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NET environment using RabbitMQ

2016-07-06 13:30:181216browse

1 Environment setup First of all, since RabbitMQ is written in Erlang and needs to run on the Erlang runtime environment, you need to install the Erlang runtime environment before installing RabbitMQ Server. You can download the installation file for the corresponding platform from the Erlang official website. If the runtime environment is not installed, when installing RabbitMQ Server, you will be prompted to install it first

1 Environment setup

First of all, since RabbitMQ is written in Erlang and needs to run on the Erlang runtime environment, you need to install the Erlang runtime environment before installing RabbitMQ Server. You can download the installation file for the corresponding platform from the Erlang official website. If the runtime environment is not installed, when installing RabbitMQ Server, you will be prompted to install the Erlang environment first. After the installation is complete, make sure that the Erlang installation path has been registered in the system's environment variables. After installing Erlang, this environment will be set up automatically. If not: set it up as shown below.

Then, go to the RabbitMQ official website to download the RabbitMQ Server server program, and select the appropriate platform version to download. After the installation is complete, you can start using it.

Now you can configure RabbitMQ Server.

First, switch to the installation directory of RabbitMQ Server:

There are many batch files under sbin, used to control RabbitMQ Server.

The simplest way is to make RabbitMQ run in the background as a Windows Service, so we need to open cmd with administrator rights, then switch to the sbin directory and execute these three commands:

rabbitmq-service install
rabbitmq-service enable
rabbitmq-service start

Now the RabbitMQ server has been started (If the startup fails, please check whether the service has been started after installation. If not, it may be because of the installed version).

You can use the rabbitmqctl.bat script under the sbin directory to view and control the server status. Run rabbitmqctl status directly in cmd. If you do not see the following result: You need to go to the C:Windows directory and copy the .erlang.cookie file to the user directory C:Users{username}. This is the Erlang cookie file, allowing interaction with Erlang:

RabbitMQ Server also has the concept of users. After installation, use the rabbitmqctl list_users command to see the current users above:

You can use the following commands to add users and set permissions:

rabbitmqctl  add_user  test  123456
rabbitmqctl  set_permissions  test  ".*"  ".*"  ".*"
rabbitmqctl  set_user_tags test administrator

The above command adds a user named test and sets the password 123456. The following command grants user test the configuration, read and write permissions for all message NET environment using RabbitMQs.

Now we can delete the default guest user by using the following command:

rabbitmqctl delete_user guest

If you want to change the password, you can use the following command:

rabbitmqctl change_passWord {username}  {newpassowrd}

2 Get started

To use RabbitMQ in .NET, you need to download the RabbitMQ client assembly. You can download it from the official website. After downloading and decompressing, you can get RabbitMQ.Client.dll, which is the RabbitMQ client.

Before using RabitMQ, you need to explain the following basic concepts:

RabbitMQ is a message broker. It receives messages from message NET environment using RabbitMQs (PRoducers), and then sends the messages to message NET environment using RabbitMQs (NET environment using RabbitMQs). Between sending and receiving, it can route, cache and persist according to the set rules.

Generally speaking, some proper nouns are used when referring to RabbitMQ and messages.

  • Producing means sending. The program that sends the message is a NET environment using RabbitMQ. We usually use "P" to represent:

NET environment using RabbitMQ

  • Queue is the name of the mailbox. Messages are transferred between your application and RabbitMQ, and they can only be stored in NET environment using RabbitMQs. There is no limit to the capacity of the NET environment using RabbitMQ, you can store as many messages as you want - basically an infinite buffer. Multiple NET environment using RabbitMQs can send messages to the same NET environment using RabbitMQ, and multiple NET environment using RabbitMQs can also obtain data from the same NET environment using RabbitMQ. The NET environment using RabbitMQ can be drawn like this (the picture is the name of the NET environment using RabbitMQ):

NET environment using RabbitMQ

  • 消费(Consuming)和获取消息是一样的意思。一个消费者(NET environment using RabbitMQ)就是一个等待获取消息的程序。我们把它画作"C":

NET environment using RabbitMQ


2.1 Hello World


rabbitmq hello world






和发送一样,首先需要定义连接,然后声明消息队列。要接收消息,需要定义一个Consume,然后从消息队列中不断DeNET environment using RabbitMQ消息,然后处理。



