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Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 12:27:071208browse


<title>青春不迷茫:寻梦时代的“蚁族”逆袭之旅- 职场管理专题-中国人力资源开发网-中人网 - 中国领先的人力资源门户,最佳HR学习成长平台</title><meta name="Keywords" content="蚁族 青春 梦想"><meta name="Description" content="“蚁族”一词并非一种昆虫族群。“蚁族”收入不高、工作不稳定、生活条件非常差,他们从村里的金凤凰变成了城市中的边缘人,成了没有话语权的弱势群体。然而,“蚁族”又充满着青春与梦想,谁又没年轻过?实现梦想,完成蜕变,更是蚁族需要去面对与挑战的。"><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><style type="text/css">body {	color: black;	font-size: 12px;	margin: 0px;	padding: 0px;}img {	border: 0 none;}a {	color: blue;}a:hover {	color: gray;}div.bodyBox {	width: 960px;	margin: 0 auto;}.bgBox {	margin: 10px 0;	position: relative;	display: block;	zoom: 1;/*ie 触发haslayout*/}.bgBox .content {	border: 2px solid #a0a0a0;}.bgBox span.corner {	display: block;	position: absolute;	background-image: url("tpl/round.gif");	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-color: white;	width: 10px;	height: 10px;	z-index: 2;}.bgBox .tl {	top: 0px;	left: 0px;}.bgBox .tr {	top: 0px;	right: 0px;	background-position: right 0;}.bgBox .bl {	bottom: 0px;	left: 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class="sideRight">          <div class="sideLeft">             <!--内容-->                        <div class="floatLeft wh3"> <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif" class="lazy"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <h2 class="center"><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <div class="floatLeft wh3"> <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif" class="lazy"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <h2 class="center"><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <div class="floatLeft wh3" style="margin-right:0px;"> <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif" class="lazy"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <h2 class="center"><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <hr class="clearHr">                        <!--内容-->           </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="titleDiv w100p">    <h1>这是标题标题</h1>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="bgBox"> <span class="corner tl"></span><span class="corner tr"></span><span class="corner bl"></span><span class="corner br"></span>    <div class="sideTop">      <div class="sideBottom">        <div class="sideRight">          <div class="sideLeft">             <!--内容-->                         <img  class="floatLeft lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%"  alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >            <div class="floatLeft" style="width:500px;">              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <hr class="clearHr">                        <!--内容-->           </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="titleDiv w100p">    <h1>这是标题标题</h1>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="bgBox"> <span class="corner tl"></span><span class="corner tr"></span><span class="corner bl"></span><span class="corner br"></span>    <div class="sideTop">      <div class="sideBottom">        <div class="sideRight">          <div class="sideLeft">             <!--内容-->                        <div class="floatLeft wh2">              <div class="floatLeft" style="width:200px;">                <h2 class="center"><a href="">标题</a></h2>                <p> kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              </div>              <img  class="floatRight lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <hr class="clearHr">              <div class="floatLeft" style="width:200px;">                <h2 class="center"><a href="">标题</a></h2>                <p> kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              </div>              <img  class="floatRight lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <hr class="clearHr">            </div>            <div class="floatLeft wh2" style="margin-right:0;">              <div class="floatRight" style="width:200px;">                <h2 class="center"><a href="">标题</a></h2>                <p> kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              </div>              <img  class="floatLeft lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <hr class="clearHr">              <div class="floatRight" style="width:200px;">                <h2 class="center"><a href="">标题</a></h2>                <p> kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk                  kkkkkkkkkk <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              </div>              <img  class="floatLeft lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <hr class="clearHr">            </div>            <hr class="clearHr">                        <!--内容-->           </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="titleDiv w100p">    <h1>这是标题标题</h1>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="bgBox"> <span class="corner tl"></span><span class="corner tr"></span><span class="corner bl"></span><span class="corner br"></span>    <div class="sideTop">      <div class="sideBottom">        <div class="sideRight">          <div class="sideLeft">             <!--内容-->                         <img  class="floatLeft lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%"  alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >            <div class="floatLeft" style="width:500px;">              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>              <h2><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <hr class="clearHr">                        <!--内容-->           </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="titleDiv w100p">    <h1>这是标题标题</h1>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="bgBox"> <span class="corner tl"></span><span class="corner tr"></span><span class="corner bl"></span><span class="corner br"></span>    <div class="sideTop">      <div class="sideBottom">        <div class="sideRight">          <div class="sideLeft">             <!--内容-->                        <div class="floatLeft wh3"> <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif" class="lazy"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <h2 class="center"><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <div class="floatLeft wh3"> <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif" class="lazy"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <h2 class="center"><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <div class="floatLeft wh3" style="margin-right:0px;"> <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="tpl/round.gif" class="lazy"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" alt="Rounded corner box implemented by div css compatible with ie6/ff/ch/op_html/css_WEB-ITnose" >              <h2 class="center"><a href="kk.htm">上市房价</a></h2>              <p> 每位评委 <a href="">【详细】</a> </p>            </div>            <hr class="clearHr">                        <!--内容-->           </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="titleDiv w100p">    <h1>结语</h1>  </div>  <!--线框-->  <div class="bgBox"> <span class="corner tl"></span><span class="corner tr"></span><span class="corner bl"></span><span class="corner br"></span>    <div class="sideTop">      <div class="sideBottom">        <div class="sideRight">          <div class="sideLeft">             <!--内容-->             编辑人员信息                         <!--内容-->           </div>        </div>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <!--线框--> </div>












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