Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >[Transfer] Div CSS layout introductory tutorial_html/css_WEB-ITnose
出处:蓝色理想 责任编辑:moby
│body {} /*这是一个HTML元素,具体我就不说明了*/
└#Container {} /*页面层容器*/
├#Header {} /*页面头部*/
├#PageBody {} /*页面主体*/
│ ├#Sidebar {} /*侧边栏*/
│ └#MainBody {} /*主体内容*/
└#Footer {} /*页面底部*/
无标题文档 title >
head >
body >
html >
In order to make it easier to read the code in the future, we should add relevant comments, then open the css.css file, write CSS information, code As follows:
/*Basic information*/
body {font:12px Tahoma;margin: 0px;text-align:center;background:#FFF;}
/*Page layer container*/
#container {width:100%}
/*Page header*/ /
#Header {width:800px;margin:0 auto;height:100px;background:#FFCC99}
/*Page body*/
#PageBody {width:800px;margin:0 auto;height:400px;background:#CCFF00}
/*Bottom of page*/
#Footer {width:800px;margin:0 auto;height:50px;background:#00FFFF}
Save the above file and open it with a browser. At this time we can already see the basic structure. This is the frame of the page.
Instructions on the above CSS (for details, please refer to the CSS2.0 Chinese manual, available for download online):
1. Please develop good commenting habits, this is very important;
2. Body is an HTML element. All content on the page should be written within this tag pair, so I won’t say more;
3. Explain the meaning of some commonly used CSS codes. :
font:12px Tahoma;
Abbreviations are used here, the complete code should be: font-size:12px; font-family:Tahoma; indicating that the font size is 12 pixels and the font is in Tahoma format;
also uses abbreviations, the complete version should be:
margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left :0px
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px
The order is top/right/bottom/left, you can also write it as margin:0 (abbreviation);
The above style description body The top, right, bottom and left margins of some pairs are 0 pixels. If you use auto, the margins will be automatically adjusted.
There are also the following writing methods:
margin:0px auto;
indicates the top and bottom margins. is 0px, and the left and right are automatically adjusted;
The padding attribute we will use in the future has many similarities with margin. Their parameters are the same.
It’s just that they have different meanings. Margin is the external distance. , and padding is the internal distance.
Text alignment can be set to left, right, or center. Here I set it to center alignment.
Set the background color to white. The abbreviation is used for the color here. The complete color should be background:#FFFFFF.
background can be used to fill the specified layer with background color and background image. We will use the following format in the future:
background:#ccc url('bg.gif') top left no-repeat;
Representation: Use #CCC (grayscale color) to fill the entire layer, use bg.gif as the background image,
top left
indicates that the image is located at the upper left end of the current layer, no-repeat indicates that only the image size is displayed without Fill the entire layer.
is used to position the background image, indicating top/right/bottom/left/center respectively; you can also use
background:url('bg.gif') 20px 100px;
means that the X coordinate is 20 pixels and the Y coordinate is 100 pixels.
respectively means filling the entire layer/no Fill / Fill along the X axis / Fill along the Y axis.
height / width / color
represents height (px), width (px), and font color (HTML color system table) respectively.
4. How to center the page?
After saving the code, you can see that the entire page is displayed in the center. So what is the reason why the page is displayed in the center?
is because we used the following attributes in #container:
margin:0 auto;
According to the previous instructions, you can know that the top and bottom margins are 0, and the left and right margins are automatic, so this layer will Automatically centered.
If you want the page to be on the left, just cancel the auto value, because it is displayed on the left by default.
With margin:auto we can easily center the layer automatically.
5. Here I only introduce these commonly used CSS properties. For others, please refer to the CSS2.0 Chinese manual.
After we have written the rough DIV structure of the page, we can start to make each part in detail.
In the previous chapter, we wrote some styles. Those styles were written for the preview structure. We cleared all the styles in css.css and re-wrote the following style code:
/* Basic information*/
body { font: 12px Tahoma; margin: 0px; text-align: center; background: #FFF; }
a:link,a:visited { font-size : 12px ; text-decoration : none ; }
a:hover {}
/* Page layer container*/
# container { width : 800px ; margin : 10px auto }
Style description:
a:link,a:visited {font-size:12px;text -decoration:none;}
a:hover {}
These two items are used to control the style of hyperlinks in the page. I will not explain the details. Please refer to the manual.
#container {width:800px;margin:10px auto}
Specify the display area of the entire page.
width:800px specifies the width to be 800 pixels, set here according to actual needs.
margin:10px auto, the top and bottom margins of the page are 10 pixels and displayed in the center.
As we mentioned in the previous chapter, setting the left and right margins of the layer's margin attribute to auto can center the layer.
