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1. Hot area
map hot area, area click area
shape="circle" circle, coords="center point X, center point Y, radius of the circle"
shape="rect" rectangle, coords="upper left corner of rectangle x, upper left corner of rectangle Y, lower right corner of rectangle X, lower right corner of rectangle Y"
shape="poly" polygon, coords="first point X , the first point Y, the second point X, the second point Y..."
<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>热区</title><base target="_blank" /></head><body><img src="bigptr.jpg" usemap="#Map" /><map name="Map"> <area shape="circle" coords="378,132,56" href="http://www.baidu.com"> <area shape="rect" coords="462,157,566,217" href="http://www.qq.com"> <area shape="poly" coords="227,251,186,220,168,221,159,234,147,258,141,283,146,300,153, 315,161,329,171,336,182,343,201,343,219,339,235,324,238,319,236,313,231,301,227,290,224, 280,224,272,224,268,226,261" href="http://www.sina.com.cn"></map></body></html>