现在,名为hello的消息队列中,发送了一条消息。这条消息存储到了RabbitMQ的服务器上了。使用rabbitmqctl 的list_NET environment using RabbitMQs可以查看所有的消息队列,以及里面的消息个数,可以看到,目前Rabbitmq上只有一个消息队列,里面只有一条消息:

rabbitmqctl list_NET environment using RabbitMQs
Listing NET environment using RabbitMQs ...
hello   1


可以看到,已经接受到了客户端发送的Hello World,现在再来看RabitMQ上的消息队列信息:

rabbitmqctl list_NET environment using RabbitMQs
Listing NET environment using RabbitMQs ...
hello   0


2.2 工作队列

前面的例子展示了如何往一个指定的消息队列中发送和收取消息。现在我们创建一个工作队列(work NET environment using RabbitMQ)来将一些耗时的任务分发给多个工作者(workers):

rabbitmq-work NET environment using RabbitMQ

工作队列(work NET environment using RabbitMQs, 又称任务队列Task Queues)的主要思想是为了避免立即执行并等待一些占用大量资源、时间的操作完成。而是把任务(Task)当作消息发送到队列中,稍后处理。一个运行在后台的工作者(worker)进程就会取出任务然后处理。当运行多个工作者(workers)时,任务会在它们之间共享。



在第一部分,发送了一个包含“Hello World!”的字符串消息。现在发送一些字符串,把这些字符串当作复杂的任务。这里使用time.sleep()函数来模拟耗时的任务。在字符串中加上点号(.)来表示任务的复杂程度,一个点(.)将会耗时1秒钟。比如"Hello..."就会耗时3秒钟。


static void Main(string[] args)
    var factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    factory.HostName = "localhost";
    factory.UserName = "test";
    factory.Password = "123456";

    using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
        using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
            channel.QueueDeclare("hello", false, false, false, null);
            string message = <strong>GetMessage(args);</strong>
          <strong>  var properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
            properties.DeliveryMode = 2;</strong>

            var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
            channel.BasicPublish("", "hello", properties, body);
            Console.WriteLine(" set {0}", message);


private static string GetMessage(string[] args)
    return ((args.Length > 0) ? string.Join(" ", args) : "Hello World!");



static void Main(string[] args)
    var factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    factory.HostName = "localhost";
    factory.UserName = "test";
    factory.Password = "123456";

    using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
        using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
            channel.QueueDeclare("hello", false, false, false, null);

            var NET environment using RabbitMQ = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
            channel.BasicConsume("hello", true, NET environment using RabbitMQ);

            while (true)
                var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)NET environment using RabbitMQ.Queue.DeNET environment using RabbitMQ();

                var body = ea.Body;
                var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);

              <strong>  int dots = message.Split('.').Length - 1;
                Thread.Sleep(dots * 1000);</strong>
                Console.WriteLine("Received {0}", message);




Send message NET environment using RabbitMQ 



receive message NET environment using RabbitMQ 

默认,RabbitMQ会将每个消息按照顺序依次分发给下一个消费者。所以每个消费者接收到的消息个数大致是平均的。 这种消息分发的方式称之为轮询(round-robin)。

2.3 消息响应

当处理一个比较耗时得任务的时候,也许想知道消费者(NET environment using RabbitMQs)是否运行到一半就挂掉。在当前的代码中,当RabbitMQ将消息发送给消费者(NET environment using RabbitMQs)之后,马上就会将该消息从队列中移除。此时,如果把处理这个消息的工作者(worker)停掉,正在处理的这条消息就会丢失。同时,所有发送到这个工作者的还没有处理的消息都会丢失。



如果消费者(NET environment using RabbitMQ)挂掉了,没有发送响应,RabbitMQ就会认为消息没有被完全处理,然后重新发送给其他消费者(NET environment using RabbitMQ)。这样,即使工作者(workers)偶尔的挂掉,也不会丢失消息。



channel.BasicConsume("hello", <strong>false</strong>, NET environment using RabbitMQ);

while (true)
    var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)NET environment using RabbitMQ.Queue.DeNET environment using RabbitMQ();

    var body = ea.Body;
    var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);

    int dots = message.Split('.').Length - 1;
    Thread.Sleep(dots * 1000);

    Console.WriteLine("Received {0}", message);

    <strong>channel.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);</strong>


一个很常见的错误就是忘掉了BasicAck这个方法,这个错误很常见,但是后果很严重. 当客户端退出时,待处理的消息就会被重新分发,但是RabitMQ会消耗越来越多的内存,因为这些没有被应答的消息不能够被释放。调试这种case,可以使用rabbitmqct打印messages_unacknoledged字段。

rabbitmqctl list_NET environment using RabbitMQs name messages_ready messages_unacknowledged
Listing NET environment using RabbitMQs ...
hello    0       0