Next, we start to make the TOP part. The TOP part includes the LOGO, menu and Banner. The first thing we have to do is to slice the designed pictures. The following is the slicing completed under FW:
I sliced the TOP part into two parts. The first part includes the LOGO and a horizontal line. Since the LOGO image does not have too many colors, I saved this part in GIF format, selected the palette to Accurate, selected Alpha transparency, the color version to white (the color here should be the same as the background color), and exported it as a logo .gif, image width is 800px.
At this point, some friends have said, * Why use GIF format? Wouldn't it be better to use JPEG?
Because the image file in GIF format is smaller, it can make the page load faster. Of course, before using this format, you must make sure that the image does not use too many colors. When we use GIF format, from the naked eye You can't tell much of a change in the picture, so it's doable.
* Can the next Banner part still use GIF format?
The answer is no, because the Banner part is a detailed picture. If you use GIF format, the color will be too much lost, so you must use JPEG format and export the file as banner.jpg.
* Reasonable slicing is very important, because the correct slicing method determines the ease of writing CSS and the page loading speed.
After cutting the slices, we also need to analyze the TOP part and write the DIV structure into the Header. The code is as follows:
Why do we write it like this, because it is The menu uses the list
Why add the following code?
Then we write the following styles in css.css:
/* Page header*/
#header { background : url(logo. gif) no-repeat }
Style description:
#header {background:url(logo.gif) no-repeat }
Add a background image LOGO to the header of the page without filling it.
Here, we did not specify the height of the header layer, why not specify it?
Because there are menu and banner items in the header layer, the height of the layer is temporarily unknown, and the properties of the layer allow the layer to automatically adjust based on the content, so we do not need to specify the height.
Use list
Before starting this section, please make sure you have written the DIV and CSS to index.htm and css.css files.
In this section I will tell you how to use list
Home< ;/ a > li >
li >
Blog< ;/ a > li >
li >
design< ;/ a > li >
li >
Album< ;/ a > li >
li >
Forum< ;/ a > li >
li >
About< ;/ a > li >
ul >
div >
The above is the structure of this part, about
There is another point that everyone must be aware of. When it is defined as id="divID" in HTML, the corresponding setting syntax in CSS is #divID{}. If it is defined as class in HTML ="divID", the corresponding setting syntax in CSS is .divID.
如果id="divID"这个层中包括了一个,则这个img在CSS中对应的设置语法应该是#divID img {},同样,如果是包含在class="divID"这个层中时,则设置语法应该是.divID img {},这一点希望大家要分清楚了。
#menu ul { list-style : none ; margin : 0px ; }
#menu ul li { float : left ; }
#menu ul {list-style:none;margin:0px;}
#menu ul li {float:left;}
这里的 float:left 的左右是让内容都在同一行显示,因此使用了浮动属性(float)。
这时,列表内容是排列在一行,我们在#menu ul li {}再加入代码margin:0 10px
#menu ul {list-style:none;margin:0px;}
#menu ul li {float:left;margin:0 10px}
margin:0 10px的作用就是让列表内容之间产生一个20像素的距离(左:10px,右:10px),预览的效果如下:
#menu { padding : 20px 20px 0 0 }
/* 利用padding:20px 20px 0 0来固定菜单位置 */
#menu ul { float : right ; list-style : none ; margin : 0px ; }
/* 添加了float:right使得菜单位于页面右侧 */
#menu ul li { float : left ; margin : 0 10px }
.menuDiv {width:1px;height:28px;background:#999}
#menu ul li {float:left;margin:0 10px;display:block;line-height:28px}
#menu ul li a:link,#menu ul li a:visited {font-weight:bold;color:#666}
#menu ul li a:hover{}
<div id="banner"></div>
#banner { background:url(banner.jpg) 0 30px no-repeat; /*加入背景图片*/ width:730px; /*设定层的宽度*/ margin:auto; /*层居中*/ height:240px; /*设定高度*/ border-bottom:5px solid #EFEFEF; /*画一条浅灰色实线*/ clear:both /*清除浮动*/}
<div id="pagebody"><!--页面主体--> <div id="sidebar"><!--侧边栏--> </div> <div id="mainbody"><!--主体内容--> </div></div>
#pagebody { width:730px; /*设定宽度*/ margin:8px auto; /*居中*/}#sidebar { width:160px; /*设定宽度*/ text-align:left; /*文字左对齐*/ float:left; /*浮动居左*/ clear:left; /*不允许左侧存在浮动*/ overflow:hidden; /*超出宽度部分隐藏*/}#mainbody { width:570px; text-align:left; float:right; /*浮动居右*/ clear:right; /*不允许右侧存在浮动*/ overflow:hidden}
border:1px solid #E00;height:200px