I am a novice. I have just started to learn how to make a website. I call a simple message board in an HTML page, but when it is displayed, some inputs are often unclickable. Please give me some advice.>_>, I am a newbie. No points, please help me. The code is as follows:
<% Call CreConn(Conn) Action=FormatRequest(1,"Action",1,"") Select Case Action Case "Add" Call Add() Case "SaveAdd" Call SaveAdd() Case "Login" Call Login() Case "ChkLogin" Call ChkLogin() Case "EditPwd" Call EditPwd() Case "SavePwd" Call SavePwd() Case "LoginOut" Call LoginOut() Case "Reply" Call Reply() Case "SaveReply" Call SaveReply() Case "Del" Call Del() Case Else Call Main() End Select Sub Main() Page=FormatRequest(1,"Page",0,1) If Page<=0 Then Page=1 PSize=10 TbName="Book_List" GetCol="ID,UserName,Title,Content,AddDate,Reply,HomePage,EMail" PCol="ID" SortCol="ID" StrW="IsShow=True" CT="" TCount=Conn.Execute("Select Count(ID) From Book_List Where IsShow=True")(0) PCount=GetPageCount(TCount,PSize) If Page>PCount And PCount>0 Then Page=PCount PIndex=Page
Set Rs=Conn.Execute(GetPageList(TBName,GetCol,PCol,SortCol,1,StrW,PSize,PIndex)) If Not Rs.Eof Then %>
签写留言 <%If Session("AdUser")="" Or IsNull(Session("AdUser")) Then%>管理登录<%Else%>修改密码退出登录<%End If%>
<% End Sub Sub SaveAdd() UserName=FormatRequest(2,"UserName",1,"") EMail=FormatRequest( 2,"EMail",1,"") Title=FormatRequest(2,"Title",1,"") Content=FormatRequest(2,"Content",1,"") Conn.Execute("Insert Into Book_List(UserName,Title,Content,EMail,IP) Values('"&UserName&"','"&Title&"','"&Content&"','"&Email&"','"&Get_UserIp() &"')") Call ShowErrMsg(1,"Message successful! ","index-book.asp") End Sub Sub Login() %>
<% End Sub Sub ChkLogin() UserName=FormatRequest(2,"UserName",1,"") UserPwd=Md5(Request. Form("UserPwd")) Set Rs=Conn.Execute("Select UPwd From Ad_List Where UName='"&UserName&"'") If Not Rs.Eof Then UPwd=Rs(0) If UserPwd<>UPwd Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"Wrong password! ","") Else Session("AdUser")=UserName Conn.Execute("Update Ad_List Set LoginDate='"&Now()&"',LoginIP='"&Get_UserIp()& "' Where UName='"&UserName&"'") Call ShowErrMsg(1,"Login successful!","index-book.asp") End If Else Call ShowErrMsg(3 ,"User does not exist!","") End If Rs.Close Set Rs=Nothing End Sub Sub EditPwd() If Session("AdUser" )="" Or IsNull(Session("AdUser")) Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"Illegal operation!","") %>
<% End Sub Sub SavePwd() If Session("AdUser")="" Or IsNull(Session("AdUser")) Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"非法操作!","") OldPwd=Md5(Request.Form("OldPwd")) NewPwd=Md5(Request.Form("NewPwd")) Set Rs=Conn.Execute("Select UPwd From Ad_List Where UName='"&Session("AdUser")&"'") If Not Rs.Eof Then UPwd=Rs(0) If OldPwd<>UPwd Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"旧密码错误!","") Else Conn.Execute("Update Ad_List Set UPwd='"&NewPwd&"' Where UName='"&Session("AdUser")&"'") Call ShowErrMsg(1,"修改成功!","index-book.asp") End If Else Call ShowErrMsg(3,"用户不存在!","") End If Rs.Close Set Rs=Nothing End Sub Sub LoginOut() Session("AdUser")="" Call ShowErrMsg(2,"","index-book.asp") End Sub Sub Reply() If Session("AdUser")="" Or IsNull(Session("AdUser")) Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"非法操作!","") ID=FormatRequest(1,"ID",0,0) Page=FormatRequest(1,"Page",0,1) Set Rs=Conn.Execute("Select UserName,Title,Content,AddDate,Reply From Book_List Where ID="&ID) If Rs.Eof Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"留言不存在!","") %>
<% Rs.Close Set Rs=Nothing End Sub Sub SaveReply() If Session("AdUser")="" Or IsNull(Session("AdUser")) Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"非法操作!","") ID=FormatRequest(2,"ID",0,0) Page=FormatRequest(2,"Page",0,0) TmpReply=FormatRequest(2,"Reply",1,"") If TmpReply="" Then Call ShowErrMsg(3,"请输入回复内容!","") Conn.Execute("Update Book_List Set Reply='"&TmpReply&"' Where ID="&ID) Call ShowErrMsg(1,"回复成功!","index-book.asp?Page="&Page) End Sub
Sub Del() ID=FormatRequest(1,"ID",0,0) Page=FormatRequest(1,"Page",0,0) Conn.Execute("Delete From Book_List Where ID="&ID) Call ShowErrMsg(1,"删除成功!","index-book.asp?Page="&Page) End Sub Call CloConn(Conn) %>
解决不了 ,看来,结个贴算了,自个琢磨去,谢谢大家的关注~
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