Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP redis implements adding methods to handle voting_php tips
The example in this article describes the method of adding voting processing in PHP redis. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
<?php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); include 'lib/mysql.class.php'; $mysql_obj = mysql::getConn(); if(class_exists('Redis')){ //redis $redis = new Redis(); $redis->pconnect('', 6379); if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){ $url_md5 = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $adve_key = 'adve'; $adve_key_exists = 'adve_exists'; if(!$redis->exists($adve_key_exists)){ $list = $mysql_obj->fetch_array("select * from admin_online_adve"); if($list){ foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $url_hash = md5($value['adve_url']); $adve_hash_key = $adve_key.":".$url_hash; $id = $value['id']; $redis->set($adve_hash_key,$id); $redis->set($adve_key_exists,true); } } } $adve_new_key = $adve_key.':'.$url_md5; if($redis->exists($adve_new_key)){ $adve_plus = $adve_new_key.":plus" ; if(!$redis->exists($adve_plus)){ $redis->set($adve_plus,1); }else{ $redis->incr($adve_plus); $num = $redis->get($adve_plus); if($num >100){ $id = $redis->get($adve_new_key); // insert to sql; $mysql_obj->query("update admin_online_adve set adve_num=adve_num+$num where id=$id"); $redis->set($adve_plus,1); } } } } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/san-guo-zhi15-ba-wangno-da-lu/id694974270?mt=8"> <title>统计</title> </head> <body> <img src="loading.gif">Loading... </body> </html>
The php connection to the mysql class mysql.class.php is as follows:
<?php define("MYSQL_SQL_GETDATA", 1); define("MYSQL_SQL_EXECUTE", 2); class mysql_db{ var $_server; //数据库服务器地址 var $_user; //数据库连接帐号 var $_password; //数据库连接密码 var $_dbname; //数据库名称 var $_persistency=false; //是否使用持久连接 var $_isConnect = false; //是否已经建立数据库连接 var $_charset="utf8"; //数据库连接字符集 var $_isDebug = false; //是否Debug模式 var $_sql=array(); //执行sql语句数组 var $_db_connect_id; //数据库连接对象标识 var $_result; //执行查询返回的值 var $_record; var $_rowset; var $_errno = 0; var $_error = "connection error"; var $_checkDB = false; function mysql_db($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpassword,$database,$persistency = false,$autoConnect=false,$checkdb = false) { $this->_server = $dbserver; $this->_user = $dbuser; $this->_password = $dbpassword; $this->_dbname = $database; $this->_persistency = $persistency; $this->_autoConnect = $autoConnect; $this->_checkDB = $checkdb; if($autoConnect){ $this->connection(); } } function connection($newLink = false) { if (!$newLink){ if($this->_isConnect && isset($this->_db_connect_id)){ @mysql_close($this->_db_connect_id); } } $this->_db_connect_id = ($this->persistency) ? @mysql_pconnect($this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_password):@mysql_connect($this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_password,$newLink); if ($this->_db_connect_id) { if ($this->version() > '4.1') { if ($this->_charset != "") { @mysql_query("SET NAMES '".str_replace('-', '', $this->_charset)."'", $this->_db_connect_id); } } if ($this->version() > '5.0') { @mysql_query("SET sql_mode=''", $this->_db_connect_id); } //检测指定数据库是否连接成功 if ($this->_checkDB){ $dbname = mysql_query('SELECT database()',$this->_db_connect_id); $dbname = mysql_fetch_array($dbname,MYSQL_NUM); $dbname = trim($dbname[0]); }else{ $dbname = ''; } if ($dbname==$this->_dbname || $dbname==''){ if (!@mysql_select_db($this->_dbname, $this->_db_connect_id)) { @mysql_close($this->_db_connect_id); $this->_halt("cannot use database " . $this->_dbname); } }else{ if ($this->_checkDB && !