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Compatible with IE6 IE7 FF FAQ under div css layout (reprinted)_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 12:30:161095browse

Divided css layout is compatible with IE6 IE7 FF FAQ collection
Common to all browsers (mainly used in the market is IE6 IE7 FF)
height: 100px;

For IE6 only
_height: 100px;

For IE6 only
*height: 100px; FF shared

height: 100px !important;

1. CSS compatibility
The following two methods can solve almost all compatibility problems today.

1, !important (not very recommended, use the following The safest feeling)

With IE7’s support for !important, the !important method is now only compatible with IE6. (Pay attention to the writing. Remember that the declaration position needs to be in advance.)

Code :

* To be compatible with IE7, the html must have the following statement at the top of the HTML:


2. Universal float closure (very important!) You can use this to solve the problem of incorrect spacing when aligning multiple divs,

For the principle of clear float, please refer to [How To Clear Floats Without Structural Markup]
Add the following code to Global CSS and add class="clearfix" to the div that needs to be closed. It works every time.


3. Other compatible Tips (quite useful)

1. Setting padding on a div in FF will cause the width and height to increase, but IE will not. (can be solved with !important)
2. Centering problem.

1 ). Vertically centered. Set line-height to the same height as the current div, and then pass vetical-align: middle. (Be careful not to wrap the content.)

2). Horizontally centered. margin: 0 auto; (Of course it is not omnipotent )

3. If you need to add styles to the content in the a tag, you need to set display: block; (commonly found in navigation tags)

4. The difference in understanding of BOX between FF and IE results in a 2px difference. Float divs have issues like margin doubling under IE.
5. The ul tag has list-style and padding by default under FF. It is best to declare it in advance to avoid unnecessary trouble. (Common in navigation tags and content lists)
6. Do not set the height of the div as an external wrapper. It is best to add overflow: hidden to achieve height adaptation.
7. Regarding the hand cursor. cursor: pointer. And hand is only applicable to IE. Paste the code:
8. IE6 double margin BUG

After floating, the original margin is 10px, but IE interprets it as 20px. The solution is to add display:inline
9. Why can’t the text in FF expand the height of the container?
Containers with fixed height values ​​in standard browsers will not be stretched like in IE6. So if I want to have a fixed height and be stretched, what settings should I make? The way is to remove the height setting and set min-height:200px; In order to take care of IE6 that does not know min-height, it can be defined like this:
div { height:auto!important; height:200px; min-height:200px; }

Compatible code: Compatible with the most recommended modes.
/* FF */
.submitbutton {
width: 40px;
height: 57px;
margin-top: 24px;
margin-right : 12px;
/* IE6 */
*html .submitbutton {
margin-top: 21px;
/* IE7 */
* html . submitbutton {
margin-top: 21px;
What is browser compatibility: When we use different browsers (Firefox IE7 IE6) to access the same website or page, some differences will appear. Regarding compatibility issues, some are displayed normally and some are displayed abnormally. We will be very annoyed when writing CSS. We just fixed the problem of this browser, but another browser has a new problem. Compatibility is a method that allows you to independently write styles that support different browsers in a CSS. Now there is harmony. hehe!

Program code

The first one is compatible with IE FF and is common to all browsers (it is not actually compatible)
The second one is compatible with IE6 Private
The third one is compatible with IE6 IE7 Public
_height:150px; >

Under FF, the second and third attributes are not recognized by FF, so it reads height:100px;

Under IE7, the third attribute is not recognized by IE7, so it reads the first , 2 attributes, and because the second attribute covers the first attribute, IE7 finally reads the second attribute *height:120px;

Under IE6, IE6 recognizes all three attributes. , so all three properties can be read, and because the third property overwrites the first two properties, IE6 finally reads the third property.

1 CSS styles for firefox ie6 ie7

Now most of them are compatible with !important. For ie6 and firefox tests, they can be displayed normally, but ie7 can correctly interpret !important and will As a result, the page is not displayed as required! I found a good compatibility method for IE7 by using "* html". Now browse it with IE7. There should be no problem. Now write a CSS like this:

#1 { color: #333; } /* Moz */

* html #1 { color: #666; } /* IE6 */
* html #1 { color: #999; } /* IE*/

Then under firefox The font color is displayed as #333, the font color is displayed as #666 under IE6, and the font color is displayed as #999 under IE7.

2 Centering issues in css layout

The main style definitions are as follows:

body {TEXT-ALIGN: center;}

#center { MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; MARGIN-LEFT: auto; }


First define TEXT-ALIGN: center in the parent element; this means that the content within the parent element is centered; for IE This setting is enough.

But it cannot be centered in mozilla. The solution is to add "MARGIN-RIGHT: auto;MARGIN-LEFT: auto;" when setting the child element definition

It should be noted that if you want to use this method to center the entire page , it is recommended not to wrap it in a DIV. You can split out multiple divs in sequence, as long as you define MARGIN-RIGHT: auto;MARGIN-LEFT: auto; in each split div.

3 different interpretations of the box model.


