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In-depth analysis of the event mechanism in PHP's Yii framework_php skills

2016-05-16 19:56:45943browse

Events can "inject" custom code into specific execution points in existing code. Attach custom code to an event and the code will automatically execute when the event is triggered. For example, the messageSent event can be fired when a mailer object successfully sends a message. If you want to track successfully sent messages, you can attach the corresponding tracking code to the messageSent event.
Yii introduces a base class called yiibaseComponent to support events. If a class needs to trigger events, it should inherit yiibaseComponent or its subclasses.

Yii’s event mechanism
YII’s event mechanism is its unique feature. Proper use of the event mechanism will loosen the coupling between components, which is conducive to team collaboration and development.
When you need to use events, how to bind event processing functions to events, and how to trigger events are quite different from other languages. For example, in Javascript, you can use

$(‘#id').on("click",function() {});

method binds a processing function to the DOM element. When a specified event (such as click) occurs on the DOM element, the set function will be automatically executed.
However, PHP is a server-side scripting language, so there is no automatic triggering of events. Therefore, compared with Javascript, events in YII need to be triggered manually. Generally speaking, to implement the event mechanism of YII components, the following steps are required:

Define the event name. In fact, the level component defines a method starting with on, and the code in it is fixed, such as:

 public function onBeginRequest($event){

That is, the function name and event name are consistent. The function of this step is to execute the processing functions bound to this event one by one. Writing this series of podcasts is considered a sort of arrangement, so I will write it in more detail and now post the code of the raiseEvent method.

/** * Raises an event. 
  * This method represents the happening of an event. It invokes 
  * all attached handlers for the event. 
  * @param string $name the event name 
  * @param CEvent $event the event parameter 
  * @throws CException if the event is undefined or an event handler is invalid. 

  public function raiseEvent($name,$event){  
       if(isset($this->_e[$name]))  {   
          foreach($this->_e[$name] as $handler) {     
                   // an array: 0 - object, 1 - method name  
                   if(is_string($object)) // static method call 
                     throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is attached with an invalid handler "{handler}".',  array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name, '{handler}'=>$handler[1])));      
                  else // PHP 5.3: anonymous function 
              throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is attached with an invalid handler "{handler}".', array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name, '{handler}'=>gettype($handler))));     
           // stop further handling if param.handled is set true 
            if(($event instanceof CEvent) && $event->handled) 
        }  elseif(YII_DEBUG && !$this->hasEvent($name))   
          throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is not defined.',     array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name)));

Event Handlers

An event handler is a PHP callback function that is executed when the event it is attached to is triggered. One of the following callback functions can be used:

  • PHP global function specified in string form, such as 'trim';
  • Object methods specified in array form of object name and method name, such as [$object, $method];
  • Static class method specified in array form of class name and method name, such as [$class, $method];
  • Anonymous functions, such as function ($event) { ... } .

The format of the event handler is:

function ($event) {
  // $event 是 yii\base\Event 或其子类的对象

Through the $event parameter, the event handler obtains the following information about the event:

  • yiibaseEvent::name: event name
  • yiibaseEvent::sender: the object that calls the trigger() method
  • yiibaseEvent::data: The data passed in when attaching the event handler, the default is empty, detailed below

Attached event handler

Call the yiibaseComponent::on() method to attach a handler to the event. Such as:

$foo = new Foo;

// 处理器是全局函数
$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, 'function_name');

// 处理器是对象方法
$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, [$object, 'methodName']);

// 处理器是静态类方法
$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, ['app\components\Bar', 'methodName']);

// 处理器是匿名函数
$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, function ($event) {
附加事件处理器时可以提供额外数据作为 yii\base\Component::on() 方法的第三个参数。数据在事件被触发和处理器被调用时能被处理器使用。如:

// 当事件被触发时以下代码显示 "abc"
// 因为 $event->data 包括被传递到 "on" 方法的数据
$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, function ($event) {
  echo $event->data;
}, 'abc');

Event handler order

One or more handlers can be attached to an event. When an event is triggered, the attached handlers will be called in the order they were attached. If a processor needs to stop subsequent processor calls, you can set the [yiibaseEvent::handled]] attribute of the $event parameter to true, as follows:

$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, function ($event) {
  $event->handled = true;

By default, newly attached event handlers are placed at the end of the existing handler queue. Therefore, this handler will be called last when the event is triggered. Inserting a new processor at the front of the processor queue will cause the processor to be called first. You can pass the fourth parameter $append as false and call the yiibaseComponent::on() method to achieve this:

$foo->on(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, function ($event) {
  // 这个处理器将被插入到处理器队列的第一位...
}, $data, false);

Trigger event

Events are triggered by calling the yiibaseComponent::trigger() method. This method must pass the event name and an event object to pass parameters to the event handler. Such as:

namespace app\components;

use yii\base\Component;
use yii\base\Event;

class Foo extends Component
  const EVENT_HELLO = 'hello';

  public function bar()

When the above code calls bar(), it will trigger an event named hello.

