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How to control easyui to load after clicking the button? Wait online and give points quickly_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 12:25:341048browse

easyui loading problem

The data does not load when clicking the link at the beginning. It loads after pressing the query button. What is needed to achieve this?
Additional code
<table id="gridTable" class="easyui-datagrid"  data-options="rownumbers:true,                                                                 striped:true,                                                                 singleSelect:true,                                                                 nowrap:true,                                                                 collapsible:false,                                                                 pagination:true,                                                                 fitColumns:true,                                                                 singleSelect:true,                                                                 border:true,                                                                 pageList: [30,50,80,100],                                                                 @*url:'newgetResList',*@                                                                                                                                  toolbar:'#gridTb',                                                                 fit:true">         <thead>            <tr>               <th data-options="field:'Id',width:50,align:'center'">号码</th>               <th data-options="field:'PlayName',width:100,align:'center'">姓名</th>
$("#searchBtn").click(function () {            var Id = $("#Id").val();            var fafangyuan = $("#fafangyuan").val();                       $("#gridTable").datagrid('url:newgetResList', { Id: Id, fafangyuan: fafangyuan, AdditionRegisterType: AdditionRegisterType, GameType: GameType, CreationTime: CreationTime, PlayName: PlayName, Sex: Sex, IdCard: IdCard, Bmstate: Bmstate                        });                    });

Reply to the discussion (solution)

Remove the Url from the data-options of the table

Have you solved it? Didn't you see that I commented out the url? But since you are the only one to answer, the points will be awarded to you

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