//for ie6.0- width:500px;
//for ff ie6 .0
//for ff
//for ff ie6.0
width /* */:500px;
//for ie6.0-

4 Double distance generated by floating ie

#box{ float:left; width:100px; margin:0 0 0 100px; //In this case, IE will generate a distance of 200px display:inline; //Ignore the float}

Let’s talk about the two elements of block and inline in detail, and the Block element The characteristics are: it always starts on a new line, and the height, width, line height, and margins can all be controlled (block elements); the characteristics of the Inline element are: it is on the same line as other elements,... cannot be controlled (inline elements) ;

#box{ display:block; //Can simulate inline elements as block elements display:inline; //Achieve the effect of arranging in the same row diplay:table;

5 IE Problems with width and height

IE does not recognize the definition of min-, but in fact it treats normal width and height as if there is min. This is a big problem. If you only use width and height, these two values ​​​​will not change in a normal browser. If you only use min-width and min-height, the width and height are not set at all under IE. For example, if you want to set a background image, this width is more important. To solve this problem, you can do this:

#box{ width: 80px; height: 35px;}html>body #box{ width: auto; height: auto; min-width: 80px; min-height: 35px;}

6 页面的最小宽度

min-width是个非常方便的CSS命令,它可以指定元素最小也不能小于某个宽度,这样就能保证排版一直正确。但IE不认得这个,而它实际上把 width当做最小宽度来使。为了让这一命令在IE上也能用,可以把一个

放到 标签下,然后为div指定一个类:

min-width: 600px;
width:e­xpression(document.body.clientWidth < 600? “600px”: “auto” );


7 清除浮动



或者加入:after(伪对象),设置在对象后发生的内容,通常和content配合使用,IE不支持此伪对象,非Ie 浏览器支持,所以并不影响到IE/WIN浏览器。这种的最麻烦的

content: “.”;
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;

8 DIV浮动IE文本产生3象素的bug


*html #left{
<DIV id=box>

9 属性选择器(这个不能算是兼容,是隐藏css的一个bug)




10 IE捉迷藏的问题

解决办法:对#layout使用line-height属性 或者给#layout使用固定高和宽。页面结构尽量简单。

11 高度不适应

margin 或paddign 时。例:



#box {background-color:#eee; }
#box p {margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px; text-align:center; }


*:lang(zh) select {font:12px !important;} /*FF,OP可见*/
select:empty {font:12px !important;} /*safari可见*/

*+html {…}

* html {…}
html/**/ >body select {……}

select { display /*IE6不识别*/:none;}

select/**/ { display /*IE6,IE5不识别*/:none;}

select/*IE5不识别*/ { display:none;}

selct {width:IE5.x宽度; voice-family :""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:正确宽度;}

select:after {content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden;}
在Firefox中,当子级都为浮动时,那么父级的高度就无法完全的包住整个子级,那么这时用这个清除浮动的兼容来对父级做一次定义,那么就可以解决这个问题 。

select { -o-text-overflow:ellipsis; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrapoverflow:hidden; }

@media all and (min-width: 0px){ select {……} }

以上都是写CSS中的一些兼容,建议遵循正确的标签嵌套(div ul li 嵌套结构关系),这样可以减少你使用兼容的频率,不要进入理解误区,并不是一个页面就需要很多的兼容来保持多浏览器兼容),很多情况下也许一个兼容都不用也可以让浏览器工作得非常好,这些都是用来解决局部的兼容性问题,如果希望把兼容性的内容也分离出来,不妨试一下下面的几种过滤器。这些过滤器有的是写在CSS中通过过滤器导入特别的样式,也有的是写在HTML中的通过条件来链接或是导入需要的补丁样式。

@media tty {
i{content:"";/*" "*/}} @import ’ie5win.css’; /*";}
}/* */

@import "ie5mac.css";

IE的if条件兼容 自己可以灵活使用参看这篇IE条件注释
Only IE

Only IE 5.0+

Only IE 7/-
Only IE 7/-

Css 当中有许多的东西不不按照某些规律来的话,会让你很心烦,虽然你可以通过很多的兼容,很多的!important 来控制它,但是你会发现长此以往你会很不甘心,看看许多优秀的网站,他们的CSS让IE6,Ie7,Firefox,甚至Safari,Opera运行起来完美无缺是不是很羡慕?而他们看似复杂的模版下面使用的兼容 少得可怜。其实你要知道IE 和 Firefox 并不不是那么的不和谐,我们找到一定的方法,是完全可以让他们和谐共处的。不要你认为发现了兼容的办法,你就掌握了一切,我们并不是兼容的奴隶。

div ul li 的嵌套顺序

Specific nesting writing method

Follow the above nesting method,

and then in CSS It tells ul {Margin:0px;Padding:0px;list-style:none;}, where list-style:none does not allow the
  • tag to display directory type tags such as dots or numbers at the front, because IE The default effect displayed by Firefox is somewhat different. Therefore, there is no need to do anything. There will be almost no difference between the things displayed by your IE6, IE7, and Firefox (outer margin, spacing, height, width). Maybe if you are careful, you will find one or two at a certain moment. The difference in pixels, but that's already perfect. You don't need to adjust large CSS to control their display. If you like, you can only be compatible with one or two places, and usually this compatibility can be adapted to various places. No need for you to repeatedly debug different compatibility methods in different places? This will reduce your trouble. You can easily sort out the places you want to be compatible with using ul.class1, ul.class2, ul.class3 {xxx:xxxx}, and make them compatible. Give it a try and don’t nest randomly again. Although you can nest almost as much as you want with Div CSS, following the above rules will make it much easier for you and get twice the result with half the effort!

    Reprinted from: http://blog.csdn.net

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