['id'],$_GET['age']来的 } } //按PHP的实现方法大致应该是以下 $ctr = new xxController(); return $ctr->index(); //他这里怎么有知道应该传哪些参数呢?! //本人愚钝,我想不是这样做的,那应该是怎么实现呢?!!请各位大神讲解一下其中的实现原理!</code>
For example THINKPHP
<code>class xxController { public function index($id,$age) { //这些参数是通过$_GET['id'],$_GET['age']来的 } } //按PHP的实现方法大致应该是以下 $ctr = new xxController(); return $ctr->index(); //他这里怎么有知道应该传哪些参数呢?! //本人愚钝,我想不是这样做的,那应该是怎么实现呢?!!请各位大神讲解一下其中的实现原理!</code>
Reflection, the parameter list of the class method obtained through reflection. Then just match it up.
<code><?php /** * 一个用于测试的类 * Class TestController */ class TestController { /** * 嗯,著名的hello world * @param $name */ public function helloWordAction($name) { echo "hello {$name}!".PHP_EOL; } } # 通过反射进行参数绑定调起类的方法 # @see http://php.net/manual/zh/book.reflection.php # 方法,从路由获取的,类也是由路由获取的,这里意思一下就好了 $action = 'helloWordAction'; # 传进来的参数,从路由获取的 $paramsInput['name'] = 'toozy'; # 获取类的反射 $controllerReflection = new ReflectionClass(TestController::class); # 不能实例化,就是不能new一个的话,这个游戏就玩不下去了啊 if (!$controllerReflection->isInstantiable()) { throw new RuntimeException("{$controllerReflection->getName()}不能被实例化"); } # 获取对应方法的反射 if (!$controllerReflection->hasMethod($action)) { throw new RuntimeException("{$controllerReflection->getName()}没有指定的方法:{$action}"); } $actionReflection = $controllerReflection->getMethod($action); # 获取方法的参数的反射列表(多个参数反射组成的数组) $paramReflectionList = $actionReflection->getParameters(); # 参数,用于action $params = []; # 循环参数反射 # 如果存在路由参数的名称和参数的名称一致,就压进params里面 # 如果存在默认值,就将默认值压进params里面 # 如果。。。没有如果了,异常 foreach ($paramReflectionList as $paramReflection) { # 是否存在同名字的路由参数 if (isset($paramsInput[$paramReflection->getName()])) { $params[] = $paramsInput[$paramReflection->getName()]; continue; } # 是否存在默认值 if ($paramReflection->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $params[] = $paramReflection->getDefaultValue(); continue; } # 异常 throw new RuntimeException( "{$controllerReflection->getName()}::{$actionReflection->getName()}的参数{$paramReflection->getName()}必须传值" ); } # 调起 $actionReflection->invokeArgs($controllerReflection->newInstance(), $params);</code>
Save as: reflection.php
<code>root@work:/media/sf_project/php-hello-world# php refrection.php hello toozy!</code>
The framework in this case has a "route definition", and the client can only match the defined route, which includes path, method, and request parameters.
Take Laravel as an example:
<code>Route::get('api/article/{articleId}', 'ArticleController@articleDetail'); //... ArticleController extends Controller { public function articleDetail($articleId) { //... } }</code>
During the matching routing process, because the route defined contains the placeholder {articleId}
in the agreed form, the routing module will match the URL containing articleId and obtain the parameter value and pass it to the action of the corresponding Controller.