$newLink){ $this->connection(true); } } return true; } else { $this->_halt('connect failed.',false); } } function setCharset($charset){ //$charset = str_replace('-', '', $charset); $this->_charset = $charset; } function setDebug($isDebug=true){ $this->_isDebug = $isDebug; } function query($sql,$type='') { return $this->_runSQL($sql,MYSQL_SQL_GETDATA,$type); } function execute($sql) { return $this->_runSQL($sql,MYSQL_SQL_EXECUTE,"UNBUFFERED"); } function _runSQL($sql,$sqlType=MYSQL_SQL_GETDATA,$type = '') { if ($type =="UNBUFFERED"){ $this->_result = @mysql_unbuffered_query($sql,$this->_db_connect_id); }else{ $this->_result = @mysql_query($sql,$this->_db_connect_id); } //测试模式下保存执行的sql语句 if($this->_isDebug){ $this->_sql[]=$sql; } if ($this->_result) { return $sqlType==MYSQL_SQL_GETDATA?$this->getNumRows():$this->getAffectedRows(); }else{ $this->_halt("Invalid SQL: ".$sql); return false; } } function next($result_type=MYSQL_ASSOC) { $this->fetchRow($result_type); return is_array($this->_record); } function f($name) { if(is_array($this->_record)){ return $this->_record[$name]; }else{ return false; } } function fetchRow($result_type=MYSQL_ASSOC) { if( $this->_result ) { $this->_record = @mysql_fetch_array($this->_result,$result_type); return $this->_record; }else{ return false; } } function getAll($sql,$primaryKey="",$result_type=MYSQL_ASSOC) { if ($this->_runSQL($sql,MYSQL_SQL_GETDATA)>=0){ return $this->fetchAll($primaryKey,$result_type); }else{ return false; } } function getOne($sql,$result_type=MYSQL_ASSOC) { if ($this->_runSQL($sql,MYSQL_SQL_GETDATA)>0){ $arr = $this->fetchAll("",$result_type); if(is_array($arr)){ return $arr[0]; } }else{ return false; } } function fetchAll($primaryKey = "",$result_type=MYSQL_ASSOC) { if ($this->_result) { $i = 0; $this->_rowset = array(); if ($primaryKey=="") { while($this->next($result_type)) { $this->_rowset[$i] = $this->_record; $i++; } }else{ while($this->next($result_type)) { $this->_rowset[$this->f($primaryKey)] = $this->_record; $i++; } } return $this->_rowset; }else{ //$this->_halt("Invalid Result"); return false; } } function checkExist($sql) { return $this->query($sql)>0?true:false; } function getValue($sql, $colset = 0) { if ($this->query($sql)>0){ $this->next(MYSQL_BOTH); return $this->f($colset); }else{ return false; } } function getNumRows() { return @mysql_num_rows($this->_result); } function getNumFields() { return @mysql_num_fields($this->_result); } function getFiledName($offset) { return @mysql_field_name($this->_result, $offset); } function getFiledType($offset) { return @mysql_field_type($this->_result, $offset); } function getFiledLen($offset) { return @mysql_field_len($this->_result, $offset); } function getInsertId() { return @mysql_insert_id($this->_db_connect_id); } function getAffectedRows() { return @mysql_affected_rows($this->_db_connect_id); } function free_result() { $ret = @mysql_free_result($this->_result); $this->_result = 0; return $ret; } function version() { return @mysql_get_server_info($this->_db_connect_id); } function close() { return @mysql_close($this->_db_connect_id); } function sqlOutput($isOut = true, $all = true){ if($all){ $ret = implode("<br>",$this->_sql); }else{ $ret = $this->_sql[count($this->_sql)-1]; } if ($isOut){ echo $ret; }else{ return $ret; } } function _halt($msg="Session halted.",$getErr=true) { if($this->_isDebug){ if($getErr){ $this->_errno = @mysql_errno($this->_db_connect_id); $this->_error = @mysql_error($this->_db_connect_id); printf("<b>MySQL _error</b>: %s (%s)<br></font>/n",$this->_errno,$this->_error); } die($msg); }else{ die("Session halted."); } } } ?>
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.