It has been a long time since I last shared a GUI template. During this time, design trends have been changing. Google has launched the latest Android L and a new interface design, and UI designers are busy again. Today, we have collected a set of practical GUI templates and wireframes, including the latest Android 4.4, Material Design, Android wearable devices, etc. The controls are comprehensive and ready to use. It is recommended to save them for later use.
Android UI XHDPI Template (Sketch)
Android UI Design Kit 4.4 (PSD)
Android GUI Template (Sketch)
Material Design for Android (Sketch)
Android L Tablet UI Whiteframe Template (Sketch)
Android 4.2 GUI Template (Sketch)
Android L Contacts User Interface (PSD)
Android Vector Wireframing Toolkit (AI)
Android Wireframe Kit (Sketch)
Android Wireframe Screen Flow Template for Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 4 (PSD)
Android Wear GUI Elements (Firework PNG & PSD)
Android Wear Stencil (OmniGraffle)
Android Wear Smartwatches Stencil Kit (OmniGraffle)
Android 4 Black Wireframing Stencil (Omnigraffle)
Android UI Mockup Templates from GUI Toolkits
(Illustrator, Fireworks, Axure , OmniGraffle, Visio, Keynote and PowerPoint)
Android L Icon Grid System (AI)
Android L Icon Grid (PSD)
Material Design Icon Templates (AI)
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