div是区块/小节 定义,浏览器显示时会自动换行。section、div、header、footer等标签通常用于页面布局。class、id可以为外部样式表预设标识
Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >HTML、XHTML、css速记_html/css_WEB-ITnose
The following content records commonly used html elements, which can be saved as html files to view the effect:
;br/>(Line break)
< / i>Bold text
Bookmark">Jump to that bookmark (location)
= "A" & gt;
& lt; li & gt; Equipment list-entry a & lt;/li & gt;
& lt; li & gt; order number b & lt;/li & gt;
🎜> dd>Item 1-1
表格标题行 | |
一行第1列 | 一行第2列 |
二行第1列 | 二行第2列 |
div是区块/小节 定义,浏览器显示时会自动换行。section、div、header、footer等标签通常用于页面布局。class、id可以为外部样式表预设标识
XHTML refers to Extensible Hypertext Markup Language; Same; XHTML is a stricter and purer version of HTML; XHTML is HTML defined in the way of XML application; XHTML is a W3C recommended standard.
Based on the above definition, it can be seen that the only difference between xhtml and ordinary html is that the format is more standardized.
For example:
Must have root element ()
Elements must be properly nested
Elements must always be closed
Elements and attributes must be lowercase
Attribute values must be in quotes and cannot be abbreviated
3. css
css (cascading style sheet) is used to modify html in separate files The content is cosmetically modified. Provides rich functions to meet a variety of visual effects. The most basic format of css is: selector {attribute: value; attribute: value;...}
For example: h1 {color: red; font-size: 10px}
body table {font-size:10px}
Summary: html/xhtml, css, and javascript are natural mvc structures, and html is the content; CSS is for display; JavaScript is for control. This is also the mainstream technology combination currently used on websites. Many front-end technology frameworks are also based on the three.