Tip: It is recommended to use class constants to represent event names. In the above example, the constant EVENT_HELLO is used to represent hello. This has two benefits. First, it prevents typos and supports IDE auto-completion. Second, you can learn which events a class supports by simply inspecting the constant declarations.
Sometimes you want to pass some additional information to the event handler when the event is triggered. For example, the mail program needs to pass message information to the handler of the messageSent event so that the handler knows which messages were sent. To do this, you can provide an event object as the second parameter of the yiibaseComponent::trigger() method. This event object must be an instance of the yiibaseEvent class or its subclass. Such as:

namespace app\components;

use yii\base\Component;
use yii\base\Event;

class MessageEvent extends Event
  public $message;

class Mailer extends Component
  const EVENT_MESSAGE_SENT = 'messageSent';

  public function send($message)
    // ...发送 $message 的逻辑...

    $event = new MessageEvent;
    $event->message = $message;
    $this->trigger(self::EVENT_MESSAGE_SENT, $event);

When the yiibaseComponent::trigger() method is called, it will call all event handlers attached to the named event (the first parameter of the trigger method).

Remove event handler

To remove the handler from the event, call the yiibaseComponent::off() method. Such as:

// 处理器是全局函数
$foo->off(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, 'function_name');

// 处理器是对象方法
$foo->off(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, [$object, 'methodName']);

// 处理器是静态类方法
$foo->off(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, ['app\components\Bar', 'methodName']);

// 处理器是匿名函数
$foo->off(Foo::EVENT_HELLO, $anonymousFunction);

注意当匿名函数附加到事件后一般不要尝试移除匿名函数,除非你在某处存储了它。以上示例中,假设匿名函数存储为变量$anonymousFunction 。

移除事件的全部处理器,简单调用 yii\base\Component::off() 即可,不需要第二个参数:



以上部分,我们叙述了在实例级别如何附加处理器到事件。有时想要一个类的所有实例而不是一个指定的实例都响应一个被触发的事件,并不是一个个附加事件处理器到每个实例,而是通过调用静态方法 yii\base\Event::on() 在类级别附加处理器。

例如,活动记录对象要在每次往数据库新增一条新记录时触发一个 yii\db\BaseActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT 事件。要追踪每个活动记录对象的新增记录完成情况,应如下写代码:

use Yii;
use yii\base\Event;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

Event::on(ActiveRecord::className(), ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT, function ($event) {
  Yii::trace(get_class($event->sender) . ' is inserted');

每当 yii\db\BaseActiveRecord 或其子类的实例触发 yii\db\BaseActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT 事件时,这个事件处理器都会执行。在这个处理器中,可以通过 $event->sender 获取触发事件的对象。



use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Foo::className(), Foo::EVENT_HELLO, function ($event) {
  echo $event->sender; // 显示 "app\models\Foo"

Event::trigger(Foo::className(), Foo::EVENT_HELLO);

注意这种情况下 $event->sender 指向触发事件的类名而不是对象实例。

注意:因为类级别的处理器响应类和其子类的所有实例触发的事件,必须谨慎使用,尤其是底层的基类,如 yii\base\Object。

// 移除 $handler
Event::off(Foo::className(), Foo::EVENT_HELLO, $handler);

// 移除 Foo::EVENT_HELLO 事件的全部处理器
Event::off(Foo::className(), Foo::EVENT_HELLO);



事件触发者不调用其自身的 trigger() 方法,而是调用单例的 trigger() 方法来触发全局事件。类似地,事件处理器被附加到单例的事件。如:

use Yii;
use yii\base\Event;
use app\components\Foo;

Yii::$app->on('bar', function ($event) {
  echo get_class($event->sender); // 显示 "app\components\Foo"

Yii::$app->trigger('bar', new Event(['sender' => new Foo]));


然而,因为全局事件的命名空间由各方共享,应合理命名全局事件,如引入一些命名空间(例:"frontend.mail.sent", "backend.mail.sent")。


$component->attachEventHandler($name, $handler);
$component->onBeginRequest = $handler ;





  $this->onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this));



call_user_func(‘print', $str);


call_user_func(array(‘className', ‘print'), $str );


$obj = new className();
call_user_func(array($obj, ‘print'), $str );


call_user_func(function($i){echo $i++;},4);


$s = function($i) {
  echo $i++;



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