2.4 消息持久化

前面已经搞定了即使消费者down掉,任务也不会丢失,但是,如果RabbitMQ Server停掉了,那么这些消息还是会丢失。

当RabbitMQ Server 关闭或者崩溃,那么里面存储的队列和消息默认是不会保存下来的。如果要让RabbitMQ保存住消息,需要在两个地方同时设置:需要保证队列和消息都是持久化的。


bool durable = true;
channel.QueueDeclare("hello", durable, false, false, null);


bool durable = true;
channel.NET environment using RabbitMQDeclare("task_NET environment using RabbitMQ", durable, false, false, null);

NET environment using RabbitMQDeclare 这个改动需要在发送端和接收端同时设置。

现在保证了task_NET environment using RabbitMQ这个消息队列即使在RabbitMQ Server重启之后,队列也不会丢失。 然后需要保证消息也是持久化的, 这可以通过设置IBasicProperties.SetPersistent 为true来实现:

var properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();

需要注意的是,将消息设置为持久化并不能完全保证消息不丢失。虽然他告诉RabbitMQ将消息保存到磁盘上,但是在RabbitMQ接收到消息和将其保存到磁盘上这之间仍然有一个小的时间窗口。 RabbitMQ 可能只是将消息保存到了缓存中,并没有将其写入到磁盘上。持久化是不能够一定保证的,但是对于一个简单任务队列来说已经足够。如果需要消息队列持久化的强保证,可以使用publisher confirms

2.5 公平分发


为了改变这一状态,我们可以使用basicQos方法,设置perfetchCount=1 。这样就告诉RabbitMQ 不要在同一时间给一个工作者发送多于1个的消息,或者换句话说。在一个工作者还在处理消息,并且没有响应消息之前,不要给他分发新的消息。相反,将这条新的消息发送给下一个不那么忙碌的工作者。

channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false); 

2.6 完整实例



static void Main(string[] args)
    var factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    factory.HostName = "localhost";
    factory.UserName = "test";
    factory.Password = "123456";

    using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
        using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
            bool durable = true;
            channel.QueueDeclare("task_NET environment using RabbitMQ", durable, false, false, null);
            string message = GetMessage(args);
            var properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();

            var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
            channel.BasicPublish("", "task_NET environment using RabbitMQ", properties, body);
            Console.WriteLine(" set {0}", message);


private static string GetMessage(string[] args)
    return ((args.Length > 0) ? string.Join(" ", args) : "Hello World!");


static void Main(string[] args)
    var factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    factory.HostName = "localhost";
    factory.UserName = "test";
    factory.Password = "123456";

    using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
        using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
            bool durable = true;
            channel.QueueDeclare("task_NET environment using RabbitMQ", durable, false, false, null);
            channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);

            var NET environment using RabbitMQ = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
            channel.BasicConsume("task_NET environment using RabbitMQ", false, NET environment using RabbitMQ);

            while (true)
                var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)NET environment using RabbitMQ.Queue.DeNET environment using RabbitMQ();

                var body = ea.Body;
                var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);

                int dots = message.Split('.').Length - 1;
                Thread.Sleep(dots * 1000);

                Console.WriteLine("Received {0}", message);

                channel.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);

三 管理界面

RabbitMQ还有一个管理界面,通过该界面可以查看RabbitMQ Server 当前的状态,该界面是以插件形式提供的,并且在安装RabbitMQ的时候已经自带了该插件。需要做的是在RabbitMQ控制台界面中启用该插件,命令如下:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

rabbitmq management

现在,在浏览器中输入 http://server-name:15672/ server-name换成机器地址或者域名,如果是本地的,直接用localhost在输入之后,弹出登录界面,使用我们之前创建的用户登录。



四 总结

本文简单介绍了消息队列的相关概念,并介绍了RabbitMQ消息代理的基本原理以及在Windows 上如何安装RabbitMQ和在.NET中如何使用RabbitMQ。消息队列在构建分布式系统和提高系统的可扩展性和响应性方面有着很重要的作用,希望本文对您了解消息队列以及如何使用RabbitMQ有所帮助。

五 参考文献

  1. http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/message-based-distributed-architecture
  2. http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html
  3. http://www.codethinked.com/using-rabbitmq-with-c-and-net
  4. http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/AMQP-RabbitMQ
  5. http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/ebay-scalability-best-practices

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