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Yotaku's development diary (1)

2016-07-06 13:30:301139browse

2015-12-1821:17:46 I have been looking at the Thinkphp framework for several days and now I see role-based user access control. The relevant code is as follows: Database User Table (Administrator) mg_id mg_name mg_pwd mg_time mg_role_id 0 creatint 123 2587413547 1 1 yotaku 123 258744984 4 CREAATE TABLE `sw_manager

2015-12-18 21:17:46

I have been looking at the Thinkphp framework for several days and now I see role-based user access control.

The relevant code is as follows:


User table (administrator)

mg_id mg_name mg_pwd mg_time mg_role_id
0 creatint 123 2587413547 1
1 yotaku 123 258744984 4
CREAATE TABLE `sw_manager` (
    `mg_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `mg_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    `mg_pwd` varchar(32) NOT NULL, 
    `mg_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '时间',
    `mg_role_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '角色id',
    PRIMARY KEY (`mg_id`)

Permission table

auth_id(权限ID) auth_name(权限名称) auth_pid(父id) auth_c(控制器) auth_a(操作方法) auth_path(全路径) auth_level(权限级别)
100 产品中心 0 '' '' 100 0
101 产品展示 100 ManagerController show 100-101 1
CREATE TABLE `sw_auth` (
    `auth_id` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `auth_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '权限名称',
    `auth_pid` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT'父id',
    `auth_c` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '控制器',
    `auth_a` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '操作方法',
    `auth_path` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT '全路径',
    `auth_level` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '级别',
    PRIMARY KEY(`auth_id`)

Character List

role_id role_name role_auth_ids role_auth_ac
0 站主 1,3,9 操作器-控制器,操作器-控制器,...
1 高级管理员 1,2,3,9,12 操作器-控制器,操作器-控制器,...
CREATE TABLE `sw_role` (
    `role_id` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `role_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色名称',
    `role_auth_ids` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '权限id,1,3,..',
    `role_auth_ac` text COMMENT '控制器2-操作3,控制器1-操作6,...',
    PRIMARY KEY(`role_id`)




  产品中心(产品展示,最新产品,分类管理,子类管理) 高级管理(用户留言,留言簿,产品订购,文件管理) 系统管理(基本设置,样式管理,首页设置,管理员列表)

<span class="zhushi">顶级权限</span>
insert into sw_auth values ( 100,'产品中心',0,'','',100,0 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 101,'高级管理',0,'','',101,0 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 102,'系统管理',0,'','',102,0 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 103,'权限管理',0,'','',103,0 );

<span class="zhushi">次级权限</span>
insert into sw_auth values ( 104,'产品展示',100,'Goods','show','100-104',1 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 105,'最新产品',100,'Goods','showlist','100-105',1 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 106,'分类管理',100,'Goods','cate','100-106',1 );

insert into sw_auth values ( 107,'用户留言',101,'Goods','Words','101-107',1 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 108,'留言簿',  101,'Goods','wordsbook','101-108',1 );

insert into sw_auth values ( 109,'基本设置',102,'Goods','set','102-109',1 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 110,'样式管理',102,'Goods','CSS','102-110',1 );

insert into sw_auth values ( 111,'用户列表',103,'Goods','userlist','103-111',1 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 112,'角色管理',103,'Goods','role','103-112',1 );
insert into sw_auth values ( 113,'权限列表',103,'Goods','auth','103-113',1 );


  sw_role 站主 所有权限(103,104,105,106,107,108,109) 管理员 部分权限(104,105,109) 版主 部分权限(103,108)

<span class="zhushi">角色</span>
insert into sw_role values (10,'站主','100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113','Goods-show,Goods-showlist,Goods-cate,Goods-words,Goods-wordsbook,Goods-set,Goods-css');
insert into sw_role values (11,'管理员','100,102,104,105,109','Goods-showlist,Goods-cate,Goods-css');
insert into sw_role values (12,'版主','100,101,103,106,108,113','Goods-show,Goods-set');


  Index控制器内 获取用户的角色id,进而获得角色权限 进行判断是否展现数据 Index控制器--->left方法--->left.html模板 Index控制器

        $mg_id = session('admin_id');
        $manager_info = D('Manager')->find($mg_id);
        $role_id = $manager_info['mg_role_id'];
//(2)根据role_id 获得本身记录信息
        $role_info = D('Role')->find($role_id);
        $auth_ids = $role_info['role_auth_ids'];
//(3)根据$auth_ids 获得具体权限
        $auth_infoA = D('Auth')->where("auth_level=0 and auth_id in($auth_ids)")->select();
        $auth_infoB = D('Auth')->where("auth_level=1 and auth_id in($auth_ids)")->select();

4.模板 left.html

  {foreach $auth_infoA as $k=>$v}         
      background={$smarty.const.ADMIN_IMG_URL}/menu_bt.jpg >{$v.auth_id})       href="javascript:void(0);">{$v.auth_name}
    {$v.auth_id} style="display: none" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=150 border=0>       {foreach $auth_infoB as $k2=>$v2}        {if $v2.auth_pid == $v.auth_id}                              {/if}      {/foreach}          
{$smarty.const.ADMIN_IMG_URL}/menu_icon.gif" width=9>{$smarty.const.__MODULE__}/{$v2.auth_c}/{$v2.auth_a}" target=right>{$v2.auth_name}           
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