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Blueprint CSS Framework
刚才说过了,处理浏览?的不一致性是很困难的事情。每开始一个新项目,我们都需要做一些重复的事情,比如需要将一些元素的padding和margin重置为0,设置某些元素的默认样式,定义一些通用的样式等,这些由于浏览器之间的不一致而变得复杂。有了blueprint ,你就不用再担心这些啦,blueprint已经非常完美的为你做好这些事情了。这还只是blueprint做的一小部分事情,它还定义了一些form的样式,另外它带一些插件。blueprint还是一个基于网格(grid)布局的框架。在我看到blueprint之前还不知道网格布局已经这么流行了。网格布局就是把浏览器内容区域划分一些固定的大小的网格,网页中元素的定位都向网格靠齐。blueprint默认设置网页的宽度为950像素,并它分成24个网格,每个网格宽度为30像素,每个网格之间的距离为10像素。
Sass is a programming language that outputs CSS. Yes, CSS There are also programming languages. Sass is based on the Ruby language and is part of Haml, so to install Sass you must install Haml, and of course Ruby must be installed. I don't like Haml, but I like Sass very much. Install Haml (and also Sass) with the following command. Depending on your operating system, you may need to add sudo to the command:
Ruby Code
gem install haml
Sass is an indentation-based language, let’s look at an example:
Sass code
margin: 2em 0
td. ln
text-align: rightCommand code
sass style.sass style.css
The style.css file will be output, its content is:
Css code
table.hl {
margin: 2em 0;
table.hl td.ln {Java code
text -align: center
font-weight: boldJava code
Blueprint提供了一个非常健壮的CSS框架,但是却大量使用基于表现的class名称;Sass语言提供将基于表现的class名称转化成基于语义的class名称的基础设施,但本身不带任何样式;Compass 的作用就是将两者集成到一块,结合两者的优点。Compass还支持其它CSS框架的集成,这里就不说了。Compass也是基于Ruby语言的,使用下列命令来安装:
Note that there are no blueprint-related style names above. We define a semantic-based id for each part, and then they are Define the style, open the src/screen.sass file in the project directory, and change its content to the following:
Sass code
The first few lines import Compass to provide Blue-related Sass styles, which contain many Mixins that can be used. The styles of #header and #footer directly include column Mixin. The first parameter is the bluepring_grid_columns variable defined by compass. The default is 24. The second parameter is true, which means that the element will span the last column. left-sidebar and right-sidebar occupy 1/4 of the entire page width. The variable sidebar_columns represents the column width occupied by the sidebar, which is calculated based on bluepring_grid_columns. Similarly, the width of main-content is also calculated. They all directly include column Mixin. Convert it into css and use the command directly in the project directory:
Java code
can convert the sass files in the src directory into the corresponding css. Now open the HTML file you just created and you should be able to see the normal layout of the page.
During project development, it would be too troublesome if you need to manually call the compass command every time to convert the sass file into a css file. compass provides the command
Command code
It will automatically Monitor changes to sass files in the src directory and automatically convert them into css files.