To implement the steps, introduce the plupload upload plug-in and set multi_selection to single file upload.
Upload avatar code: var uploader_avatar = new plupload.Uploader({//Construction method to create an instance <code class="prettyprint linenums lang-php">var uploader_avatar = new plupload.Uploader({//创建实例的构造方法 <br>
runtimes: 'gears,html5,html4,silverlight,flash', //上传插件初始化选用那种方式的优先级顺序 <br>
browse_button: ['avatar_uplpad_btn'], // 上传按钮 <br>
url: "ajax.php", //远程上传地址 <br>
flash_swf_url: 'js/plugins/plupload/Moxie.swf', //flash文件地址 <br>
silverlight_xap_url: 'js/plugins/plupload/Moxie.xap', //silverlight文件地址 <br>
filters: { <br>
max_file_size: '10mb', //最大上传文件大小(格式100b, 10kb, 10mb, 1gb) <br>
mime_types: [//允许文件上传类型 <br>
{title: "files", extensions: "jpg,png,gif,jpeg"} <br>
] <br>
}, <br>
multi_selection: false, //true:ctrl多文件上传, false 单文件上传 <br>
init: { <br>
FilesAdded: function(up, files) { //文件上传前 <br>
uploader_avatar.start(); <br>
}, <br>
UploadProgress: function(up, file) { //上传中,显示进度条 <br>
var percent = file.percent; <br>
$("#"'.bar').css({"width": percent "%"}); <br>
$("#"".percent").text(percent "%"); <br>
}, <br>
FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) { //文件上传成功的时候触发 <br>
var data = eval("(" info.response ")");//解析返回的json数据 <br>
$("#avatar_pic").html("<img src='" data.pic "'/>") <br>
}, <br>
Error: function(up, err) { //上传出错的时候触发 <br>
alert(err.message); <br>
} <br>
} <br>
}); <br>
Runtimes: 'gears,html5,html4,silverlight,flash', //The priority order of upload plug-in initialization method
browse_button: ['avatar_uplpad_btn'], // Upload button
URL: "ajax.php", //Remote upload address Flash_swf_url: 'js/plugins/plupload/Moxie.swf', //flash file address Silverlight_xap_url: 'js/plugins/plupload/Moxie.xap', //silverlight file address Filters: { max_file_size: '10mb', //Maximum upload file size (formats 100b, 10kb, 10mb, 1gb) mime_types: [//Allow file upload types {title: "files", extensions: "jpg,png,gif,jpeg"} ] }, Multi_selection: false, //true:ctrl multi-file upload, false single file upload init: { FilesAdded: function(up, files) { //Before uploading files uploader_avatar.start(); }, UploadProgress: function(up, file) { //Uploading, display progress bar var percent = file.percent; $ ("#" .find ('. Bar'). CSS ({"width": percent "%"}); $ ("#" .find (". Percent"). Text (percent "%"); }, FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) { //Triggered when file upload is successful var data = eval("(" info.response ")");//Parse the returned json data $("#avatar_pic").html("") }, Error: function(up, err) { //Triggered when an upload error occurs alert(err.message); } } }); uploader_avatar.init();Online upload avatar demonstration: Cloud Conference Beijing Station: Alibaba technical experts rarely make an appearance, this time they are here More than 100 people? !