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2016-06-24 12:03:001460browse



这个有何难啊,使用 touchwipe.js 很简单的就能实现了


这个有何难啊,使用 touchwipe.js 很简单的就能实现了


这个有何难啊,使用 touchwipe.js 很简单的就能实现了

<script>jq1.9min.js</script><script>(function(a){	a.fn.touchwipe=function(c){		var b={			drag:false,			min_move_x:20,			min_move_y:20,			wipeLeft:function(){/*向左滑动*/},			wipeRight:function(){/*向右滑动*/},			wipeUp:function(){/*向上滑动*/},			wipeDown:function(){/*向下滑动*/},			wipe:function(){/*点击*/},			wipehold:function(){/*触摸保持*/},			wipeDrag:function(x,y){/*拖动*/},			preventDefaultEvents:true		};		if(c){a.extend(b,c)};		this.each(function(){			var h,g,j=false,i=false,e;			var supportTouch = "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement;			var moveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",			startEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",			endEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup"									/* 移除 touchmove 监听 */			function m(){				this.removeEventListener(moveEvent,d);				h=null;				j=false;				clearTimeout(e)			};						/* 事件处理方法 */			function d(q){				if(b.preventDefaultEvents){					q.preventDefault()				};				if(j){					var n = supportTouch ? q.touches[0].pageX : q.pageX;					var r = supportTouch ? q.touches[0].pageY : q.pageY;					var p = h-n;					var o = g-r;					if(b.drag){						h = n;						g = r;						clearTimeout(e);						b.wipeDrag(p,o);					}					else{						if(Math.abs(p)>=b.min_move_x){							m();							if(p>0){b.wipeLeft()}							else{b.wipeRight()}						}						else{							if(Math.abs(o)>=b.min_move_y){								m();								if(o>0){b.wipeUp()}								else{b.wipeDown()}							}						}					}				}			};						/*wipe 处理方法*/			function k(){clearTimeout(e);if(!i&&j){b.wipe()};i=false;j=false;};			/*wipehold 处理方法*/			function l(){i=true;b.wipehold()};						function f(n){				//if(n.touches.length==1){					h = supportTouch ? n.touches[0].pageX : n.pageX;					g = supportTouch ? n.touches[0].pageY : n.pageY;					j=true;					this.addEventListener(moveEvent,d,false);					e=setTimeout(l,750)				//}			};						//if("ontouchstart"in document.documentElement){				this.addEventListener(startEvent,f,false);				this.addEventListener(endEvent,k,false)			//}		});		return this	};})(jQuery);/*     调用*/$("#aa").touchwipe({			wipeLeft:function(){ alert("向左滑动了")},			wipeRight:function(){alert("向右滑动了")},})</script><div id="aa">    abcde </div>

这个有何难啊,使用 touchwipe.js 很简单的就能实现了

<script>jq1.9min.js</script><script>(function(a){	a.fn.touchwipe=function(c){		var b={			drag:false,			min_move_x:20,			min_move_y:20,			wipeLeft:function(){/*向左滑动*/},			wipeRight:function(){/*向右滑动*/},			wipeUp:function(){/*向上滑动*/},			wipeDown:function(){/*向下滑动*/},			wipe:function(){/*点击*/},			wipehold:function(){/*触摸保持*/},			wipeDrag:function(x,y){/*拖动*/},			preventDefaultEvents:true		};		if(c){a.extend(b,c)};		this.each(function(){			var h,g,j=false,i=false,e;			var supportTouch = "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement;			var moveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",			startEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",			endEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup"									/* 移除 touchmove 监听 */			function m(){				this.removeEventListener(moveEvent,d);				h=null;				j=false;				clearTimeout(e)			};						/* 事件处理方法 */			function d(q){				if(b.preventDefaultEvents){					q.preventDefault()				};				if(j){					var n = supportTouch ? q.touches[0].pageX : q.pageX;					var r = supportTouch ? q.touches[0].pageY : q.pageY;					var p = h-n;					var o = g-r;					if(b.drag){						h = n;						g = r;						clearTimeout(e);						b.wipeDrag(p,o);					}					else{						if(Math.abs(p)>=b.min_move_x){							m();							if(p>0){b.wipeLeft()}							else{b.wipeRight()}						}						else{							if(Math.abs(o)>=b.min_move_y){								m();								if(o>0){b.wipeUp()}								else{b.wipeDown()}							}						}					}				}			};						/*wipe 处理方法*/			function k(){clearTimeout(e);if(!i&&j){b.wipe()};i=false;j=false;};			/*wipehold 处理方法*/			function l(){i=true;b.wipehold()};						function f(n){				//if(n.touches.length==1){					h = supportTouch ? n.touches[0].pageX : n.pageX;					g = supportTouch ? n.touches[0].pageY : n.pageY;					j=true;					this.addEventListener(moveEvent,d,false);					e=setTimeout(l,750)				//}			};						//if("ontouchstart"in document.documentElement){				this.addEventListener(startEvent,f,false);				this.addEventListener(endEvent,k,false)			//}		});		return this	};})(jQuery);/*     调用*/$("#aa").touchwipe({			wipeLeft:function(){ alert("向左滑动了")},			wipeRight:function(){alert("向右滑动了")},})</script><div id="aa">    abcde </div>


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